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Full Version: BREAKING: Court rules against Redskins
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Quote:When did this happen and why was it "OK" for so many years earlier, and then all of a sudden, someone decides they are offended by a team name, and then there is a controversy about said name?

Certain things used to be ok because minorities had no voice.

I'm sure you knew that, but chose to ignore it.
Quote:Not funny, and not relevant at all.

I think you and JFC need to go bowlin..
Mods, move this to "Political."

They changed from bullets to wizards and the world didn't end...
Quote:Not funny, and not relevant at all.
I thought it was funny. Thats part of the problem and maybe the biggest one. Some people's skin is thinner than paper.
What about the Ole Miss Rebels?
I hope the legal action forces the greedy ignorant bigot Daniel Snyder to change the franchise name.   If it was called a different racial slur of another minority such as African-Americans would so many people come to the owner's defense of a hatred name?   It is sad that in 2015 that even transgenders get more respect than Native Americans in our society. 

Of course a bunch of white men whom grew up wearing Redskins attire don't find it offensive.  How could they if they aren't even Native American, and the people that come out and say I'm part cherokee (first off don't say your Native American unless you are actually registered with a tribe, maybe taught and speak their language, or receive funds from the tribe).   It's similar to a person making racist comments and saying its okay i have a black friend...
While Snyder is at it should change the city name from Washington to Landover (MD)

Quote:And based on your indignation the states rights side won right? Otherwise it would be silly to complain about a fight you've already lost.

650,000 people lost their lives over it.


Is that something we really want repeated?


Regardless of the outcome, the fact remains, it was because states' rights were being violated - just like now.


The more we ignore the fact that the federal government is getting stronger while the states are getting weaker, the closer we get to an outcome none of us wants.
Quote:It's not like the entire Native American population just woke up one morning and decided that "redskin" was a racial slur. This is something that's been stewing for a long time now.

 Are there any other "team name controversies" out there right now brewing with a group wanting to change them?


I do remember when the Washington Bullets changed their name to the Washington Wizards, although bullets isn't a racial word, it just had a negative meaning because of all the random violent shootings going on around the U.S. including Washington.
Pigskins is the way to go.  You keep the "Skins" nickname, and it fits well with the hogs costumes that are associated with the team.  Additionally, you get the added bonus of adopting an iconic catchphrase into your football team, because what could be more football than a pigskin?  There's already been a mock up of certain logos that would go well with the current scheme.  


The drawback is that once they vegans win, they will have to change their name again.   :teehee:

Quote:650,000 people lost their lives over it.


Is that something we really want repeated?


Regardless of the outcome, the fact remains, it was because states' rights were being violated - just like now.


The more we ignore the fact that the federal government is getting stronger while the states are getting weaker, the closer we get to an outcome none of us wants.

You're wrong, about half of this forum wants that outcome.
"Redskin", historically, is a term coined by native americans to describe themselves.  It made a succinct way of distinguishing peoples in written or oral communications.


Through years of ignorance and re-writing history, the PC mob has bullied the rest of society into change.


It's probably time for change, as the truth isn't worth the fight.


There are better traditions worth preserving.


They really have an opportunity here to cash in with new merchandise sales.


Strike while the iron is hot and get the money.  All the money.

Quote:I say they keep the Redskins name and just change their logo to a potato.

This is the most appropriate solution.
It's banning of history, ensuring that we cannot learn from history. The University of California has banned use of the word "melting pot" because they claim it is a "trigger" for those immigrants who do not wish to assimilate. You are also not allowed to say, "I believe the most qualified person should bet the job". In Seattle, citizens can't use the word "citizen" because it might be offensive to our non-citizen friends. They also cannot use "brown bag" to describe a packed lunch.



What's happening to our country? 

PC madness and caving to a vocal minority.
Quote:It's not like the entire Native American population just woke up one morning and decided that "redskin" was a racial slur. This is something that's been stewing for a long time now.
The Native Americans who want the name gone are far outweighed by those who want to keep it. 
Quote:It's just more proof that we as a country are becoming huge cowards. Afraid of our shadows, afraid of everything.


Founding fathers are spinning in their graves right now screaming "why aren't the people starting a revolution."


Sorry George, we are too scared. 
Quote:Not funny, and not relevant at all.
Who are you to say what offends someone and what doesn't

Lol you guys are a trip.
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