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Not usually one lost for words. But I am now. I'm ashamed to admit to what I think are problems.

I know it's of little value, but your plight has put many of ours into perspective.

I appreciate you sharing with us, and hope that some of the words posters have out here give you a little comfort.

S'all I got brutha Jag fan.
Damn, that really sucks. Don't give up the fight, though.
Just fight the good fight my friend.... if we don't meet on this plane of existance, we will meet in the next.

There is always hope! My friend I requested prayer for back in December who had the brain tumor..... it turns out it was a stage 3 glioblastoma (which any glioblastoma is certain death) but when they did another MRI that thing was gone. Only some scar tissue left. And it was the prayers (and good vibes for those who don't believe in prayer) of many, many people that made that possible. She does has some other issues but she will live.

You have so many people on your side and are here for you. Please don't leave us hanging. We all have to support one another. It's what family does. Hugs and prayers friend.
Prayers and good vibes man.


May you find peace in all of this; whether on this side of the veil or the next.

Very sad news.
Quote:This will probably be my last post about all of this. It may be my last post here altogether.


I saw my orthopedic surgeon for something unrelated (a problem I've had with my shoulder for the past few months) today. After some x-rays and some testing, they found that I don't have a torn rotator cuff or anything, but another tumor in my bone of my shoulder. I am back to square one again. New CAT scan, MRI, and surgery ordered. They already assume that this is a form of bone cancer, and if that turns out to be the case, I'm [BAD WORD REMOVED].


I really don't know what else to say.


It's been real.......

I don't know you personally, but I do "know" you from all of the time that you have posted here.  I don't post much anymore, but do read almost on a daily basis.  Stay strong and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sorry man. It does put things in perspective for a lot of us. I cannot fathom what you are going through or how I would handle it. I hope you make the most out of the situation regardless of the ultimate outcome.
Still hoping and praying, Dakota. 

Good luck.   Keep fighting.   


...and if you suddenly find yourself in green fields with the sun on your face...   well.... 


We'll all get there eventually.  


I don't pray much, but I will pray for you. 

Paul, I've been reading about your battles.  So sorry for all you're going through and know that you're in my thoughts.

I'm praying for you brother. I hope you have the opportunity to check out the facility in Atlanta I PM'd you about. I took my mother there after her conventional doctors had thrown in the towel and she improved remarkably after only 2 weeks of her scheduled 4 week treatment plan. Unfortunately, she didn't choose to continue the plan to completion.


Regards...................the Chiefjag

any updates, Dakota?

Wow, I just read this for the first time, and my heart sunk.


I'm pulling for you Dakota. 

Quote:any updates, Dakota?

Actually, yes. 


He had surgery last week in addition to a ton of testing.  He's been in a lot of pain because of the shoulder, so they've had him doped up pretty well.  He said the MRI of his shoulder revealed a pretty nasty tumor.  He's been getting mixed reports from the doctors, but they are planning a course to fight this thing post-surgery.  He's got a tough road ahead from the looks of it.

Quote:Actually, yes. 


He had surgery last week in addition to a ton of testing.  He's been in a lot of pain because of the shoulder, so they've had him doped up pretty well.  He said the MRI of his shoulder revealed a pretty nasty tumor.  He's been getting mixed reports from the doctors, but they are planning a course to fight this thing post-surgery.  He's got a tough road ahead from the looks of it.

Sad to hear....keep fighting Dakota.  
Paul,  my continuing thoughts and prayers are with you.   I hope that the pain can be minimized substantially in the coming days and that the treatment plan makes a tremendous difference.

Quote:Paul,  my continuing thoughts and prayers are with you.   I hope that the pain can be minimized substantially in the coming days and that the treatment plan makes a tremendous difference.

Even though there's tons of people here on the message board who never had the pleasure to meet ya (including myself), we all love and care about ya.. Give that cancer hell..

Keep fightin the good fight duder!!
Another major surgery scheduled for Thursday now. They're going to start working on the tumor in the shoulder. Most of that tumor will be removed. (They cannot remove it all for some reason) Then they will essentially re-construct the shoulder. Lots of pins, screws, and plates.


Once that procedure is over with, I will begin a regimen of chemo and radiation to combat the rest of the cancer.


The outlook is sketchy, but it's the only thing we can do at this point. Either it works, or it doesn't. I guess that beats the alternative.

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