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Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth


Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth

In February 2011 (Fake News) Time Magazine Implied that Obama was like Reagan. This couldn’t have been further from the truth, especially when considering economic growth. Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%. Barack Obama will be lucky to average an annual 1.50% GDP growth rate during his two terms in office.

[Image: review.jpg]

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It's alright.  In less than 24 hours our country will start the process of being THE BEST again.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.

(This post was last modified: 01-19-2017, 10:03 PM by Solid Snake.)



Quote:It's alright.  In less than 24 hours our country will start the process of being THE BEST again.

The dawn of a new error.


Trumps inheriting a pretty strong economy.

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That's because the GDP is twice as big as it was in the 80's. After the first year of each President's term to the end of the last year of his term, the GDP under Reagan improved by $2.02 trillion and improved by $2.19 trillion under Obama. Even though the absolute number was larger under Obama, the GDP improved by 15% under Obama and 30% under Reagan. 


(This post was last modified: 01-20-2017, 07:15 AM by Caldrac.)

I know people really like the man because he was able to stand up in front of our country and properly speak slowly and confidently off of a teleprompter. That still doesn't take away the fact that he skull bashed the entire Bush administration for the war in Iraq and instead of using his eight years to get us out of there he went further than Bush ever dreamed of. 


All of the laws added through the Patriot Act were sharpened and shaped up even further to impede on the American public. He bombed seven countries over the course of eight years. He virtually has done everything in his power between the Iran deal, the shaky relationship he's now started with Israel and the finger pointing at Russia and Syria to drag the next administration into dangerous territory. Essentially leaving bear traps behind on his way out. 


For a democratic and liberal minded president he sure reeked of war mongering republican and conservative minded policies. I'll never understand why my generation proudly salutes and bows down to this man. He was a tremendous hypocrite. And yes, it was nice of him to help push the legalization of gay marriage in this country. And yes, it's nice that he's so kind of heart when it comes to the Muslim communities. 


BUT, oh the irony. To bomb predominantly Muslim based territories and then rub elbows with Muslim Americans as if he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. And oh the irony. To win the hearts of the LGBT community but bow your head to Saudi Arabia which doesn't recognize any people of that community. 


I may not be the biggest fan of Donald Trump. I may not like all of his views or rhetoric he's instilled during his campaign. But he's up front about his bull crap and he airs it out to the public. At least most of us will know or see what's coming this time. Instead of being lied to by a snake tongued wall street puppet. 

[Image: 4SXW6gC.png]

"What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie? I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky. The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing; Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king."


Quote:That's because the GDP is twice as big as it was in the 80's. After the first year of each President's term to the end of the last year of his term, the GDP under Reagan improved by $2.02 trillion and improved by $2.19 trillion under Obama. Even though the absolute number was larger under Obama, the GDP improved by 15% under Obama and 30% under Reagan.

As said the FIRST president not to hit 3% in a single year. Every other president had to deal with compounding growth in their final analysis as well.


Quote:As said the FIRST president not to hit 3% in a single year. Every other president had to deal with compounding growth in their final analysis as well.

No other president had to inherit a $1.3 trillion deficit.
Only a chump boos the home team!

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"Blamed Bush for 3.8 trillion in debt"


Subsequently ran up 11.6 trillion in debt.


Numbers confuse liberals.

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.



Only a chump boos the home team!


Quote:No other president had to inherit a $1.3 trillion deficit.


Obama signed the 2009 budget, which was passed by a Democrat House and Senate.




"Why should I give information to you when all you want to do is find something wrong with it?"



Obama signed the 2009 budget, which was passed by a Democrat House and Senate.


How dare you come around here with those stinkin' facts.

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.



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Inherit - to receive or be left with from a predecessor or former owner
Only a chump boos the home team!


Quote:Inherit - to receive or be left with from a predecessor or former owner

The problem that you fail to see is what did he do about it?











The answer is a big secret, but clues have been given.












He made it worse.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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