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Trump to widow: "He knew what he signed up for."


Anyone else think Maxine Waters smokes lots of crack? She's gotta be on borrowed time, in career and life.. She needs recalled..
[Image: SaKG4.gif]

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(This post was last modified: 10-20-2017, 09:54 AM by MalabarJag.)

Here's the video from John Kelly. 

EDIT - It didn't work for me, so try this URL:


"Why should I give information to you when all you want to do is find something wrong with it?"


(10-20-2017, 09:40 AM)B2hibry Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 08:20 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: Quite possibly the dumbest statement ever.  Anyone that joins the military is taking a massive risk, they know it, and the public knows it....but for a president to call with a condolence phone call and remind the family of that is just insensitive at the time.

Again, it's the typical people here defending him no matter what.  It's just funny. 

People are mad that everything about Trump is being politicized?  Well then tell the idiot to stay off Twitter, do his job quietly, stop saying stupid things and maybe the media wont have as much to talk about.  He brings all of this onto himself.  To act like all of this is on the media is absolutely ridiculous.  While the media likes to make a story out of everything, Trump loves being the center of attention.

Correction, this IS the dumbest thing written on here so far! Trump should remain silent so the media can't bash him as easily? What? Is it too much to ignore? I'm sure the media loves it because it keeps them employed, even if they all have taken to replicating TMZ. For you and the other sheep, it is ridiculous to think you can continue to bury your heads and pretend the media is just some puzzle piece in your social justice reform, not the perpetrator. #Resist, #StayWoke What's sad is this just emboldens the hypocritical left to be even more idiotic in their attempts at the national spotlight and not for anything good. Aren't there anymore plays in the left's playbook that actually strengthens America and moves us forward or is it always going to be "look at me" or "I know you are but what am I?" You'd think the election would have been a good indicator that those plays are well, played out.

I'm not the left, I'm a staunch republican that's tired of listening to this babbling idiot embarrass himself. 

To continue and act like this is a pure media assault on Trump is pure bias on your part.  Let's not act like Trump has had any involvement in what has happened over the past 2 years and what has been said about him is the most idiotic thing ever.  He's sticking his foot in his mouth on a daily basis and there are people that will blindly support him no matter what.



(This post was last modified: 10-20-2017, 10:29 AM by TheO-LineMatters.)

(10-19-2017, 06:01 PM)Dakota Wrote: Fake news is fake

Funny how everything that criticizes trump is classified as "fake news", by the far right. Even if it uses his own quotes. I've never seen such a thin-skinned president in all my life. When you're in that kind of position of power, you'll face all kinds of criticism. Clinton faced it, Bush faced it, W. faced it, Obama faced it, etc., yet Trump will only take praise and deems everything else "fake news." It's almost like he had no clue of what this job entails. Hmmmmmm.........

(10-20-2017, 10:23 AM)UCF Knight Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 09:40 AM)B2hibry Wrote: Correction, this IS the dumbest thing written on here so far! Trump should remain silent so the media can't bash him as easily? What? Is it too much to ignore? I'm sure the media loves it because it keeps them employed, even if they all have taken to replicating TMZ. For you and the other sheep, it is ridiculous to think you can continue to bury your heads and pretend the media is just some puzzle piece in your social justice reform, not the perpetrator. #Resist, #StayWoke What's sad is this just emboldens the hypocritical left to be even more idiotic in their attempts at the national spotlight and not for anything good. Aren't there anymore plays in the left's playbook that actually strengthens America and moves us forward or is it always going to be "look at me" or "I know you are but what am I?" You'd think the election would have been a good indicator that those plays are well, played out.

I'm not the left, I'm a staunch republican that's tired of listening to this babbling idiot embarrass himself. 

To continue and act like this is a pure media assault on Trump is pure bias on your part.  Let's not act like Trump has had any involvement in what has happened over the past 2 years and what has been said about him is the most idiotic thing ever.  He's sticking his foot in his mouth on a daily basis and there are people that will blindly support him no matter what.


(10-20-2017, 07:10 AM)The Drifter Wrote: Since someone has to tell the truth..........

Trump: Media 'going crazy' with Wilson's 'total lie' about phone call

Yeah, because everything from Fox News is completely factual and unbiased.

[Image: tenor.gif]


(10-20-2017, 09:53 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: Here's the video from John Kelly. 

EDIT - It didn't work for me, so try this URL:

Wish he was president.



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(10-20-2017, 09:10 AM)TJBender Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 08:56 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: Soooooooo fake news?

"Fake news". The far right's code word for anything they disagree with.

Or anything that simply isn't true.


(10-20-2017, 10:33 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 09:10 AM)TJBender Wrote: "Fake news". The far right's code word for anything they disagree with.

Or anything that simply isn't true.

According to the far right.


Apparently, it only takes rebuttal from the accused for an accusation to be "proven" false, and if that doesn't take, it's fake news.

Welcome to 1984.
If something can corrupt you, you're corrupted already.
- Bob Marley

[Image: kiWL4mF.jpg]

(This post was last modified: 10-20-2017, 11:50 AM by JagNGeorgia.)

(10-20-2017, 10:32 AM)UCF Knight Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 09:53 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: Here's the video from John Kelly. 

EDIT - It didn't work for me, so try this URL:

Wish he was president.

He just said that someone told him almost exactly what Trump is believed to say to La David’s widow. Do you have a problem with what was told to him?

(10-20-2017, 11:07 AM)rollerjag Wrote: Apparently, it only takes rebuttal from the accused for an accusation to be "proven" false, and if that doesn't take, it's fake news.

Welcome to 1984.

Apparently, it only takes an accusation from a liar for an accusation to be “proven” true. 

Do you not typically believe the accuser has the burden to prove her statements, or is that too much to ask? It seems like these types of comments are fairly common when addressing the family of the deceased.

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(This post was last modified: 10-20-2017, 11:56 AM by jradMITEX.)

All this politicization started with Trump bragging that he personally called fallen soldiers families when his predecessors didnt. He made it front and center and into the public discourse. This was in fact not true. Other presidents did call. Now I don't think it was completely right for the congresswomen to put on blast the contents of the conversation, but it wasn't completely wrong either, Trump says " I am so awesome I make these phone calls when the other guys didn't", congresswoman retorts no you're not I heard one of these calls and you're not very good at it. Now we will never know if this would have been disclosed had Trump not made a point of patting himself on the back about this a few days before, but he definitely started the politicization of this. You have to look at the situation, 4 soldiers get killed by Isis in some god forsaken country Niger, which can't be spun in a positive way or in the typical Trump narrative that he is the greatest human to walk the face of the planet, so being Trump there is a radio silence about this for weeks, so when the questions persists he grabs on to something to make himself look better and deflect any real or perceived criticism.

You gotta see Trump for Trump he just spouts off has no filter and is completely obsessed with himself. Outlets interview families who he called, its generally positive responses, but there were a few strange ones like the guy he promised to give 25K to out of his personal account, which didn't happen of course, or one where the guy tells him he voted for him and Trump proceeds to talk to the guy another 15 minutes ingratiating himself.

Other things of note on this, General Kelly wouldn't be the one to receive the phone call, it will be his son's widow. Also the congresswoman had a prior relationship with the deceased soldier so she was traveling with the family to meet the casket.

Now I agree with some that this is one of those stupid stories that has no business being front and center, but it was Trump who had a big part in making it that way by bragging and misrepresenting what previous guys had done. Like it or hate it, no matter how absurd ridiculous or off topic, anything any president says will be news. That is what a lot of Trump supporters fail to realize when they say hey don't listen to what he says just pay attention to what he does. Presidents' words matter, they have large effects and not just because of the media coverage.

Trump has shown to be unable to show empathy on many occasions so its not anything really surprising or unexpected. This is the guy who showed up in Houston after Harvey and remarked about what a great turnout it was to see him speak. Its always about him.


(10-20-2017, 11:43 AM)JagNGeorgia Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 10:32 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: Wish he was president.

He just said that someone told him almost exactly what Trump is believed to say to La David’s widow. Do you have a problem with what was told to him?

(10-20-2017, 11:07 AM)rollerjag Wrote: Apparently, it only takes rebuttal from the accused for an accusation to be "proven" false, and if that doesn't take, it's fake news.

Welcome to 1984.

Apparently, it only takes an accusation from a liar for an accusation to be “proven” true. 

Do you not typically believe the accuser has the burden to prove her statements, or is that too much to ask?

As was stated earlier in this thread, I don't need more proof that Trump is an insensitive cretin. The Congresswoman reported what she heard, a better man would take the high road and let it go, but he can't, because he's not a better man.
If something can corrupt you, you're corrupted already.
- Bob Marley

[Image: kiWL4mF.jpg]


This entire situation is just an unfortunate mess. You have a clueless president who constantly stumbles over his words, offering what should be condolences to the family of a fallen hero, but no matter what he says, it's gonna come across insincere, since he is a draft dodger. Then, on the other side, you have a congresswoman with an agenda, who jumps at the chance to publicize a phone call that should have remained private. Remember, this whole situation started because a soldier died. Somewhere along the line, that got lost. Trump should've never made the call and the congresswoman should have never publicized it.


Trump may have been taken out of context or simply just gooned it. Frederica Wilson is a cretin in a stupid cowboy hat who is politicizing the death of serviceman for attention points.

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(10-20-2017, 01:20 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: Trump may have been taken out of context or simply just gooned it. Frederica Wilson is a cretin in a stupid cowboy hat who is politicizing the death of serviceman for attention points.

THIS ^^^^
[Image: review.jpg]


(10-20-2017, 12:40 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: Trump should've never made the call 

This is wrong. He's the CIC, it's part of his duties to offer condolences.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato


(This post was last modified: 10-20-2017, 02:30 PM by The Real Marty.)

(10-20-2017, 10:32 AM)UCF Knight Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 09:53 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: Here's the video from John Kelly. 

EDIT - It didn't work for me, so try this URL:

Wish he was president.

I think John Kelly would be a really solid President and I think the whole country would be proud to have such a guy in that office.  I'd vote for him right now.

(10-20-2017, 01:20 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: Trump may have been taken out of context or simply just gooned it. Frederica Wilson is a cretin in a stupid cowboy hat who is politicizing the death of serviceman for attention points.

Yeah, I pretty much agree with that, too.


Now Gen. Kelly is a racist and a liar. Poo flinging is getting old.
[Image: Ben-Roethlisberger_Lerentee-McCary-Sack_...ayoffs.jpg]

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Really these soldiers died for the sake of freedom and for the sake of protection in the call of duty.
Ready for Autumn September Winds!!


“I am so sorry to hear about the whole situation. What a horrible thing, except that he’s an unbelievable hero,” Trump told her in the call about her husband Army Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar, which The Washington Post released.

What an absolute scum bag this guy is.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato


(10-20-2017, 02:27 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote:
(10-20-2017, 12:40 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: Trump should've never made the call 

This is wrong. He's the CIC, it's part of his duties to offer condolences.

If I was the parent of a fallen soldier, the last thing I would want is condolences from a draft dodger who didn't even know them.

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