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This crap is why I don't want an EV


(12-12-2021, 04:15 AM)captivating Wrote:
(12-11-2021, 09:33 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: My husband's car has a lot of components that are electrical in nature and when one goes down it causes a chain reaction that gets expensive to fix. If components can do this in a non-EV then what happens in an EV? Tesla had a software glitch not too long ago that make a bunch of cars unable to start. No, I want no part of any of it. 

My truck doesn't need a module to string two batteries together to run everything. Hell it doesn't need two batteries. I prefer straightforward to complicated. If I can't work on it I don't want it.

Strange thing to say when you are posting online using either a computer or smart phone.

Stop being obtuse. A cellphone, tablet and computer are not even on the same level as a vehicle.

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(12-12-2021, 09:16 AM)EricC85 Wrote: Chevy is the problem not the electronics. Seriously GM sedan and coupes in the last 10 years are some of the worse designed, engineered and assembled automobiles since the 2000-2004 Chrysler Sebring. GM primary problem is isolated to the vehicles with the pcm mounted on the battery those modules fail all the time.

That said the battery itself is just a normal flooded battery and the auxiliary battery is a little pricey just because it’s not a common battery size.

Best thing you can do short of doing it yourself is always get a 2nd opinion on repairs. I had a lady yesterday come to me for a second opinion and I confirmed what the first shop told her was corrrect. I then got to offer my services a discount to earn her business, my normal prices where’s about the same as the first shop. But guess what it’s December and I want the job today so I gave her a discount to earn the work.

Use competition to shop price on everything, otherwise your paying full price which might be a fair price but it’s not the best price you can pay.

We're in a small town with not many choices anyway and the lack of employees since 2020s damage has made it even more difficult. Some small operations have had to close completely because they don't have enough employees which leads to not enough business to pay the ones still there plus overhead costs. Those that are still open have crazy wait times because everyone is being funneled to them. The dealerships are doing just fine because those of us who can't wait have to use them and we definitely pay for it. I'm thankful for emergency savings. 

I can tell you that we will never buy another vehicle with autostart and dual batteries and all that crap.

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