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First Democrat Debate on CNN

Quote:God help us all if one of those 5 morons gets elected. God help us all.
And God help us all if Trump manages to get elected. God help us all.


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Quote:God help us all if one of those 5 morons gets elected. God help us all.

We'll be doomed if any of the morons from the Republican debate get elected.

I was wrong about Trent Baalke. 

Quote:And God help us all if Trump manages to get elected. God help us all.

You are comfortable with one of those people on stage tonight running our country? Just the thought of it is frightening. 


Quote:And God help us all if Trump manages to get elected. God help us all.

This debate just reaffirmed my stance on Trump.


[Image: 9PnQbja.png]


Quote:This debate just reaffirmed my stance on Trump.


[Image: 9PnQbja.png]

I was just thinking. Is there a relationship between political affiliation and how people see the current state of this franchise?


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Let's be realistic... I'm even more frightened by the idea that a clown like Trump has managed to top the polls and garner that type of interest from the American people. 


The future is not bright if the Celebrity Apprentice is going to lead a country as great as ours... 


Quote:I was just thinking. Is there a relationship between political affiliation and how people see the current state of this franchise?

I don't think so. At least the people on this political board are pretty diverse on their preferred candidates/ideology.


Quote:Let's be realistic... I'm even more frightened by the idea that a clown like Trump has managed to top the polls and garner that type of interest from the American people. 


The future is not bright if the Celebrity Apprentice is going to lead a country as great as ours... 

The leader of the democratic polls is a literal criminal and by and large the most unethical political figure in the past 20 years. Both parties have their issues.


Quote:The leader of the democratic polls is a literal criminal and by and large the most unethical political figure in the past 20 years. Both parties have their issues.
True, I am not arguing that at all. 


In fact, I do not support her or the majority of her ideas. However, I would be more inclined to vote for her, if I can't vote for someone else, instead of Trump as the presidential candidate. 


She has, undoubtedly, more experience in the political world than Trump to make certain decisions and deliberate with others - and most importantly, to avoid making a real blunder like Trump seems to make quite often.


Too bad Ron Paul isn't running for this cycle... 


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The Republicans could only be so lucky to have Hilary as the Democrat candidate, it'll be too easy for them to win.....


Quote:You adorable little right-winger you. The Democrats onstage gain NOTHING by engaging Hillary on the email server. Think of it this way: Jim Webb has shown no inclination to hold back on any topic tonight, and he, an ex-Marine, did not engage Hillary on the server. Maybe, just maybe, it's really not as big a deal as we all think it is?




O'Malley wants to be Little Bernie lol

What makes you think I'm a right winger?  I honestly don't like the political parties they care too much about keeping their party in power and less about what is best for the citizens of America.

Power corrupts, but everyone says you'll throw your vote away on voting independent (why do people think like that is it because the R/Ds have brain washed people into thinking that)?


Webb is probably one of the better out of the lot, but he will never win the Democrat ticket... they already have it geared up for Hilary...


Quote:Bernie just won my vote.

The only chance Bernie has is as running as an Indep. the Dems want Hilary on the ticket.


Quote:lol @ Sanders begging for money in his closing statement.




it worked


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Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition but nothing has been mentioned about our VETERAN- Donald Trump's tweet




I hate to admit it but more and more I find myself liking Donald Trump as a candidate.


Quote:Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition but nothing has been mentioned about our VETERAN- Donald Trump's tweet




I hate to admit it but more and more I find myself liking Donald Trump as a candidate.
Was Trump just not paying attention to Jim Webb at all?


Quote:The leader of the democratic polls is a literal criminal and by and large the most unethical political figure in the past 20 years. Both parties have their issues.
What would happen if she won the Democrat primary and then got locked up for treason?




It's a shame that our "democracy" is largely bound with a TWO-party system, where an independent has no chance to become president.


Money walks, politicians talk.


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Quote:What would happen if she won the Democrat primary and then got locked up for treason?


Hypothetically, the nomination would pass to whoever was the runner-up at the convention. In reality, it's not going to happen, because Hillary didn't commit treason. I almost agree with Sanders in his take on the emails. She made a colossal mistake, and it might have resulted in classified information falling into hands not cleared to see it. That's a problem. My bigger problem with her is that she lied and tried to cover it up instead of owning it, just like her husband did with a similar mistake in the '90s. I would not vote for her based on that alone, although there are plenty of other reasons that I don't care for her. I am, however, also very sick of hearing about her emails.


Earlier I predicted this was a big chance for O'Malley to jump up in the polls.   He did not.  All of this is from a "impression" viewpoint, not from the substance of their views.


Hillary: Did what she needed to do.  She sometimes appears tired, did not tonight.

O'Malley: Terrible performance, looked like a male version of the Stepford Wives. Robotic and lacking in charisma.

Chafee: is tough and if you look goofy, you won't get respect.

Webb:  Did the most of the "little 3" to look like a serious candidate.

Sanders:  I think he was the winner based on "impression" tonight.  He was relaxed and not too wordy.  Folksy.   He's like a ultra-left wing version of Reagan.  


Quote:Hypothetically, the nomination would pass to whoever was the runner-up at the convention. In reality, it's not going to happen, because Hillary didn't commit treason. I almost agree with Sanders in his take on the emails. She made a colossal mistake, and it might have resulted in classified information falling into hands not cleared to see it. That's a problem. My bigger problem with her is that she lied and tried to cover it up instead of owning it, just like her husband did with a similar mistake in the '90s. I would not vote for her based on that alone, although there are plenty of other reasons that I don't care for her. I am, however, also very sick of hearing about her emails.

The FBI doesnt cease servers if it was all political, it has already been proven that she had a classified leak (and by having personal servers which wasnt allowed despite her title its a matter of national security), if she was a republican they probably would be riots in the street demanding her arrest but because shes a dem they are trying to cover it up for her....


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