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Leftists’ D.C. ‘Impeach Donald Trump’ Protests a Bust

(11-09-2019, 01:19 PM)jj82284 Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 11:44 AM)mikesez Wrote: Trump and Biden have this in common:
They both used the tools of foreign policy to interfere with Ukraine's internal affairs. They both did so proudly. They both stood in front of cameras and said what they had done.  Little attempt to hide it.

But one difference is that Biden did what he did in 2015, not 2019. Why is this significant? Well, the people defending Trump today in the House of Representatives and in the Senate were in the majority in both houses in 2015. 

And they made absolutely zero complaint about what Biden chose to do. John Kerry was in on it too, just as deep. No complaint about him either. Why? Obviously these Republicans agreed that it was the right thing to do at the time.

What could have made them change their minds about this 4 years later? If they thought that what biden did was worth " looking into" they could have looked into it right when it happened.

What?  My gosh.  So let me get this straight; because the establishment bought the Russua hoax and went along with the narrative for three years, agreed to the appointment of mueller, sat back and watched Trumps team go nearly bankrupt on legal fees, etc. we are supposed to ignore the clear evidence of wrongdoing that we now have access to and instead play "you believed me then."  How do u type this stuff?

Biden bragged in front of cameras in summer 2015.
The Steele dossier was not going to become known for another year.
Trump wasn't going to say " Russia if you're listening " for another year.
I guess you're the one with the time turner now?
My fellow southpaw Mark Brunell will probably always be my favorite Jaguar.

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(This post was last modified: 11-09-2019, 06:08 PM by jj82284.)

(11-09-2019, 02:29 PM)mikesez Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 01:19 PM)jj82284 Wrote: What?  My gosh.  So let me get this straight; because the establishment bought the Russua hoax and went along with the narrative for three years, agreed to the appointment of mueller, sat back and watched Trumps team go nearly bankrupt on legal fees, etc. we are supposed to ignore the clear evidence of wrongdoing that we now have access to and instead play "you believed me then."  How do u type this stuff?

Biden bragged in front of cameras in summer 2015.
The Steele dossier was not going to become known for another year.
Trump wasn't going to say " Russia if you're listening " for another year.
I guess you're the one with the time turner now?

Shokin was fired in 2016 not 15.  

The directives of the obama administration and the dnc to start investigating manafort date back to the escalator speech.

(This post was last modified: 11-09-2019, 06:51 PM by mikesez.)

(11-09-2019, 03:57 PM)jj82284 Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 02:29 PM)mikesez Wrote: Bro. 
Biden bragged in front of cameras in summer 2015.
The Steele dossier was not going to become known for another year.
Trump wasn't going to say " Russia if you're listening " for another year.
I guess you're the one with the time turner now?

Shokin was fired in 2016 not 15.  

The directives of the obama administration and the dnc to start investigating manafort date back to the escalator speech.

The investigation into Manafort was triggered by the Maidan revolt. yanakovich's papers that were released to the public after he ran away showed manafort receiving money that he did not pay US taxes on. That was 2014. The wheels of Justice are slow but sure.
My fellow southpaw Mark Brunell will probably always be my favorite Jaguar.

(11-09-2019, 06:49 PM)mikesez Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 03:57 PM)jj82284 Wrote: Shokin was fired in 2016 not 15.  

The directives of the obama administration and the dnc to start investigating manafort date back to the escalator speech.

The investigation into Manafort was triggered by the Maidan revolt. yanakovich's papers that were released to the public after he ran away showed manafort receiving money that he did not pay US taxes on. That was 2014. The wheels of Justice are slow but sure.

Do you even know who Chalupa is and why she targeted manafort?  Do u understand that your confirming my timeline?  Do u understand the implications of leaking  fake ledger during a campaign?  (2016) 

Let me explain how this usually works.  Prospective candidates for the presidency dont generally have access to the intel community or the DOJ (unless they are serving in the current administration.)  If the govt. Is aware of a potential problem with a member of the candidates team they are given a defensive briefing and an opportunity to remove the team member.  The DNC, whitehouse, FBI etc. didnt do that.  They used it as a predicate to launch the most expansive active investigation of a political campaign in the history of this country, including fabricating evidence, money laundering, bribery, corrupt practices, conspiracy to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens & the rest of it.  

The VP office was involved at the time.  The point person?  The whistleblower!  You look@ that laundry list of crimes and corruption and all we get from the tds never trumpers is some crap about "Giuliani said he was representing his client"  

You get a little bit of a pass because obviously you dont understand the timeline or the allegations being made, but frankly the lack of basic curiosity from the orange man bad crowd is ASTONISHING.  

Where's our billion dollars?  "But Trump made a phone call" 
Why's the DNC server in Ukraine? "But Trump made a phone call" 
Who started the Russia hoax? "But Trump made a phone call" 
Why was the prosecutor fired? "But Trump made a phone call" 
What did the whistle blower have to do with it?  "I dont know I dont know..."

It's bad enough to find this kind of logic on a message board but this is the direction of the entire Democrat Party 


(This post was last modified: 11-09-2019, 10:28 PM by mikesez.)

(11-09-2019, 08:11 PM)jj82284 Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 06:49 PM)mikesez Wrote: The investigation into Manafort was triggered by the Maidan revolt. yanakovich's papers that were released to the public after he ran away showed manafort receiving money that he did not pay US taxes on. That was 2014. The wheels of Justice are slow but sure.

Do you even know who Chalupa is and why she targeted manafort?  Do u understand that your confirming my timeline?  Do u understand the implications of leaking  fake ledger during a campaign?  (2016) 

Let me explain how this usually works.  Prospective candidates for the presidency dont generally have access to the intel community or the DOJ (unless they are serving in the current administration.)  If the govt. Is aware of a potential problem with a member of the candidates team they are given a defensive briefing and an opportunity to remove the team member.  The DNC, whitehouse, FBI etc. didnt do that.  They used it as a predicate to launch the most expansive active investigation of a political campaign in the history of this country, including fabricating evidence, money laundering, bribery, corrupt practices, conspiracy to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens & the rest of it.  

The VP office was involved at the time.  The point person?  The whistleblower!  You look@ that laundry list of crimes and corruption and all we get from the tds never trumpers is some crap about "Giuliani said he was representing his client"  

You get a little bit of a pass because obviously you dont understand the timeline or the allegations being made, but frankly the lack of basic curiosity from the orange man bad crowd is ASTONISHING.  

Where's our billion dollars?  "But Trump made a phone call" 
Why's the DNC server in Ukraine? "But Trump made a phone call" 
Who started the Russia hoax? "But Trump made a phone call" 
Why was the prosecutor fired? "But Trump made a phone call" 
What did the whistle blower have to do with it?  "I dont know I dont know..."

It's bad enough to find this kind of logic on a message board but this is the direction of the entire Democrat Party 


Was Chalupa the one who persuaded so many people close to Trump to meet with a lawyer who claimed to have a direct line to Russian spies and dirt on Hillary?  Was she the one who told him to listen in by speakerphone?

The DNC server is in Ukraine for the same reason that Mexico deliberately sends rapists across our border and the same the crowd at Trump's inauguration was the biggest in history - people have active imaginations and can imagine things so strongly that they become true in their own mind. Most people are surrounded by friends that will take our heads out of the clouds and call us on our bull, but some people have been surrounded by yes men and yes women for too long.
My fellow southpaw Mark Brunell will probably always be my favorite Jaguar.

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(11-09-2019, 01:19 PM)jj82284 Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 11:44 AM)mikesez Wrote: Trump and Biden have this in common:
They both used the tools of foreign policy to interfere with Ukraine's internal affairs. They both did so proudly. They both stood in front of cameras and said what they had done.  Little attempt to hide it.

But one difference is that Biden did what he did in 2015, not 2019. Why is this significant? Well, the people defending Trump today in the House of Representatives and in the Senate were in the majority in both houses in 2015. 

And they made absolutely zero complaint about what Biden chose to do. John Kerry was in on it too, just as deep. No complaint about him either. Why? Obviously these Republicans agreed that it was the right thing to do at the time.

What could have made them change their minds about this 4 years later? If they thought that what biden did was worth " looking into" they could have looked into it right when it happened.

What?  My gosh.  So let me get this straight; because the establishment bought the Russua hoax and went along with the narrative for three years, agreed to the appointment of mueller, sat back and watched Trumps team go nearly bankrupt on legal fees, etc. we are supposed to ignore the clear evidence of wrongdoing that we now have access to and instead play "you believed me then."  How do u type this stuff?

"Russua [sic] hoax"? You poor, sad pathetic man. Keep up the good work, Comrade. Putin is counting on you.
If something can corrupt you, you're corrupted already.
- Bob Marley

[Image: kiWL4mF.jpg]

(11-09-2019, 11:45 PM)rollerjag Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 01:19 PM)jj82284 Wrote: What?  My gosh.  So let me get this straight; because the establishment bought the Russua hoax and went along with the narrative for three years, agreed to the appointment of mueller, sat back and watched Trumps team go nearly bankrupt on legal fees, etc. we are supposed to ignore the clear evidence of wrongdoing that we now have access to and instead play "you believed me then."  How do u type this stuff?

"Russua [sic] hoax"? You poor, sad pathetic man. Keep up the good work, Comrade. Putin is counting on you.

Yes, hoax. The intentional manipulation of deep state assets to deceive the American Public that Trump and the Russians colluded to defeat HRH HRC. We all know it's not true, but they're counting on the repetition of the Big Lie to hypnotize all you TDS'rs into voting their way again. It won't work of course, no one is really dumb enough to believe the crap they've been hocking, you guys just have to pretend to be in line with party for the sake of appearances. We know that none of you are ready to vote for Bernie or Warren or Quid Pro Joe and watch the economy tank. None of you like the fact that they consider your country to be evil and broken. It's just kabuki theater on both their part and your own. No, Hillary lost on her own, and the poor feeble minded Democrats are still sitting in the street screaming at the sky.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato


(This post was last modified: 11-10-2019, 09:21 AM by jj82284.)

(11-09-2019, 10:21 PM)mikesez Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 08:11 PM)jj82284 Wrote: Do you even know who Chalupa is and why she targeted manafort?  Do u understand that your confirming my timeline?  Do u understand the implications of leaking  fake ledger during a campaign?  (2016) 

Let me explain how this usually works.  Prospective candidates for the presidency dont generally have access to the intel community or the DOJ (unless they are serving in the current administration.)  If the govt. Is aware of a potential problem with a member of the candidates team they are given a defensive briefing and an opportunity to remove the team member.  The DNC, whitehouse, FBI etc. didnt do that.  They used it as a predicate to launch the most expansive active investigation of a political campaign in the history of this country, including fabricating evidence, money laundering, bribery, corrupt practices, conspiracy to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens & the rest of it.  

The VP office was involved at the time.  The point person?  The whistleblower!  You look@ that laundry list of crimes and corruption and all we get from the tds never trumpers is some crap about "Giuliani said he was representing his client"  

You get a little bit of a pass because obviously you dont understand the timeline or the allegations being made, but frankly the lack of basic curiosity from the orange man bad crowd is ASTONISHING.  

Where's our billion dollars?  "But Trump made a phone call" 
Why's the DNC server in Ukraine? "But Trump made a phone call" 
Who started the Russia hoax? "But Trump made a phone call" 
Why was the prosecutor fired? "But Trump made a phone call" 
What did the whistle blower have to do with it?  "I dont know I dont know..."

It's bad enough to find this kind of logic on a message board but this is the direction of the entire Democrat Party 


Was Chalupa the one who persuaded so many people close to Trump to meet with a lawyer who claimed to have a direct line to Russian spies and dirt on Hillary?  Was she the one who told him to listen in by speakerphone?

No, that was the DNC through Perkins Koi & Fusion GPS.  

The DNC server is in Ukraine for the same reason that Mexico deliberately sends rapists across our border and the same the crowd at Trump's inauguration was the biggest in history - people have active imaginations and can imagine things so strongly that they become true in their own mind. Most people are surrounded by friends that will take our heads out of the clouds and call us on our bull, but some people have been surrounded by yes men and yes women for too long.

Do u even understand what crowdstrike is?  Why ask if it's not there?  Why wasnt the FBI allowed to investigate it?  Do u even understand why Ukraine is important in the run up to the 2016 election?  My gosh.   #orangemanbad.

(11-09-2019, 11:45 PM)rollerjag Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 01:19 PM)jj82284 Wrote: What?  My gosh.  So let me get this straight; because the establishment bought the Russua hoax and went along with the narrative for three years, agreed to the appointment of mueller, sat back and watched Trumps team go nearly bankrupt on legal fees, etc. we are supposed to ignore the clear evidence of wrongdoing that we now have access to and instead play "you believed me then."  How do u type this stuff?

"Russua [sic] hoax"? You poor, sad pathetic man. Keep up the good work, Comrade. Putin is counting on you.

Pathetic?  Most pro America president since Regan and we get this CRAP.  That's pathetic.  Just passed by a pump, gas was under 2.30 a gallon.  Were pressuring Europe to be less reliant on Russian natural gas & to buy from us.  Domestic military spending is @ record levels.  NATO defense spending @ RECORD LEVELS.  Yeh, that's exactly what PUTIN WANTED COMRADE!!!


(11-10-2019, 02:17 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 11:45 PM)rollerjag Wrote: "Russua [sic] hoax"? You poor, sad pathetic man. Keep up the good work, Comrade. Putin is counting on you.

Yes, hoax. The intentional manipulation of deep state assets to deceive the American Public that Trump and the Russians colluded to defeat HRH HRC. We all know it's not true, but they're counting on the repetition of the Big Lie to hypnotize all you TDS'rs into voting their way again. It won't work of course, no one is really dumb enough to believe the crap they've been hocking, you guys just have to pretend to be in line with party for the sake of appearances. We know that none of you are ready to vote for Bernie or Warren or Quid Pro Joe and watch the economy tank. None of you like the fact that they consider your country to be evil and broken. It's just kabuki theater on both their part and your own. No, Hillary lost on her own, and the poor feeble minded Democrats are still sitting in the street screaming at the sky.


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Fortunately, there will be public hearings, with both Democrats and Republicans participating, so we will hear both sides, instead of just listening to Fox News or MSNBC.

(11-10-2019, 09:26 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: Fortunately, there will be public hearings, with both Democrats and Republicans participating, so we will hear both sides, instead of just listening to Fox News or MSNBC.

Amen brother, your words to God's ear.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato


(11-10-2019, 02:37 AM)jj82284 Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 10:21 PM)mikesez Wrote: Was Chalupa the one who persuaded so many people close to Trump to meet with a lawyer who claimed to have a direct line to Russian spies and dirt on Hillary?  Was she the one who told him to listen in by speakerphone?

No, that was the DNC through Perkins Koi & Fusion GPS.  

The DNC server is in Ukraine for the same reason that Mexico deliberately sends rapists across our border and the same the crowd at Trump's inauguration was the biggest in history - people have active imaginations and can imagine things so strongly that they become true in their own mind. Most people are surrounded by friends that will take our heads out of the clouds and call us on our bull, but some people have been surrounded by yes men and yes women for too long.

Do u even understand what crowdstrike is?  Why ask if it's not there?  Why wasnt the FBI allowed to investigate it?  Do u even understand why Ukraine is important in the run up to the 2016 election?  My gosh.   #orangemanbad.

(11-09-2019, 11:45 PM)rollerjag Wrote: "Russua [sic] hoax"? You poor, sad pathetic man. Keep up the good work, Comrade. Putin is counting on you.

Pathetic?  Most pro America president since Regan and we get this CRAP.  That's pathetic.  Just passed by a pump, gas was under 2.30 a gallon.  Were pressuring Europe to be less reliant on Russian natural gas & to buy from us.  Domestic military spending is @ record levels.  NATO defense spending @ RECORD LEVELS.  Yeh, that's exactly what PUTIN WANTED COMRADE!!!


America is a net exporter of oil. America's labor rates setting records. Trump is working to remove us from foreign escapades we should've been out of years ago. He's taken hard line stances against Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran to keep American interests the priority.

And these Democrats actually want this stuff to stop. 

I just have too much respect for some of these posters here to believe that they truly in their hearts are excited about the Democrat platform of Scolding, Fleecing, and "Son of a [BLEEP]" Corruption.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato


Looks like Col. Vindman has set himself up for treason charges. He directly undermined the President in communications with his Ukrainian counterpart. His references to "bipartisan support" indicate he may have issued his own quid pro quo to the Ukranians.

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I was driving at work listening to Ben Shapiro on YouTube. Mysteriously YouTube cut his feed during the live impeachment hearings.

(This post was last modified: 11-13-2019, 01:28 PM by mikesez.)

(11-13-2019, 12:38 PM)jj82284 Wrote: I was driving at work listening to Ben Shapiro on YouTube. Mysteriously YouTube cut his feed during the live impeachment hearings.

Sounds like that's for your own good.
Might as well listen to the proceedings as they happen rather than let some pundit tell you what was said.
My fellow southpaw Mark Brunell will probably always be my favorite Jaguar.

(11-13-2019, 01:27 PM)mikesez Wrote:
(11-13-2019, 12:38 PM)jj82284 Wrote: I was driving at work listening to Ben Shapiro on YouTube. Mysteriously YouTube cut his feed during the live impeachment hearings.

Sounds like that's for your own good.
Might as well listen to the proceedings as they happen rather than let some pundit tell you what was said.

Right on comrade

So, has he been impeached yet?

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[Image: EJNsltDWoAAXZsW.jpg]

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.

(This post was last modified: 11-13-2019, 04:38 PM by HURRICANE!!!.)

.[Image: giphy.webp?cid=790b761121940172c412d6719...giphy.webp]

I thought Schiff and Jordan both made their cases pretty well. Nunes was pretty ineffective.
I wonder if the Democrats can show that Ukraine knew aid was being withheld prior to the July 25th call. I think the Democrats' accusations become less serious, but still very serious, if Ukraine did not know. It would show Trump's people to be corrupt but incompetent, which I suppose is less serious than corrupt and competent.
For their part, Republicans could show that Trump was pursuing "corruption in general" in Ukraine as they allege. The transcript that we have, which is not complete, only mentions crowdstrike and Burisma. And it only mentions Burisma in connection with Biden - not in general. If they can show that Trump's interests were actually broad, they could justify that more easily as being "national interest". But I doubt they have the evidence for that. We would have seen it by now.
My fellow southpaw Mark Brunell will probably always be my favorite Jaguar.

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