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Prayers duder. Fight on..
Paul,  I believe strongly that miracles occur and will pray multiple times a day for you to make a complete recovery.   You have a multitude of people pulling for you.

Good luck. You have impressed me with your strength and I appreciate you sharing your story with us and helping to put things into perspective.
Dakota, I don't discuss personal stuff on here often, but my dad was diagnosed with Glioblastoma 4 years ago. This is the most deadly form of brain cancer there is and I sat there and listened to the doctor tell him he had 12 months to live. He is still here 4 years later. Miracles happen. I promise. Hang in there man.
Quote:Dakota, I don't discuss personal stuff on here often, but my dad was diagnosed with Glioblastoma 4 years ago. This is the most deadly form of brain cancer there is and I sat there and listened to the doctor tell him he had 12 months to live. He is still here 4 years later. Miracles happen. I promise. Hang in there man.
A friend of mine had the same cancer and then she didn't. Miracles do happen.
Dakota, I can't imagine what you are going through and know you probably don't need any unsolicited advice, but have you explored ALL options and clinical trials including what they are doing with immunotherapy?

Sorry to hear this latest news, Paul. Keep fighting, my man.
Thoughts and prayers Paul

Praying for the best.

Prayers up, Dakota. 

Terrible news man.  I'll keep you in my prayers.

Keep on fighting Dakota.  You've been one of my favorite posters here for a long time.  We'll all keep thinking and praying.

God speed, Dakota!  My best thoughts and prayers to you.

I saw the update elsewhere the other day, and I really found it difficult to come up with anything to say.  The fight you've waged against this disease has been an incredibly difficult one for you physically and emotionally.  How you've managed to keep things together to this point is beyond amazing.  You've been a focus of my prayers since the very beginning, and nothing about that will change.  My hope for you is that you find the strength to do what's best for you and your family, and that no matter what direction things go in, you have your family and friends there to support you. 

Just checking back in. Any updates on Dakota that can be shared?
Wow this is the first time I read this thread. Of course Dakota is in my prayers, but I would like to know what ended up happening as well.
Well he got thru the election so his will to live probably outpaces mine!
Quote:Well he got thru the election so his will to live probably outpaces mine!
At least we will make America Great Again, at least you wont have to worry like if Killary got elected

Quote:At least we will make America Great Again, at least you wont have to worry like if Killary got elected

Just joking my friend. I'm glad to see Dakota around the message board raising hell.
Quote:Just checking back in. Any updates on Dakota that can be shared?
Just had another surgery recently to remove more cancer. I am out of remission. I spend a lot of time in doctor offices here and in Gainesville. Right now, the hope is to save my arm and shoulder. There are still a couple of cards to play, but the odds of amputation are growing.

I am going to have a full reconstruction of my upper arm early next year. I will get a cadaver humerus or a titanium one. That means rebuilding both my shoulder and elbow. If that doesn't work, I say bye bye to my right arm and shoulder. If that doesn't do it, game over.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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