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UPS Fires 250 Workers For Participating In Protest


It is possible to recognize the workers' responsibility for their dismissal while admiring their courage and loyalty to their co-worker.

If something can corrupt you, you're corrupted already.
- Bob Marley

[Image: kiWL4mF.jpg]

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Quote:It is possible to recognize the workers' responsibility for their dismissal while admiring their courage and loyalty to their co-worker.
What a silly, European attitude to take towards this whole ordeal.

(This post was last modified: 04-08-2014, 05:36 PM by Ringo.)

Quote:I don't fault anyone for trying to take a stand on a job. I also don't fault anyone for applying for said vacancy. They made a play it didn't work out, they hold no right to take that job hostage.

My Grandmother had to cross picket lines when she first came here from Canada, she didn't have the ability to walk away during a strike. My dad remembers her coming home with broken windows in the car and stains on her clothes from ink they threw at her.

When it goes from "taking a stand together for better ____ " to intimidation and violence against others that are just going to work, you stop being a union and become a group of useless thugs.
She HAD to cross a picket line? What she also did was weaken the bargaining chip the workers had. But before I assume too much, I just don't know why she HAD to cross and not have ability to walk away? Canada has more favorable labor laws and unions are fairly common in many areas. Not knowing what crossing a picket line could mean was naive. I don't condone the violence, but what alternatives are there? Boo? Hiss?

Just going to work? Didn't the strikers work there too? Her co workers? Friends? Did they not lean on each other? Depend on one another?

Just wondering.

You say you don't fault them for filling said vacancies. They are not vacancies, until there's a final resolution. Crossing a picket line is not filling a vacancy.

Remember replacement refs? Players?
Blakes Life Matters


Quote:It is possible to recognize the workers' responsibility for their dismissal while admiring their courage and loyalty to their co-worker.

Something that lived in the past in 'Merica for many. Now it's, yay, job openings. Tough for them, yay for me.

And that's the way it is. Cronkite.
Blakes Life Matters


Quote:She HAD to cross a picket line? What she also did was weaken the bargaining chip the workers had. But before I assume too much, I just don't know why she HAD to cross and not have ability to walk away? Canada has more favorable labor laws and unions are fairly common in many areas. Not knowing what crossing a picket line could mean was naive. I don't condone the violence, but what alternatives are there? Boo? Hiss?

Just going to work? Didn't the strikers work there too? Her co workers? Friends? Did they not lean on each other? Depend on one another?

Just wondering.

You say you don't fault them for filling said vacancies. They are not vacancies, until there's a final resolution. Crossing a picket line is not filling a vacancy.

Remember replacement refs? Players?

No a first generation immigrant family did not have the luxury of missing a pay check to protest grievances, so yea she had to cross the line and go to work. She wasn't a member of the union.


regardless of someone being a union member or not, when you go from taking a stand to taking action against others because they don't stand with you (for whatever reason), you've become a mob not organized labor.


the people applying for jobs at UPS are not crossing picket lines, they're filling vacancies. The workers attempted to stage a protest and it didn't work, they hold no rights over that job.

[Image: 5_RdfH.gif]

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Quote:It is possible to recognize the workers' responsibility for their dismissal while admiring their courage and loyalty to their co-worker.

I agree 100% I admire they're togetherness, and understand their dismissal.

[Image: 5_RdfH.gif]


Quote:No. Just popular opinion.

Then, we discuss how many times a guy gets kicked off a message board. Could it be " clown posts?"

Anyway. Jersey Boy. There may 250 job openings across the bridge. You were looking for work here on this message board. There ya go. I'm sure you're in line now applying. Let us know. It's a good paying job. Maybe you finally get out of mom n dads basement.
Quote:Some of you seemed to like the firing and creation of job openings. It is possible the company was in violation of due process in the discharge procedure. 

As RJ said it, There must be something going on in order for that many to just walk off...knowing there could be consequences.

Then there are those that cant relate to an " all for one" attitude and have just a " one, and thats me" attitude. Some have nads to stick together and take chances. Some are too timid. 

Some saw this as funny. Good for them. New job openings at someone elses expense. Got called out on it, and displayed your true nature and personality. 

Schadenfreude over someones misfortunes isnt my cuppa tea. But, thats what makes us all individuals.

Good luck in landing one of those jobs. 250 of them, that pay dang good, so I'm sure you're in line.
Are you including yourself in the ones that "displayed your true nature and personality"?

Not trying to be a smart [BAD WORD REMOVED] about it or anything, I'm honestly curious.
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is agoin' on here???


Quote:   Are you including yourself in the ones that "displayed your true nature and personality"?

Not trying to be a smart [BAD WORD REMOVED] about it or anything, I'm honestly curious.
I can ask the same question of you.Do you not care about people who lose work because it opens up an opportunity for you? Or someones loss is your gain? Sometimes the true nature of a person does come out, especially when hidden behind a keyboard. That goes for anyone on here. So psycho analyzing my true nature over a few posts on a message board is really reaching, because I dont think you are the type I mentioned above; just over a random post. But yes, I believe in a lot of what I've posted, some was just firing back at stuff. 

Blakes Life Matters


Walking off on the job is walking off on the job, regardless on how you look at it.. I actually commend UPS for firing the individuals. Insubordination shouldn't be tolorated in any successful business setting. You're there to work and make money to put food on the table and pay your bills, not voice your opinion..
[Image: SaKG4.gif]

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Quote:Walking off on the job is walking off on the job, regardless on how you look at it.. I actually commend UPS for firing the individuals. Insubordination shouldn't be tolorated in any successful business setting. You're there to work and make money to put food on the table and pay your bills, not voice your opinion..

Your corporate masters appreciate your attitude. Now get back to work, you're only halfway through your 18 hour day.

If something can corrupt you, you're corrupted already.
- Bob Marley

[Image: kiWL4mF.jpg]


Quote:Your corporate masters appreciate your attitude. Now get back to work, you're only halfway through your 18 hour day.

Meanwhile, my bills are paid and my family isn't going to go hungry because of my insubordination..
[Image: SaKG4.gif]


Quote:I can ask the same question of you.Do you not care about people who lose work because it opens up an opportunity for you? Or someones loss is your gain? Sometimes the true nature of a person does come out, especially when hidden behind a keyboard. That goes for anyone on here. So psycho analyzing my true nature over a few posts on a message board is really reaching, because I dont think you are the type I mentioned above; just over a random post. But yes, I believe in a lot of what I've posted, some was just firing back at stuff.

I wasn't trying to psycho analyze you, I was just wondering if you realized you were being bothered by something you so obviously did yourself.

Yes, I feel bad for the people that are out of work, but these people did not "lose" their jobs...they willingly gave them up. Right reasons, wrong reasons, for whatever reasons...these people walked away from their jobs when they knew they weren't allowed to do so.
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is agoin' on here???


Quote:Meanwhile, my bills are paid and my family isn't going to go hungry because of my insubordination..
Yet. Since you only worry about yourself, dont be surprised when theres no one there for you when it happens. But thats fine for you obviously, so thats all that matters, whats fine for you. 

Some here remind me of that scene in Animal House...Thank You Sir, May I have another.

Another note..if the company violated the discharged employees rights, and did not go through proper protocol, there may not have been any insubordination. Just a bunch of guys sticking up for each other. I know of labor contracts where the company can fire a job steward without a meeting with the local union. IF they did so without doing this and IF thats in their rules, it can lead to action taken by the workers. So before anyone jumps to conclusions and gets in line for new available jobs, perhaps get a grip on the situation.

Some see it as insubordination and deserve to be fired; others see it as taking a stand and circling the wagons. There are individuals and then there are team players. The NAVY SEALS preach team and they are what I can respect. They do for one another. On the other side, a suicide bomber is an individual. Both can get the same results, however. Some prefer golf, as being only worried about yourself; others prefer the values of team play and rely on each other, like football.

Preferences and priorities. Everyone has them.

Blakes Life Matters

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Quote:Yet. Since you only worry about yourself, dont be surprised when theres no one there for you when it happens. But thats fine for you obviously, so thats all that matters, whats fine for you. 

Some here remind me of that scene in Animal House...Thank You Sir, May I have another.

Another note..if the company violated the discharged employees rights, and did not go through proper protocol, there may not have been any insubordination. Just a bunch of guys sticking up for each other. I know of labor contracts where the company can fire a job steward without a meeting with the local union. IF they did so without doing this and IF thats in their rules, it can lead to action taken by the workers. So before anyone jumps to conclusions and gets in line for new available jobs, perhaps get a grip on the situation.

Some see it as insubordination and deserve to be fired; others see it as taking a stand and circling the wagons. There are individuals and then there are team players. The NAVY SEALS preach team and they are what I can respect. They do for one another. On the other side, a suicide bomber is an individual. Both can get the same results, however. Some prefer golf, as being only worried about yourself; others prefer the values of team play and rely on each other, like football.

Preferences and priorities. Everyone has them.

Ummmmm.. I'm only going to worry about myself and my family.. I do what's best for me and mine, you do what's best for you and yours.. And last time I checked, UPS is not the Navy Seals.. 

[Image: SaKG4.gif]


It's good to see a major employer finally standing up to the unions.


Quote:Ummmmm.. I'm only going to worry about myself and my family.. I do what's best for me and mine, you do what's best for you and yours.. And last time I checked, UPS is not the Navy Seals.. 
Yet they Consult with two ex SEALS on business. So maybe you havent "checked" recently. Then again, your tunnel vision is limited. Some people walk by someone who has fallen, others may stop and help. Here.."check" this.........

Echelon Front Leadership and Management Consulting
Blakes Life Matters

(This post was last modified: 04-09-2014, 11:06 AM by WingerDinger.)

Quote:Yet they Consult with two ex SEALS on business. So maybe you havent "checked" recently. Then again, your tunnel vision is limited. Some people walk by someone who has fallen, others may stop and help. Here.."check" this......... <a class="bbc_url" href=',d.b2I'>Echelon Front Leadership and Management Consulting</a>
See, its folks like yourself who I have no sympathy for, if you walk off the job because of insubordination.. In this economy, there's literally hundreds of people all applying for that one position, and if you're too prideful to keep that position, then I guess you simply don't need that position. I'm sure UPS has thousands of applications on file to fill those 250 jobs in a day if they needed to.. So, go grab your unemployment.. Oh wait, can't even get that because you'd be fired for walking off the job.. Well, i hope you were good with your money then or have been saving, if not, you could always use a large UPS box to live in and I'm sure someone has directions to the nearest soup kitchen.. Enjoy..
[Image: SaKG4.gif]

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And another thing, once you realize that it's not a RIGHT to work there, but a PRIVILEGE, maybe you'll start understanding..

[Image: SaKG4.gif]


Quote:See, its folks like yourself who I have no sympathy for, if you walk off the job because of insubordination.. In this economy, there's literally hundreds of people all applying for that one position, and if you're too prideful to keep that position, then I guess you simply don't need that position. I'm sure UPS has thousands of applications on file to fill those 250 jobs in a day if they needed to.. So, go grab your unemployment.. Oh wait, can't even get that because you'd be fired for walking off the job.. Well, i hope you were good with your money then or have been saving, if not, you could always use a large UPS box to live in and I'm sure someone has directions to the nearest soup kitchen.. Enjoy..
Thats a great assumption. Lets leave at this, there are some people I'd love to sit and have a beer with, discuss, debate and just shoot the breeze. There are other that I'd rather not, like weak kneed, selfish types who assume waaay too much, make generalzations and think only of themselves. You have zero sympathy for anyone except your chosen few, that, you've made clear. I can guarantee you, I have been in the work force longer than you, and can also guarantee you that you wouldnt be a co worker I'd want around me. You can say the same. 

As for privilege to work, there are also workers rights. You dont care about that as long as you can keep your nose up the bosses [BLEEP]. Collective bargaining vs Collective begging. Some lead, some follow. Some grovel and take what they can get. Others may fight to make things better...for themselves and their co workers, and ultimately their families. All their families. And when one family suffers, they all chip in, and not think, welp, not MY problem.

As for you privilege to work, its also a privilege and not a right for a company to have good workers. You have to earn those. In the end, when and if something happens to those like you on the job and theres no one to turn to, you can just look in the mirror, because goober smooching will only carry you so far.

We can discuss the economy as you mention, and why it is the way it is, but it may be a little too complex.

Blakes Life Matters

Quote:See, its folks like yourself who I have no sympathy for, if you walk off the job because of insubordination.. In this economy, there's literally hundreds of people all applying for that one position, and if you're too prideful to keep that position, then I guess you simply don't need that position. I'm sure UPS has thousands of applications on file to fill those 250 jobs in a day if they needed to.. So, go grab your unemployment.. Oh wait, can't even get that because you'd be fired for walking off the job.. Well, i hope you were good with your money then or have been saving, if not, you could always use a large UPS box to live in and I'm sure someone has directions to the nearest soup kitchen.. Enjoy..
But..thats a weird response to what I posted on what you mentioned regarding UPS and the SEALS. It was just some insight to something you knew nothing about, but just went on to rant on your chosen beliefs. Carry on my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done.Dont you cry no more. Even though we aint in Kansas anymore.

Blakes Life Matters

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