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Who is your draft crush (Sans Trevor)


(04-01-2021, 06:49 AM)Bullseye Wrote: This kinda raises a line of inquiry I've never really considered.

I'd say one of the few things this OL has going for it is continuity.  Now some may say that's pointless if the OL is bad.  But if the Ts somehow manages to raise their level of play, the OL could be a very good one.

That said, how soon would you be willing to cut the interior three?  If they represent the current strength of our OL, how long will you be willing to keep them?  Now the team asked Norwell to accept a pay cut, and his contract ends after this year.  I think had he not accepted the pay cut, he would have been cut or traded.

If we stocked up on OL this year (assume 4 for the sake or argument) and somehow hit on all the picks such that the team were confident they could be starters, when do you insert them into the lineup, thereby making the vets that currently comprise the strength of the OL expendable?

When is sacrificing experience for youth acceptable?

Would you do it piece meal-Norwell let go in 2022, Linder in 2023, Cann somewhere in between-or replace them all at once like ripping off a band aid?

Would you expect a drop off in the quality of play-even if briefly due to the lack of continuity together?

I think with a rookie starting at QB, having an experienced group of linemen playing together is valuable. I like the idea of bringing in a rookie or two to challenge the back half of the position group.

For 2021, I think the starting 5 (Cam,Norwell,Linder,Cann,Taylor) are safe.
Bartch is only one year (I think ) in. He's one that is probably safe.
Shatley is a good interior swingman, including Center, he is probably safe unless we take a top G/C propect early
Richardson is depth, but unless he turns a corner, I don't see his contract getting renewed. If we take a tackle this year, he could be leaving a year early.

Frankly I don't know if there are any other linemen worth considering on the roster. It's a young man's game, so if anyone else is there and they can't beat out a rookie, I gladly keep the rookie.

I think the strategy of replacement is going to hinge entirely on what we do in the darft. Cam's on a show-me deal, so I think if we don't see anything special out of the backups, LT should be a priority in the draft. Doesn't have to start right away, but OL are very likely to get banged up throughout a season, so expect to see them on the field at least some of the time. If we have drafted and developed guys capable of starting, I'm ok with moving on from the more expensive guys, especially if we can recoup some value in a trade.

Even if this class is tackle-heavy, I think a big fear is starting the season with rookies on the ends trying to block for TLaw. While we saw what happened with Cincy last season, the other side of the coin is equally valid - inexperience can lead to mistakes that get guys hurt. I prefer a gradual, methodical improvement of the line that doesn't sacrifice experience just to begin development that much sooner.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Who is your draft crush (Sans Trevor) - by Mikey - 04-01-2021, 09:38 AM
burt1jason - by burt1jason - 04-05-2021, 09:28 PM

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