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High school coach facing jail after he shoved student who broke wind in his face


Quote:That's pretty sad. I was a pretty good kid growing up, very rarely got in trouble. I remember one time I did something that wasn't even that bad and my parents got a call. I knew at school I had done something wrong and had hours to figure out my side of it and why it wasn't a big deal, or nah it wasn't quite as teacher said. Well, guess what? My parents weren't idiots. Even though I was a good kid, they knew better. They knew the teacher wasn't going to make stuff up or blow it out of proportion or even call when it wasn't necessary. Today's parents either don't care or are just too stupid to realize their angel did something wrong. Even if they do realize it there isn't any repercussions for their actions. " ok Johnny, time out for you" paaaalease! Really? " go to your room" you mean the place he'd be anyway playing his xbox, watching satellite tv with every imaginable channel, computer, iPod, cell phone? Oh yeah, that'll teach him.

I was picking my step son up from bartram one day when he was sick. It also happened to be senior prank day. Apparently a few students superglued a bunch of locks. This supposedly delayed school for quite some time while locksmiths came out to the rescue. Police were there as well. I saw one of these students, whom apparently was one of the few that pulled the prank, get pick up from his mom. Idk if the suspended him or what but Her reply, " all this just because of a prank?" She was upset that she had to take time out of her day and pick up her piece of crap kid for something so minor. You could tell she was more upset with the school than her kid. She didn't seem the least bit upset with her kid as a matter of fact.

You think kids pulling pranks is new? You think parents not caring about their kids is new?

Media keeps pushing this theme. The next generation is getting worse. The media also makes it seem like crime is up. If you haven't figure it out yet the media has a huge influence in how we think.


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High school coach facing jail after he shoved student who broke wind in his face - by jtmoney - 04-18-2014, 10:25 AM

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