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he needs to get way better.. still behind teddy in my eyes, both have great upside though

Quote:he needs to get way better.. still behind teddy in my eyes, both have great upside though

I'm not seeing upside in Teddy, and that's the problem. In Teddy I see Chad Pennington type ceiling. Can be a decent game manager for a good team, but just lacks the NFL level physical ability to be a championship level quarterback.
No. This was a game that shows Bortles starting to move in the right direction, but a 'breakout game'?....no. Wait until we see him really taking control of a game the way we've seen Luck or Rivers do that before we anoint that as a 'breakout' game. 

It's a game he deserved since the Titans game
Quote:You are an idiot. That is all.

he does not represent all new mexicans
As for BB5, he's a young QB with tons of talent.  He's got the potential to be great.  But I'd be lying if I said I was not concerned about the coaches that are grooming him and teaching him.


There were 2 plays that I rewound and watched again in the first half.  Both of which BB5 missed the WIDE OPEN receiver and was sacked because he couldn't find where to get rid of the ball.


Yes the O-Line stinks, but I think the fact that BB5 is having a hard time recognizing where the pressure is coming from and where the single coverage and open receiver will be is still something he needs to learn.


I think he'll get there.  And I think he'll have a break out game that we won't have to debate, we'll know it when it comes.  I am just concerned the coaches are holding back his progress.

Different WRs and TE every game due to injuries.  Rookies across the Oline.  Not sure how you can really grade his rookie season with what he's had to work with.

I didn't see it as a break out game, but maybe that's just expectation for what counts as a break out game.

Today he didn't have a turn over, though there were a few into triple coverage that made me cringe. The td was a very nice throw, and he did drive them into fg range for the win.

But at the end of the day, the defense still scored more than the offense. I'm not sure that it's a breakout day for him.
Not a breakout game in terms of stats but definitely a confidence/experience builder to mount your first game winning drive.

Quote:As for BB5, he's a young QB with tons of talent.  He's got the potential to be great.  But I'd be lying if I said I was not concerned about the coaches that are grooming him and teaching him.


There were 2 plays that I rewound and watched again in the first half.  Both of which BB5 missed the WIDE OPEN receiver and was sacked because he couldn't find where to get rid of the ball.


Yes the O-Line stinks, but I think the fact that BB5 is having a hard time recognizing where the pressure is coming from and where the single coverage and open receiver will be is still something he needs to learn.


I think he'll get there.  And I think he'll have a break out game that we won't have to debate, we'll know it when it comes.  I am just concerned the coaches are holding back his progress.

Honest question - where do you find the game angles that allow you to see the WR's down the field? I really want to see them run their routes. Or were they wide open on short routes?
Quote:I'm not seeing upside in Teddy, and that's the problem. In Teddy I see Chad Pennington type ceiling. Can be a decent game manager for a good team, but just lacks the NFL level physical ability to be a championship level quarterback.

since week 7 teddy has 9td's and only 2 picks.... thats called progress.. 


blake seems to be regressing, the defense won us this game

Quote:since week 3 teddy has 9td's and only 2 picks.... thats called progress.. 


blake seems to be regressing, the defense won us this game

I don't see regression in Bortles and I am not sure how anyone could even stake such a claim without having an agenda for it.
Quote:No turnovers not a lot of bad throws... what you think? and some key rushes.... thoughts?
No...still lots of bad decisions and bad throws.  The few good throws covered a lot and of course the play of the D.
Quote:I don't see regression in Bortles and I am not sure how anyone could even stake such a claim without having an agenda for it.

Blake has regressed...as a matter of fact he looked extremely Henne'esque in this game for about 2-3 quarters.
Quote:This season, sure. I'd much rather he played smart this year and takes only takes shots he feels confident with as he continues to learn the NFL. Much better than throwing 3 picks a game and destroying his confidence.


If he's a game manager in season 3 I'd be dissapointed, then again I'd much rather have Alex Smith as our QB than Gabbert, McCown, Bouman, Garrard and Leftwich.

Garrard was much better than Alex Smith. Put the pipe down. 
Quote:Garrard was much better than Alex Smith. Put the pipe down. 

Garard was not better than Alex Smith, neither was/is very good lol.
Quote:Blake has regressed...as a matter of fact he looked extremely Henne'esque in this game for about 2-3 quarters.

I was at the game, bud.


Regression is overblown by amateurs on these boards.
Quote:I was at the game, bud.


Regression is overblown by amateurs on these boards.

That's awesome, so what does he look like in person?  Can you see progression in person?


The dude looked much like Henne for the first 2-3 quarters then finally made some decent plays.


Call it what it is but playing decent at the end of 1 game does not constitue progression and he has definitely regressed over the last 4-6 games.
Quote:That's awesome, so what does he look like in person?  Can you see progression in person?


The dude looked much like Henne for the first 2-3 quarters then finally made some decent plays.


Call it what it is but playing decent at the end of 1 game does not constitue progression and he has definitely regressed over the last 4-6 games.

Nobody said he was progressing, kiddo.


But keep reaching.
Quote:Nobody said he was progressing, kiddo.


But keep reaching.

Yes, please keep talking down to me with no information whatsoever, thanks!
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