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Another Loser --- Kari Lake


I did a little googling, and got punched the eye from my wife.. neighbor was out in some short shorts earlier..

Anyway, found this

The top search is a PDF file that I can't link to.. It's a document from a lawyer saying that voting ID by finger or thumb print is a violation of civil rights.. How?!?!
[Image: SaKG4.gif]

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(11-17-2022, 03:08 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: I thought about starting a separate thread about ways to ensure clean elections with good turnout but figured it would devolve into another fruitless discussion. I was thinking something similar, Winger. Would love to give everyone a free ID that is associated with a phone number and fingerprint (licenses would use the same ID, but maybe be a different color). There's no such thing as privacy anymore, so I'd rather utilize this for election security.

All voting requires two step verification. When a person goes to vote, they have their fingerprint scanned and are assigned a ballot with a security code. They then fill out their form and submit it to an offline machine. The machine gives a barcode that can be scanned by your phone, confirming your ballot number and voting choices. Anyone can request a mail-in ballot, but they must be dropped off at a UPS, FedEx, and USPS places where your fingerprint is scanned and ID checked. The only exception are people who are not able, either due to unavailability of service or disability. They can request an absentee ballot and that needs to be done in advance. All mailed ballots need to be postmarked by the day of the election. The day after the election, users receive a text or email showing who they voted for and attached is their secure ballot number as confirmation they voted.

All code needs to be open-sourced and agreed upon 3 months prior to elections, where it will be locked. At the end of each day or prior to a day's elections, public interest groups can request a check of the machine's code to verify it's intact.

Other than that, 10-day voting period with a 3-day holiday in which an employer HAS to give you one of the three days off. All ballots are shipped to a place to be hand counted by representatives of all parties, and since no names are on the ballots, there are no privacy concerns. The ballots need to be within a margin of error of the election totals or there is an investigation. Criminal offenders are heavily punished.

I mean, that's my first take at it. Welcome to suggestions.

I would add to this that if you are voting via mail in ballot in any form, that the date of postmark needs to be the Thursday before the actual Tuesday that in-person voting occurs. This way you can eliminate much of that delay in vote counting that causes distrust in so many. And signatures must be banned entirely. Many of us might agree that signing your name is an obsolete method of verification whose time has passed. Personally, my signature looks completely different now than it did when I registered to vote in Duval County. So where is the value?
"Remember Red, Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."  - Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption


(11-17-2022, 03:34 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 03:08 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: I thought about starting a separate thread about ways to ensure clean elections with good turnout but figured it would devolve into another fruitless discussion. I was thinking something similar, Winger. Would love to give everyone a free ID that is associated with a phone number and fingerprint (licenses would use the same ID, but maybe be a different color). There's no such thing as privacy anymore, so I'd rather utilize this for election security.

All voting requires two step verification. When a person goes to vote, they have their fingerprint scanned and are assigned a ballot with a security code. They then fill out their form and submit it to an offline machine. The machine gives a barcode that can be scanned by your phone, confirming your ballot number and voting choices. Anyone can request a mail-in ballot, but they must be dropped off at a UPS, FedEx, and USPS places where your fingerprint is scanned and ID checked. The only exception are people who are not able, either due to unavailability of service or disability. They can request an absentee ballot and that needs to be done in advance. All mailed ballots need to be postmarked by the day of the election. The day after the election, users receive a text or email showing who they voted for and attached is their secure ballot number as confirmation they voted.

All code needs to be open-sourced and agreed upon 3 months prior to elections, where it will be locked. At the end of each day or prior to a day's elections, public interest groups can request a check of the machine's code to verify it's intact.

Other than that, 10-day voting period with a 3-day holiday in which an employer HAS to give you one of the three days off. All ballots are shipped to a place to be hand counted by representatives of all parties, and since no names are on the ballots, there are no privacy concerns. The ballots need to be within a margin of error of the election totals or there is an investigation. Criminal offenders are heavily punished.

I mean, that's my first take at it. Welcome to suggestions.

I would add to this that if you are voting via mail in ballot in any form, that the date of postmark needs to be the Thursday before the actual Tuesday that in-person voting occurs.  This way you can eliminate much of that delay in vote counting that causes distrust in so many.  And signatures must be banned entirely. Many of us might agree that signing your name is an obsolete method of verification whose time has passed.  Personally, my signature looks completely different now than it did when I registered to vote in Duval County.  So where is the value?

Great point.. I got questioned on my signature when I voted, since I lost feeling in a few of my fingers, my signature on file didn't match my current one..
[Image: SaKG4.gif]


(11-17-2022, 03:42 PM)WingerDinger Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 03:34 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: I would add to this that if you are voting via mail in ballot in any form, that the date of postmark needs to be the Thursday before the actual Tuesday that in-person voting occurs.  This way you can eliminate much of that delay in vote counting that causes distrust in so many.  And signatures must be banned entirely. Many of us might agree that signing your name is an obsolete method of verification whose time has passed.  Personally, my signature looks completely different now than it did when I registered to vote in Duval County.  So where is the value?

Great point.. I got questioned on my signature when I voted, since I lost feeling in a few of my fingers, my signature on file didn't match my current one..

They were a little concerned mine was in crayon and the b was written backwards. After I talked to them on the phone, they said they "understand now", whatever that means.


(11-17-2022, 05:08 PM)homebiscuit Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 03:42 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: Great point.. I got questioned on my signature when I voted, since I lost feeling in a few of my fingers, my signature on file didn't match my current one..

They were a little concerned mine was in crayon and the b was written backwards. After I talked to them on the phone, they said they "understand now", whatever that means.

Wow!   They really are thorough.   I thought your profile picture alone would have been sufficient.
When you get into the endzone, act like you've been there before.

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(11-17-2022, 03:08 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: I thought about starting a separate thread about ways to ensure clean elections with good turnout but figured it would devolve into another fruitless discussion. I was thinking something similar, Winger. Would love to give everyone a free ID that is associated with a phone number and fingerprint (licenses would use the same ID, but maybe be a different color). There's no such thing as privacy anymore, so I'd rather utilize this for election security.

All voting requires two step verification. When a person goes to vote, they have their fingerprint scanned and are assigned a ballot with a security code. They then fill out their form and submit it to an offline machine. The machine gives a barcode that can be scanned by your phone, confirming your ballot number and voting choices. Anyone can request a mail-in ballot, but they must be dropped off at a UPS, FedEx, and USPS places where your fingerprint is scanned and ID checked. The only exception are people who are not able, either due to unavailability of service or disability. They can request an absentee ballot and that needs to be done in advance. All mailed ballots need to be postmarked by the day of the election. The day after the election, users receive a text or email showing who they voted for and attached is their secure ballot number as confirmation they voted.

All code needs to be open-sourced and agreed upon 3 months prior to elections, where it will be locked. At the end of each day or prior to a day's elections, public interest groups can request a check of the machine's code to verify it's intact.

Other than that, 10-day voting period with a 3-day holiday in which an employer HAS to give you one of the three days off. All ballots are shipped to a place to be hand counted by representatives of all parties, and since no names are on the ballots, there are no privacy concerns. The ballots need to be within a margin of error of the election totals or there is an investigation. Criminal offenders are heavily punished.

I mean, that's my first take at it. Welcome to suggestions.

Makes sense, one challenge.  

If there's a record who you voted for, that's essentially why unions want card check.  BLM thugs show up to your house to start a "conversation."

I think we have to concede some early voting in exchange for voter I'd.


(11-17-2022, 01:29 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 11:53 AM)KingIngram052787 Wrote: I tend to agree with some of what you say here.  I used to be an auditor at a Big 4 public accounting firm, and in order to do the audits of these companies, our firms had to be independent in both fact and in appearance.  It's the appearance piece here you are referring to.

We should be taking steps so that there are absolutely no doubts about our elections, even by true nut jobs/radicals.  Things shouldn't even look funny, every "i" should be dotted and every "t" crossed because it's that important that EVERYONE agree on our elections.

If we had to do it for the capital markets, surely we should have to do it for our elections, no?

Yes. Exactly. This guy gets it. And it's IMPORTANT. Like... there needs to be public ire. Nothing will change without it. 

Also, Mikey... preponderance of evidence is not the same thing as evidence. It's basically just cause and effect reasoning that uses circumstantial evidence to arrive at a conclusion. 

If I go to trial and I have a picture of my red car the evening before you borrowed it with no dent, and a picture of my car the next morning and it's got a huge dent in it. And I can also present witnesses that you were drinking and drove it home. Then I can show swerve marks going through my yard and red paint on my mailbox... NONE of that proves YOU actually made the dent in my car or ran over my mailbox. In a criminal case, this probably wouldn't be sufficient EVIDENCE. However, in a civil case, that evidence could be sufficient enough for a jury to feel 51% confident that you actually did cause the damage. That's called preponderance of evidence. I think there is enough of it to justify suspicions of election fraud, and, at the very least, the appearance of impropriety. 

This can NOT be acceptable to the American public.

The fact that I borrowed your car and it had a dent after but not before is evidence.  You don't have evidence of that quality, let alone a preponderance of it.
My fellow southpaw Mark Brunell will probably always be my favorite Jaguar.


(11-17-2022, 06:41 PM)jj82284 Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 03:08 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: I thought about starting a separate thread about ways to ensure clean elections with good turnout but figured it would devolve into another fruitless discussion. I was thinking something similar, Winger. Would love to give everyone a free ID that is associated with a phone number and fingerprint (licenses would use the same ID, but maybe be a different color). There's no such thing as privacy anymore, so I'd rather utilize this for election security.

All voting requires two step verification. When a person goes to vote, they have their fingerprint scanned and are assigned a ballot with a security code. They then fill out their form and submit it to an offline machine. The machine gives a barcode that can be scanned by your phone, confirming your ballot number and voting choices. Anyone can request a mail-in ballot, but they must be dropped off at a UPS, FedEx, and USPS places where your fingerprint is scanned and ID checked. The only exception are people who are not able, either due to unavailability of service or disability. They can request an absentee ballot and that needs to be done in advance. All mailed ballots need to be postmarked by the day of the election. The day after the election, users receive a text or email showing who they voted for and attached is their secure ballot number as confirmation they voted.

All code needs to be open-sourced and agreed upon 3 months prior to elections, where it will be locked. At the end of each day or prior to a day's elections, public interest groups can request a check of the machine's code to verify it's intact.

Other than that, 10-day voting period with a 3-day holiday in which an employer HAS to give you one of the three days off. All ballots are shipped to a place to be hand counted by representatives of all parties, and since no names are on the ballots, there are no privacy concerns. The ballots need to be within a margin of error of the election totals or there is an investigation. Criminal offenders are heavily punished.

I mean, that's my first take at it. Welcome to suggestions.

Makes sense, one challenge.  

If there's a record who you voted for, that's essentially why unions want card check.  BLM thugs show up to your house to start a "conversation."

I think we have to concede some early voting in exchange for voter I'd.

How would they get the record? I was suggesting an automated message. No one should be able to see it. 30-day early voting, then? I still think we need a national holiday for it. I bet we could really garner support for that.

(11-17-2022, 07:04 PM)mikesez Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 01:29 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: Yes. Exactly. This guy gets it. And it's IMPORTANT. Like... there needs to be public ire. Nothing will change without it. 

Also, Mikey... preponderance of evidence is not the same thing as evidence. It's basically just cause and effect reasoning that uses circumstantial evidence to arrive at a conclusion. 

If I go to trial and I have a picture of my red car the evening before you borrowed it with no dent, and a picture of my car the next morning and it's got a huge dent in it. And I can also present witnesses that you were drinking and drove it home. Then I can show swerve marks going through my yard and red paint on my mailbox... NONE of that proves YOU actually made the dent in my car or ran over my mailbox. In a criminal case, this probably wouldn't be sufficient EVIDENCE. However, in a civil case, that evidence could be sufficient enough for a jury to feel 51% confident that you actually did cause the damage. That's called preponderance of evidence. I think there is enough of it to justify suspicions of election fraud, and, at the very least, the appearance of impropriety. 

This can NOT be acceptable to the American public.

The fact that I borrowed your car and it had a dent after but not before is evidence.  You don't have evidence of that quality, let alone a preponderance of it.

You don't know what you're talking about.


My bad, misread your statement. Preponderance of evidence is subjective. It's not definitive, which is why it isn't used in criminal cases. There is evidence that suggests foul play. You choose not to acknowledge it. A different jury pool might find it sufficient.

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(11-17-2022, 11:53 AM)KingIngram052787 Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 09:52 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: No [BLEEP]. We've had this conversation before. It's called a preponderance of evidence and the appearance of impropriety. Of course, we don't have evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. Nobody is saying that. If we did, people would already be in jail (lol, jk). 

Democrats used Covid to push a narrative that we needed mail-in voting, the least historically secure method of voting. Since then, most of our swing states went hard blue in heavily populated counties, while almost every other state in the country swung right, even the blue ones. It's not a coincidence. 

You can explain away the statistical anomalies all you want of which there are many, all in favor of the same party, all only in toss up or swing elections. Whether or not it's cheating (it is), this is a bad system that is making voters feel disenfranchised, and you don't care. Don't get me wrong, you'd care if the full weight of the media was telling you to care. Unfortunately, the media is lying to you. They are shills who don't report news. They report propaganda. The moderates in this country need to stop being so [BLEEP] obtuse.

I tend to agree with some of what you say here.  I used to be an auditor at a Big 4 public accounting firm, and in order to do the audits of these companies, our firms had to be independent in both fact and in appearance.  It's the appearance piece here you are referring to.

We should be taking steps so that there are absolutely no doubts about our elections, even by true nut jobs/radicals.  Things shouldn't even look funny, every "i" should be dotted and every "t" crossed because it's that important that EVERYONE agree on our elections.

If we had to do it for the capital markets, surely we should have to do it for our elections, no?
Well said.  +1
Original Season Ticket Holder - Retired  1995 - 2020

At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening.



(11-17-2022, 03:34 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: I would add to this that if you are voting via mail in ballot in any form, that the date of postmark needs to be the Thursday before the actual Tuesday that in-person voting occurs. This way you can eliminate much of that delay in vote counting that causes distrust in so many. And signatures must be banned entirely. Many of us might agree that signing your name is an obsolete method of verification whose time has passed. Personally, my signature looks completely different now than it did when I registered to vote in Duval County. So where is the value?

Mail-in voting shouldn't exist but if it does, then all ballots need to be notarized and stamped. Everything then has to be dropped off the day before voting starts. Drop boxes should have boxes that can't be accessed once they are removed. Custody should be established and ensure no one touches them until counting.

Voter rolls have to be cleaned. I would also make it required to request a mail in ballot in person with ID verification. Fixing the voter rolls stops a lot of the cheating as they can't create ballots.

Serial numbers and all ballot images available immediately before certification. This one is a little tricky as I don't want them to be able to track images to voters but there has to be a way to ensure your vote wasn't changed and the counts match. Same thing with adjudication and notifying people to view their ballot to ensure it wasn't changed.

Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk


So this time looks like the Republicans have a different legal strategy. It's hard to prove large enough cheating that can force a judge to do something unless you can actually look at the machines and data. This time they seem to be focusing on all the disenfranchisement of the voters. They know there was cheating but they don't need to mention it yet.

2 counties are now withholding certification until they can view the testing and certification of the machines that may not exist. The AG is also demanding answers to all the issues that are over 50% of Maricopa county being impacted.

If they have an honest judge or the AG does something this time, they should be having a new vote in person election only soon.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk


Republicans have no one to blame but themselves. I get conservatism. The US made a pretty solid government. Even still, they have got to stop being so freaking reactive. You aren't going to beat people who have 100-year plans.

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(11-17-2022, 05:08 PM)homebiscuit Wrote:
(11-17-2022, 03:42 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: Great point.. I got questioned on my signature when I voted, since I lost feeling in a few of my fingers, my signature on file didn't match my current one..

They were a little concerned mine was in crayon and the b was written backwards. After I talked to them on the phone, they said they "understand now", whatever that means.

I voted 12x during the mid-terms and never once did anyone question my signatures.

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