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Full Version: BREAKING: Court rules against Redskins
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Quote:I didn't have to say anything. The mere fact you compared a movement that is against racism and bigotry with fascism, a movement that thrives on bigotry and that makes racism official public policy speaks volumes about your understanding of the subject at hand. There's a lot of things one can call the PC crowd, fascists is very much not one of them. 

Is that all you have to do to justify your movement / opinion? To label it an attempt at justice? To end racism, bigotry?
Quote:Is that all you have to do to justify your movement / opinion? To label it an attempt at justice? To end racism, bigotry?
It's not my movement. 
Quote:This is very much the same. The Confederacy were established humans on their land. The US army attacked them, and forced them to live by different rules. How is that any different from what the American Indians went through? The North fired the first shots in the Civil War.

The Indians lost. Time for them to suck it up and stop whining. At least the NFL isn't demanding that they desecrate their burial grounds.
Ok, here's my actual response:

Native Americans did not commit an act of treason against the United States in order to preserve an inherently racist institution. Native Americans were unwillingly forced from land they'd occupied for thousands of years by Americans with superior firepower and a self-imposed right to control the entire continent. To equate a people who were systematically violated in the name of manifest destiny with a band of traitors who objected to the idea that states don't have the right to maintain slavery is a patently ridiculous notion, and it's an insult to Native Americans. We don't need to continue apologizing to them centuries later, but it's not too much to ask that we refrain from using the Native American equivalent of the n-bomb as the name for one of the most prestigious sports clubs in the country, maybe the world.
Quote:It's not my movement.

I had a movement today..
Quote:It's not my movement. 

Then you don't agree with it?
Quote:Ok, here's my actual response:

Native Americans did not commit an act of treason against the United States in order to preserve an inherently racist institution. Native Americans were unwillingly forced from land they'd occupied for thousands of years by Americans with superior firepower and a self-imposed right to control the entire continent. To equate a people who were systematically violated in the name of manifest destiny with a band of traitors who objected to the idea that states don't have the right to maintain slavery is a patently ridiculous notion, and it's an insult to Native Americans. We don't need to continue apologizing to them centuries later, but it's not too much to ask that we refrain from using the Native American equivalent of the n-bomb as the name for one of the most prestigious sports clubs in the country, maybe the world.

Treason is a loaded word. There was nothing in the US Constitution that prohibited a state from seceding.


Amerinds held slaves, and defended their territory in order to preserve their way of life, just like the southerners.


And I have NEVER EVER heard anyone use the term redskin in a derogatory manner (unless they were referring to the football team). Not in real life and not in fiction either. Only someone desperately seeking to be offended could stretch so far as to equate that with the N-word. That's like comparing a slap on the wrist with being beaten to death.


EDIT: I stand corrected on the first shot. I had thought that Fort Sumter was under South Carolina control when it was fired on. Apparently that came later.

Quote:Then you don't agree with it?
Truthfully I don't have an opinion on this. The word redskins hold no negative or positive connotations for me, it's just a word used to distinguish one team from another. If you forced me to make a choice either way I'd change the name based on the answer to a simple hypothetical question: If Washington was an expansion team starting play this season, would they be allowed to use the name Redskins?
The term Cowboy has had derogatory meaning in the past.  Should Dallas be forced to rename their team?

Quote:And black people call each other [word] all the time, but I dare anyone to start a team called the New York/LA/Chicago [Words].

The words have two completely different histories. One has always been a slur, the other was just recently (and by recent I mean a few decades) suddenly said to be a slur.
Quote:The words have two completely different histories. One has always been a slur, the other was just recently (and by recent I mean a few decades) suddenly said to be a slur.
Redskin has been a negative term used to refer to Native Americans since well before the team started using the name. People just didn't care about using the word until the 60's when it's usage dropped off considerably. 
Quote:The term Cowboy has had derogatory meaning in the past.  Should Dallas be forced to rename their team?

I vote for The Dallas Brokebacks
Quote: Additionally, despite being European, I seem to have a better understanding of the US constitution than most Americans. 
Well then maybe you should enighten our govenment as to upholding and abiding by the constitiution since it's quite obvious that he White House has no concern for it, nor certain other government officials including state governments...Someone sure needs to do that
Quote:Well then maybe you should enighten our govenment as to upholding and abiding by the constitiution since it's quite obvious that he White House has no concern for it, nor certain other government officials including state governments...Someone sure needs to do that
No problem, right after I solve Greece's debt crisis, develop a clean, affordable, and renewable source of energy, and teach Kanye West how to be humble.
Quote:No problem, right after I solve Greece's debt crisis, develop a clean, affordable, and renewable source of energy, and teach Kanye West how to be humble.

So, Tuesday then?
Quote:So, Tuesday then?
Tuesday is booked full with team building exercises, and on Wednesday I have my bi-weekly "complain about a country I don't live in" session. Is Thursday good with you?

Quote:Tuesday is booked full with team building exercises, and on Wednesday I have my bi-weekly "complain about a country I don't live in" session. Is Thursday good with you?

Thursday doesn't work because it's Friday Eve.
Quote:Thursday doesn't work because it's Friday Eve.
I can't do it on Friday because I don't work on Friday. I mean, I'm at work on Friday and I even get paid for it, but it's not like anything is actually getting done. 
Quote:I can't do it on Friday because I don't work on Friday. I mean, I'm at work on Friday and I even get paid for it, but it's not like anything is actually getting done.

Ah the European work ethic!
Quote:No problem, right after I solve Greece's debt crisis, develop a clean, affordable, and renewable source of energy, and teach Kanye West how to be humble.
allright, as soon as you can get to it is fine...Thank You!
Quote:I can't do it on Friday because I don't work on Friday. I mean, I'm at work on Friday and I even get paid for it, but it's not like anything is actually getting done. 
I rarely work on Friday...I work 4 ten hour days and off Friday Saturday and Sunday unless I want to or need to work Friday I don't
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