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Full Version: How quickly could a quality offensive/defensive coordinator turn this team around?
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Fisch has not had a chance to show what he can do with a good roster. We just knew that he is not very good with a bad roster. But if you give this roster to Bill Belichick and his staff, they won't win a super bowl with it, but they won't be 2-11 either.
Quote:So Watt was the only talent they added?

They added some other free agent castoffs, but Watt and the scheme change to 3-4 were the real difference.
Quote:They added some other free agent castoffs, but Watt and the scheme change to 3-4 were the real difference.

Joseph was a big addition.
Quote:Joseph was a big addition.

No, he had good stats, but time has shown that he's just a guy that happened to benefit a lot from the havoc in front of him.
Quote:I don't honestly know what Fisch could have done to make the offense much better with the pieces he has been given.

Fisch is the low hanging fruit. Just be grateful that you have the football acumen to realize that everything isn't Fisch's fault. For some it is far easier to point to the OC instead of considering all of the various contributing factors. OC is an easy and convenient scapegoat.
Didn't vote.  Players, not plays.  Certain guys have to develop and take the next step along with a few well placed FA guys.

Quote:I think a quality(subjective) coordinator could do it in an off-season and have this team ready by next year's pre-season. Every year at least one or two teams do a complete 180 in defense or offensive rankings based on a new coach coming in and taking the reigns.


If the Jags replace either Babich or preferably Fisch with a quality coordinator, they could have either squads at least in the middle of the pack based on current personnel and potential FA/draft picks. I could even see the defense being in the top 10.



Who would you hire?   I think if Babich and Fisch are still in place next year, the team will advance regardless.  With one or two quality player additions this could be a top 10 defense regardless of who the coordinator is.  I think that Fisch could be improved upon, but a new OC ultimately will not be successful until Bortles and the OL improves.

Quote:Fisch is the low hanging fruit. Just be grateful that you have the football acumen to realize that everything isn't Fisch's fault. For some it is far easier to point to the OC instead of considering all of the various contributing factors. OC is an easy and convenient scapegoat.

Yep. If he had just called a post route instead of a screen, we would've won! It's always the OC.
Quote:Who would you hire?   I think if Babich and Fisch are still in place next year, the team will advance regardless.  With one or two quality player additions this could be a top 10 defense regardless of who the coordinator is.  I think that Fisch could be improved upon, but a new OC ultimately will not be successful until Bortles and the OL improves.


Quote:Yep. If he had just called a post route instead of a screen, we would've won! It's always the OC.

You guys just don't get it.


The OC is part of the problem.


I've been posting for weeks about the problems with protecting the QB being rooted in the scheme.


Lags says the o-line played well but the Jaguars still gave up multiple sacks last week. It's because when you pull a bunch of players in around the ball the defense draws in too allowing difficult to identify rushers and putting our worst pass protectors into a position to lose.


Spread the offense out. Go four or five wide on a regular basis. Only play bunched in formations when you're really trying to get short yardage and are going to run the ball no matter what.


That some of you still don't get this is disturbing.
I love all the great football minds on this board

Quote:I love all the great football minds on this board

Great football minds on the board would only be 2 games worse than the great football minds on the sideline.
Quote:Great football minds on the board would only be 2 games worse than the great football minds on the sideline.

If that.
Anyone in 1st place in their fantasy league could turn this team around.

Quote:You guys just don't get it.


The OC is part of the problem.


I've been posting for weeks about the problems with protecting the QB being rooted in the scheme.


Lags says the o-line played well but the Jaguars still gave up multiple sacks last week. It's because when you pull a bunch of players in around the ball the defense draws in too allowing difficult to identify rushers and putting our worst pass protectors into a position to lose.


Spread the offense out. Go four or five wide on a regular basis. Only play bunched in formations when you're really trying to get short yardage and are going to run the ball no matter what.


That some of you still don't get this is disturbing.

If they'd only throw Hail Mary's every play, we'd have won all of our games by now.  Our coaches are obviously too dumb to know this!

The OC is part of the problem.


Starting 5 rookies (one of which is a very raw QB) is an exponentially greater hindrance to offensive production than anything Fisch has done "wrong."
Quote:Starting 5 rookies (one of which is a very raw QB) is an exponentially greater hindrance to offensive production than anything Fisch has done "wrong."

It doesn't help, but it's not like we haven't seen my opinion borne out when the Jaguars have to go into the 2 minute drill/end of game desperate to score mode.
Quote:Starting 5 rookies (one of which is a very raw QB) is an exponentially greater hindrance to offensive production than anything Fisch has done "wrong."

I agree.   I really have no idea if Fisch is the right guy for the job.   There's really no way I can know, until he has decent, experienced players to work with.   I am willing to give him one more year.   Not that my opinion matters.   Let's just say I hope he gets another year.   I don't want to start over with a whole new system.  I think that would set our young players back. 


They're doing what they (reportedly) said they were going to do: tear the whole thing down and rebuild it from the ground up.  It's painful for the fans, but I think we need to stick with it and see it through. 

Quote:You guys just don't get it.


The OC is part of the problem.


I've been posting for weeks about the problems with protecting the QB being rooted in the scheme.


Lags says the o-line played well but the Jaguars still gave up multiple sacks last week. It's because when you pull a bunch of players in around the ball the defense draws in too allowing difficult to identify rushers and putting our worst pass protectors into a position to lose.


Spread the offense out. Go four or five wide on a regular basis. Only play bunched in formations when you're really trying to get short yardage and are going to run the ball no matter what.


That some of you still don't get this is disturbing.

Quote:Starting 5 rookies (one of which is a very raw QB) is an exponentially greater hindrance to offensive production than anything Fisch has done "wrong."

I don't know why Fisch gets all the blame....perhaps he's an easy target.  I will offer this though.  My friend is a Miami Alum and he was confused why the Jags hired Fisch for the OC and has told me that what we see now is exactly what Miami's offense did.  Mediocre on a good day.


Frankly, I think the biggest issue is the dearth of talent on the team.  Starting 5 rookies is probably going to prove to be a dumb decision.  I'd be willing to say that the Jaguars model of talent acquisition won't be the model throughout the league in a few years.


Yet Caldwell continues to get a pass....
Quote:It doesn't help, but it's not like we haven't seen my opinion borne out when the Jaguars have to go into the 2 minute drill/end of game desperate to score mode.

I think you have an inflated opinion of your opinion.  


Obviously - there are ways to spark production with the limited tools available - and most of them - like the 2 minute offense and constant use of a spread formation are just not sustainable.  


The kid has to learn how to be an NFL QB that makes decisions in a hurried pocket at some point.  I like that that they've not sold out to smoke and mirrors completely and they've made the kid play some more balanced football in many games - even if he's failed.  I think the film from this year will be a valuable learning tool for him. 
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