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Full Version: I believe in Toby Gerhart
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I'd be real surprised to find "anyone" on this blog who is a bigger fan of Toby Gerhart than me. I have been following this kid and have become a fan of ALL the teams he played on dating back to Stanford. That said, I believe DRob deserves the right to start and should be given first look. If Toby performs above and beyond "when he's out there" and really impresses, then who has the better practices from there on out should get the nod. Frankly, because they are two different styles of running, why not play to the strengths of both? Toby is clearly a north / south runner while DRob can get outside better than Toby with great success so why not put each of them on the plays that suits their strengths.

Quote:Are his eyes injured also?

[Image: b702ut.png][Image: 2wexxra.png]
I've seen instances where he has selected or completely missed a hole, and instead, ran into a pile. I was on the Toby bandwagon, but I'm not sure he has the vision for the ZBS.
Quote:Ehh I cant remember ever seeing him throw a memorable block. I think we are just reaching for some kind of use for him. That salary makes us stuck with him but I think that takes away carries from our other backs.
Actually, I'm under the impression that one of the reasons he was brought here was because he is an excellent blocker.... unlike Storm Johnson. Plus Toby is said to have pretty good hands as a passing target. While I'm underwhelmed by Toby's running, he isn't without value on the offense. I could see him in on passing plays where his main responsibility is blocking and as a possible 'safety valve' for Blake if the WR's are covered. I'd sure rather that a running back was taking hits than for our young franchise quarterback to be running down field and taking a chance of getting clobbered. 


Nevertheless, he has done nothing to impress me that he is the guy who can run the 'rock' reliably for more than a few yards at a time. DRob, on the other hand, has demonstrated this ability. As someone else has already said, 'don't fix what ain't broken!' 

Blake Bortles has more interceptinos than he does touchdowns and yet because he IS THE FUTURE of this franchise, fans will not go near him with any of the same critical comments you so easily throw at Toby Gerhart. Why is that I wonder? Could it be that fans find it so easy to throw Gerhart under the bus while remaining hands off on Bortles because Toby IS NOT the future of this team? i thin there is some validity to this so............even if Toby has a great rest of the season, there will be those calling for his removal from this team regardless. Perhaps in the end, The Jags are NOT the right team for Toby Gerhart after all. I just wonder how these same fans would feel if it was a proven monster back like Adrian Peterson behind this line who was struggling (or hurt) putting up dismal numbers. Who would you be quick to blame then? I suspect you would be all over this Offensive line with your criticism. Denard had a great game last week, but remember............it was Cleveland. One game does not make a man's season. It looks like the Toby Gerhart "haters" have already made up their mind about him no matter what happens the rest of the year.

Quote:Blake Bortles has more interceptinos than he does touchdowns and yet because he IS THE FUTURE of this franchise, fans will not go near him with any of the same critical comments you so easily throw at Toby Gerhart. Why is that I wonder? Could it be that fans find it so easy to throw Gerhart under the bus while remaining hands off on Bortles because Toby IS NOT the future of this team?  - One is a rookie playing the most important and difficult position in the NFL, the other is a 5 year vet playing running back where we've seen rookies (even undrafted rookies) come right in and make an immediate impact.  Mistakes are expected from a rookie but Bortles has shown a lot of positives also that give fans some hope.  Gerhart has shown that he is slow and misses holes, not much to get excited about.



even if Toby has a great rest of the season, there will be those calling for his removal from this team regardless. - If Gerhart has a great rest of the season I don't think anyone would call for his removal, if any did they'd be quickly dismissed for a dumb opinion.  This team is desperate for a running game, anyone that breathes some life into it would be welcome.


Perhaps in the end, The Jags are NOT the right team for Toby Gerhart after all. - Maybe the ZBS isn't right for him or maybe he is best as a 3rd down back.


I just wonder how these same fans would feel if it was a proven monster back like Adrian Peterson behind this line who was struggling (or hurt) putting up dismal numbers. Who would you be quick to blame then? - Peterson has a hall of fame resume so he would probably get more of a pass.  But, if you could see on tape that he was slow & flat out missing holes by the OL then I don't think
it would be much different.


I suspect you would be all over this Offensive line with your criticism - The offensive line has taken plenty of criticism this year
, deservedly so.


Denard had a great game last week, but remember............it was Cleveland. One game does not make a man's season. - I don't know anyone who is saying Robinson is the answer. I do know he's had the best game of a RB this season and deserves another shot.


It looks like the Toby Gerhart "haters" have already made up their mind about him no matter what happens the rest of the year. - If you're unhappy with 2.6 ypc average for the season you're a "hater"?  Gerhart has been an absolute flop up to this point, you can't argue that.  Maybe it's an injury.  I haven't made my mind up yet, I'm just judging on the body of work that's been presented so far.  As a Jag fan I hope Gerhart comes back and is the 2nd coming of Jim Brown!  But it doesn't look promising from what I've seen so far.
Quote:Blake Bortles has more interceptinos than he does touchdowns and yet because he IS THE FUTURE of this franchise, fans will not go near him with any of the same critical comments you so easily throw at Toby Gerhart. Why is that I wonder? Could it be that fans find it so easy to throw Gerhart under the bus while remaining hands off on Bortles because Toby IS NOT the future of this team? i thin there is some validity to this so............even if Toby has a great rest of the season, there will be those calling for his removal from this team regardless. Perhaps in the end, The Jags are NOT the right team for Toby Gerhart after all. I just wonder how these same fans would feel if it was a proven monster back like Adrian Peterson behind this line who was struggling (or hurt) putting up dismal numbers. Who would you be quick to blame then? I suspect you would be all over this Offensive line with your criticism. Denard had a great game last week, but remember............it was Cleveland. One game does not make a man's season. It looks like the Toby Gerhart "haters" have already made up their mind about him no matter what happens the rest of the year.
People aren't AS critical of Bortles but they are critical of some of his INTs. (Comparing the two is apples & oranges tbh)

BUT Bortles shows multiple times a game why he was drafted to be the future of this franchise. Gerhart was supposed to be a big part of this offenses future. Gerhart was signed and was supposed to be the feature back and he's shown once that i can think of why he was signed to be that guy...then he fumbled.

If it was a proven monster back that would completely different because they're actually proven. Toby was pretty average overall in Minnesota and here he completely misses the cutback lane most of the time and rarely runs with power. Storm Johnson and Denard Robinson have both had their struggles as well buy they've also in their limited reps shown better vision and at times run with more power than Gerhart and before he was even being ruled out of games he was losing reps to them.

If he came back and played well the rest of the season then most people would probably be excited about the prospect of having him & Denard Robinson sharing the load with Storm Johnson rotating in as well.
Quote:MJD shined while hurt and while having 9-10 in the box because he had talent. Toby needs a great oline and be at 100% health to maybe show something. ... but it wont happen. Why do people call him a north south runner? When has he ran someone over? When has he powered thru anyone?

Spot on
Quote:Blake Bortles has more interceptinos than he does touchdowns and yet because he IS THE FUTURE of this franchise, fans will not go near him with any of the same critical comments you so easily throw at Toby Gerhart. Why is that I wonder? Could it be that fans find it so easy to throw Gerhart under the bus while remaining hands off on Bortles because Toby IS NOT the future of this team? i thin there is some validity to this so............even if Toby has a great rest of the season, there will be those calling for his removal from this team regardless. Perhaps in the end, The Jags are NOT the right team for Toby Gerhart after all. I just wonder how these same fans would feel if it was a proven monster back like Adrian Peterson behind this line who was struggling (or hurt) putting up dismal numbers. Who would you be quick to blame then? I suspect you would be all over this Offensive line with your criticism. Denard had a great game last week, but remember............it was Cleveland. One game does not make a man's season. It looks like the Toby Gerhart "haters" have already made up their mind about him no matter what happens the rest of the year.

It's cool Toby, you'll likely get another shot to be terrible on another team. Also just because you can't find the hole, are slow as [BLEEP], and go down on the first hit being a "powerback" doesn't mean a future hall of famer would have the same struggles as you.  
Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="jjlovesfootball" data-cid="342787" data-time="1414247176">

Blake Bortles has more interceptinos than he does touchdowns and yet because he IS THE FUTURE of this franchise, fans will not go near him with any of the same critical comments you so easily throw at Toby Gerhart. Why is that I wonder? Could it be that fans find it so easy to throw Gerhart under the bus while remaining hands off on Bortles because Toby IS NOT the future of this team? - One is a rookie playing the most important and difficult position in the NFL, the other is a 5 year vet playing running back where we've seen rookies (even undrafted rookies) come right in and make an immediate impact. Mistakes are expected from a rookie but Bortles has shown a lot of positives also that give fans some hope. Gerhart has shown that he is slow and misses holes, not much to get excited about.

even if Toby has a great rest of the season, there will be those calling for his removal from this team regardless. - If Gerhart has a great rest of the season I don't think anyone would call for his removal, if any did they'd be quickly dismissed for a dumb opinion. This team is desperate for a running game, anyone that breathes some life into it would be welcome.

Perhaps in the end, The Jags are NOT the right team for Toby Gerhart after all. - Maybe the ZBS isn't right for him or maybe he is best as a 3rd down back.

I just wonder how these same fans would feel if it was a proven monster back like Adrian Peterson behind this line who was struggling (or hurt) putting up dismal numbers. Who would you be quick to blame then? - Peterson has a hall of fame resume so he would probably get more of a pass. But, if you could see on tape that he was slow & flat out missing holes by the OL then I don't think
it would be much different.

I suspect you would be all over this Offensive line with your criticism - The offensive line has taken plenty of criticism this year
, deservedly so.

Denard had a great game last week, but remember............it was Cleveland. One game does not make a man's season. - I don't know anyone who is saying Robinson is the answer. I do know he's had the best game of a RB this season and deserves another shot.

It looks like the Toby Gerhart "haters" have already made up their mind about him no matter what happens the rest of the year. - If you're unhappy with 2.6 ypc average for the season you're a "hater"? Gerhart has been an absolute flop up to this point, you can't argue that. Maybe it's an injury. I haven't made my mind up yet, I'm just judging on the body of work that's been presented so far. As a Jag fan I hope Gerhart comes back and is the 2nd coming of Jim Brown! But it doesn't look promising from what I've seen so far.
Quote:Are his eyes injured also?


[Image: b702ut.png][Image: 2wexxra.png]
In the first picture there were 2 free lb's that would of ate hm up inside.  The second one that saftey would of blew him up
Quote:In the first picture there were 2 free lb's that would of ate hm up inside. The second one that saftey would of blew him up

In both pictures he took terrible options, when their were better ones there.
Quote:In both pictures he took terrible options, when their were better ones there.
Exactly.  He picked the WORST option.  If he would've taken the other holes he would've faced one-on-one scenarios where he makes a guy miss and he gets a big gain.
Quote:Spot on
MJD Line>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Current oline

Every RB in the league >>>>>>>>>>>> slowby
Quote:Exactly. He picked the WORST option. If he would've taken the other holes he would've faced one-on-one scenarios where he makes a guy miss and he gets a big gain.

Just give up. Its everyone elses fault that, future hall of famer, Slowby gerhart is proving to be the worst starting RB in franchise history.
My understanding is Denard will start and be in most offensive plays, but Toby will get a good amount of playing time. I hope that is what happens. Hopefully he will be off the injury report next week so we can see what a healthy Gerhart is capable of doing.

Before the Browns game I don't think you could argue any of our running backs had a good game.

And just supposing DRob struggles today, (posssible) do we ditch him as a flop too ?

Gerhart has underwhelmed, no one can argue with that. But, this team is showing it can improve - give them chance.
TG has been playing hurt and behind a developing O line. I'll withhold judgement until after today's game.
Quote:Before the Browns game I don't think you could argue any of our running backs had a good game.

And just supposing DRob struggles today, (posssible) do we ditch him as a flop too ?

Gerhart has underwhelmed, no one can argue with that. But, this team is showing it can improve - give them chance.

Agree 100%.
Quote:Before the Browns game I don't think you could argue any of our running backs had a good game.

And just supposing DRob struggles today, (posssible) do we ditch him as a flop too ?

Bet the over on the "DBLOB IS DA SUXXOR!!!!!!" threads around 4pm.
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