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Full Version: Specifically, where are the weaknesses on the offensive line.
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Quote:We have issues at left and right tackle, left and right guard, and center. 

Hey. Our right guard is really good. 
Quote:I've heard/read nothing but good things about Linder and Bowenko.  I'm assuming the problem is at LT and RT?

Joeckel and Young are below average.

Beadles and Bowanko are average.

Linder is way above average.


The TEs, RBs, and FB SUCK at run blocking.


There have also been communication issues on assignments.
Bortles holds the ball too long. Cant read defenses too well and it's killing an already soft, light in the [BLEEP] line group. The Joke sucks to high hell though. Anybody noticed how Monroe did today? How about Daryl Smith? HA!
I said it last week the biggest issue is the scheme/playcalling. Storm ended up taking on Terrell freaking Suggs in pass protection. That kinda [BLEEP] if unacceptable for any OC and O Line coach in the league.

People jumped all over oklahomie for pointing the scheme issues out but to be honest he is close to correct. Every game we get caught in weird sets and they line up 4-3 DEs and 3-4 Olbs over RBs and TEs hardly equipped to handle them. This isnt just personnel even though i will admit Joeckel and Bowanko consistently lose in 1v1 matchups.

There is something internally wrong with our pass protection schemes to where teams are finding these mismatches 5-6 times per game.
Quote:The Problem is ZBS (zone blocking scheme)
have been saying this for 2 years, not going to get better until fisch is gone!!!!
Quote:have been saying this for 2 years, not going to get better until fisch is gone!!!!
Funny how it's been implemented successfully with other teams.  You'd think there is a correlation somewhere in that fact, wouldn't you?  Or you just want a simplistic thing to blame that you can sorta wrap your head around.
Quote:I said it last week the biggest issue is the scheme/playcalling. Storm ended up taking on Terrell freaking Suggs in pass protection. That kinda [BAD WORD REMOVED] if unacceptable for any OC and O Line coach in the league.

People jumped all over oklahomie for pointing the scheme issues out but to be honest he is close to correct. Every game we get caught in weird sets and they line up 4-3 DEs and 3-4 Olbs over RBs and TEs hardly equipped to handle them. This isnt just personnel even though i will admit Joeckel and Bowanko consistently lose in 1v1 matchups.

There is something internally wrong with our pass protection schemes to where teams are finding these mismatches 5-6 times per game.

You're really onto something here because when I rewatch the games throughout the week it's often the RB, TE or FB whiffing on blocking.  I believe it's part scheming, part talent, and part communication on the O Line with whoever is helping block.

I really wish we would just switch back to a man blocking scheme. I understand that ZBS is supposed to be easier to find players for, but I much prefer the MBS style with big guys that are strong just overpowering the defensive line. ZBS is supposed to also help protect better against speed rushers.

With a MBS, and bigger personnel, I do believe our offense would better succeed. They would also tire out opposing defenses as they would keep on getting tossed around.

I don't understand how Gus believed in big, strong, physical defenders, yet goes with Smaller,faster(supposed to be), players on offense. Maybe Caldwell had an influence on that aspect as he figured it would be easier to find people. Its the only thing I truly doubt on Caldwell.
Quote:Funny how it's been implemented successfully with other teams.  You'd think there is a correlation somewhere in that fact, wouldn't you?  Or you just want a simplistic thing to blame that you can sorta wrap your head around.

It's this.

People can blame the scheme all they want but like you've mentioned, it works many other places just fine. In the past, now, and in the future the ZBS will work in the NFL.

This team flat out doesn't have the talent right now to be successful in any scheme. Whether your running Zone/Gap scheme your guys need to beat the guys across from them and it's not happening right now.

Do people really believe if we were running nothing but gap scheme stuff that we would all of sudden be the 2007 Jaguars again? Gap scheme would turn Joeckle, Beadles, Bowanko, Linder, Pazstor/Young into guys like Manuwai, Meester, Mo. Williams, etc.

Those guys were simply better than what we have now. It wasn't because of the scheme, it was because they were just better offensive line period. I hope to the football gods that what we have now gets better because they are still young and have a long future ahead but come on guys let the scheme thing go.

If you want to blame the coaching and playcalling then I'm all for that but by using a blanket statement like "its the ZBS" is just ignorant. The Texans showed us last week that the scheme works. They just have some Dudes on their team that we not.
Quote:Players and scheme seem to be the biggest issues.

You win! 
Linder is pretty good. Beadles is serviceable. Bowanko could be a solid lineman someday but he probably should not be out there right now.


The tackles are horrible. All of the right tackles the team have thrown out there (Bradfield, Pasztor, Young) have done next to nothing to protect the QB. That has to be priority number one in free agency. Just overpay Doug Free so we have an NFL level right tackle.


Joeckel is an issue. Sad to say because he was the second pick of the draft but you have to bring in someone to push him.

RT,C,LT,LG. I dont know what to say about Joekel he hasnt played well but I dont want to give up on him. He was drafted to high to not play well
Joeckle is looking more and more like a bust. He was the Ravens best player yesterday.

I'm starting to think that it isn't going to matter if you had 5 studs at each OL position when the scheme seems to be exposed week after week with letting totally unblocked players come in almost unabated/ unblocked - comically unblocked/ alone. We never see that in reverse, so I'm going to guess its another area we're being beaten at the x's and o's 

One thing that stuck out to me was just how badly a few of them are at cut blocking.  I think 3 hits/sacks came off a defender who was supposed to be cut but our line guy just whiffed completely.  I saw it happen with Linder, Young, and Bowanko.

Joeckel is Tony Mandarich 2.0 without the muscles.

So whose to blame? David Caldwell. You know, the guy who thought this was an adequate roster to field.

But wait, it's a total rebuild...yawn!
Inexperience and training are the biggest concerns.  RT definitely needs an upgrade, but I'm okay at the moment with the rest of the guys there.  Bowanko and Linder are rookies and Joeckel is still basically a rookie playing a position with a steep learning curve.  You have that kind of inexperience and you're going to struggle for sure.

Quote:Inexperience and training are the biggest concerns.  RT definitely needs an upgrade, but I'm okay at the moment with the rest of the guys there.  Bowanko and Linder are rookies and Joeckel is still basically a rookie playing a position with a steep learning curve
.  You have that kind of inexperience and you're going to struggle for sure.

Shhh, don't tell jaguarswoman
Inexperience and poor training of fundamentals, poor strength training, and poor endurance. The poor endurance comes from being rookies. The strength, to a point can be attributed to being rookies, but I think our O-Line has regressed over the past few years. Losing Meester hurt way more than anyone could have imagined.


I say steal a really good  O-Line coach, even if you have to give him another title, and also get a strength and conditioning guy who knows how to get results, both strength and explosion-wise...  

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