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Although a big Toby Gerhart fan, I'd like to see the Jags release him based solely on the fact we have an offensive line that is one of the worst I've ever seen. Not only are they mediocre in run blocking, their pass protection all but guarantess that Blake Bortles will retire early due to injuries. That said, Toby has not shown me his ability to make something out of nothing as he so often did while at Stanford. He relies on his blockers way too much and with this team's lack of blockers (or hole openers) Toby better learn real fast to see the field better than he has and adopt a mindset that he needs to find his own holes rather than sit around and wait for them to open up. I have seen way too many times that he hesitates in the backfield and waits for an opening and they have come few and far between. DRob, on the other hand, has that vision to burst thru even when there is sometimes just a crack of open field. Besides, If Fisch continues to seem "bent" on running outside  plays a majority of the itme, DR (and even Todman) are better suited for this kind of game plan. (IF) the OL ever decides to grow a pair and somehow become dominate run blockers, then a RB like Toby's style of running will be just the ticket to make alot of noise in the NFL. Frankly, I don't see that next year and maybe not the year after.............so it might be better for Toby Gerhart to go somewhere (anywhere) where the OL run blocking is already top notch.

Quote:Although a big Toby Gerhart fan, I'd like to see the Jags release him based solely on the fact we have an offensive line that is one of the worst I've ever seen. Not only are they mediocre in run blocking, their pass protection all but guarantess that Blake Bortles will retire early due to injuries. That said, Toby has not shown me his ability to make something out of nothing as he so often did while at Stanford. He relies on his blockers way too much and with this team's lack of blockers (or hole openers) Toby better learn real fast to see the field better than he has and adopt a mindset that he needs to find his own holes rather than sit around and wait for them to open up. I have seen way too many times that he hesitates in the backfield and waits for an opening and they have come few and far between. DRob, on the other hand, has that vision to burst thru even when there is sometimes just a crack of open field. Besides, If Fisch continues to seem "bent" on running outside  plays a majority of the itme, DR (and even Todman) are better suited for this kind of game plan. (IF) the OL ever decides to grow a pair and somehow become dominate run blockers, then a RB like Toby's style of running will be just the ticket to make alot of noise in the NFL. Frankly, I don't see that next year and maybe not the year after.............so it might be better for Toby Gerhart to go somewhere (anywhere) where the OL run blocking is already top notch.
No way! He's cheap now going into his second year and is a contributor 
TBH, I think we go into next season with all 4 RB's again. Gerhart, Robinson, Johnson, Todman.

I'd like to see us get another dude, but just a gut feeling this happens.
Quote:Although a big Toby Gerhart fan, I'd like to see the Jags release him based solely on the fact we have an offensive line that is one of the worst I've ever seen. Not only are they mediocre in run blocking, their pass protection all but guarantess that Blake Bortles will retire early due to injuries. That said, Toby has not shown me his ability to make something out of nothing as he so often did while at Stanford. He relies on his blockers way too much and with this team's lack of blockers (or hole openers) Toby better learn real fast to see the field better than he has and adopt a mindset that he needs to find his own holes rather than sit around and wait for them to open up. I have seen way too many times that he hesitates in the backfield and waits for an opening and they have come few and far between. DRob, on the other hand, has that vision to burst thru even when there is sometimes just a crack of open field. Besides, If Fisch continues to seem "bent" on running outside  plays a majority of the itme, DR (and even Todman) are better suited for this kind of game plan. (IF) the OL ever decides to grow a pair and somehow become dominate run blockers, then a RB like Toby's style of running will be just the ticket to make alot of noise in the NFL. Frankly, I don't see that next year and maybe not the year after.............so it might be better for Toby Gerhart to go somewhere (anywhere) where the OL run blocking is already top notch.
I have to agree with much of what your saying. Our offensive line is currently poor at run blocking and (unless something miraculous occurs to change that over the off season) is likely to only slightly improve next season. Toby has a penchant to want to wait for holes to open and follow blocking. Needless to say, what we have on our line and what Toby does isn't a good mix. Add to that the amount of runs we 'attempt' outside and again, Toby just isn't the best fit our needs. We've had several other backs who have the speed to do outside runs better than Toby.


I have a hard time seeing us keeping him beyond his current contract. But who knows? Things do change and it could happen that the stars align for Toby here at some point. But for Toby to realize much success running for the Jags, either our o-line is going to have to dramatically improve or he (Toby) is going to have to alter his running style. Neither of those alternatives seem likely in the near future...

Quote:Hmmm all the idiots doubting him.  When healthy this guy is a beast.  He has been running over people the past couple of weeks.

I am here to eat a small slice of crow, with coo-hhhwip on top please.  He's looked pretty good the last few games and I was pretty critical of him for most of the season.  I wonder how well he could be utilized along with a healthy Shoelace next season...  


He doesn't look like he's the type of RB that can carry the full load, but having his punishing style along with D-Robs speed and quickness could be a pretty good 1-2 punch.  But the question still would be for me is if Fish is the right guy to figure out how to use these 2 types of players to the best of their talents.
What he has done a couple of times in the last few games is show the ability to break through two or three tackles and get extra yards. I don't think he will ever be a speedy home-run getter, but I just don't seen any of our other backs showing that kind of power. I think he stays because of this, unless we can replace him with someone better in the draft.
Quote:What he has done a couple of times in the last few games is show the ability to break through two or three tackles and get extra yards. I don't think he will ever be a speedy home-run getter, but I just don't seen any of our other backs showing that kind of power. I think he stays because of this, unless we can replace him with someone better in the draft.

The second effort on the TD run was nice
Quote:I am here to eat a small slice of crow, with coo-hhhwip on top please.  He's looked pretty good the last few games and I was pretty critical of him for most of the season.  I wonder how well he could be utilized along with a healthy Shoelace next season...  


He doesn't look like he's the type of RB that can carry the full load, but having his punishing style along with D-Robs speed and quickness could be a pretty good 1-2 punch.  But the question still would be for me is if Fish is the right guy to figure out how to use these 2 types of players to the best of their talents.
On paper, your comments make total sense. The very same thing was said about a Toby / Adrian Peterson combination 1-2 punch when he was at the Vikings. But, the reality of it is how do you tell a guy like AP (when he was playing) that the team is going to split the carries up a bit. Admittedly, DRob is no Adrian Peterson but I just don't see a "sharing of the load" between these two guys. A major part of the reason Toby came here in the first place was to be thee feature back. Injury and non performance put the nix on that but I really don't see him settling for being anything other than the featured back once again next season (assuming they keep him). And DRob has proven that he does NOT belong on the bench either so therin lies the dilemma.
I don't believe in him, I think he could be a decent backup. We still need a good RB
Quote:Hmmm all the idiots doubting him.  When healthy this guy is a beast.  He has been running over people the past couple of weeks.

Titans are ranked 31st in run defense...

He had some ok runs in Baltimore, but far from "beast" 
Quote:1. Gerhart has been hurt since week 1.  He has missed a couple of weeks in a row from playing with the injury.  I want to see what he can do healthy


2. This offensive line has just started to get it's act together.  Combine that with Bortles making teams respect the passing game.  Other teams not stacking 9 and 10 in the box will open the running game.


3. Toby has shown what he can do with a solid offensive line. I believe he will be a good runner here in Jacksonville.


4. Jed Fisch was not playing to Toby's Strength.  He is a north and south runner and not the east and west game that Fisch kept calling.  I believe with the oline playing better and more inside runs he will see success.


I believe
I want to see Toby behind a better o-line and a new OC. I still have faith myself.

Quote:Just like I said in week 1, Gerhart sucks. It's just true. People say that any RB would suck with our line, but the trait of a truly special RB is to be able to make plays out of nothing with speed and vision. Toby just doesnt have that. I saw we switch him to FB


Actually, this is precisely what I've noticed Gerhart doing. I don't believe he's ever had a chance to get into a rhythm running the ball, but often in short yardage I see him bruising open a hole or evading defenders where the OL did little if anything for him. He's certainly a pounder and not a guy like Denard who can get to the edge with his speed, but I believe he's far more capable in an offense better designed to run the ball. Let's face it, Jedd Fisch's play calling did nothing for the running game. Gerhard can also pick up the blitz, which is something Denard has shown to be rather inept at.

Quote:He doesn't look like he's the type of RB that can carry the full load, but having his punishing style along with D-Robs speed and quickness could be a pretty good 1-2 punch.


I can agree with this. While I do think he'll do better with more carries, he basically requires a complimentary RB with speed like Denard to fill out the running game.

y'all need to believe

Holy thread bump Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Gerhart did in fact do better the last couple of games this past season... one of which was against one of the league's worst run defenses. Look, I'm not against Gerhart... I would like to see him have success here. The problem is that he has multiple issues going against him that will make it tough being able to do very well here.


#1. for starters, the man was brought here to be the 'work horse' ball carrier. Does anyone here really see him being able to be the 'main guy'?

#2. maybe this should really be #1... our o-line isn't a power run blocking group. Heck, so far, they haven't really been much of any kind of blocking group.

#3. Toby ain't no 'spring chicken'; that's to say he's a bit older. His legs may not have that much mileage on them, but time doesn't lie; injuries will happen more often to an older running back than a younger one. A running back on the sideline isn't helping the team.

#4. Toby exhibited a distinct lack of 'field vision' too many times last season that costs us potential yards gained. The man runs more like a fullback.


I'm not saying these things like I've got some kind of a grudge against him or something. These are just observations that we've all seen last season. The only reason I can see Toby being kept here this season is because at this point in his contract he is relatively cheap to keep. That's about it. We still need a really good running back. Denard and Toby both have their strong points, but neither one of them are really premier stuff.

We should be able to add a capable RB in the later rounds of the draft, don't you think?

Quote:We should be able to add a capable RB in the later rounds of the draft, don't you think?

Gurley in the 2nd or 3rd?

Quote:Gurley in the 2nd or 3rd?

In a heartbeat !!
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