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Quote:Haha, the Titans suck dude.....the points given up you are referencing in the first 4 games were from good offenses. 


If the Titans were a good offense, the Jags would have likely given up 30 points yesterday. Whitehurst as it was missed at least one wide open long play that was an easy TD. 

You can count plays every week that are missed.  Please stop bringing that up as it works itself out over the long haul.  If Todman caught the ball, if Hurns didn't fall down, if Cecil didn't fumble... we could have beat them by 14 to 17 points, if and buts.


So based on what you are saying, we can't show improvement when we play an opponent you deem inferior?  Titans are 14th in rushing yards at around 116 yards per game.  We held them to 70 yards and 2.9 yards per carry.  No matter how you slice it and who we played, the Jags have done better the last 2 weeks.  
I feel alot better about the team the day after.

Not gonna lie, that blocked FG hurt. It hurt big time. I haven't felt pain like that from watching a loss in a long time. But I guess that's a good thing, if you think about it in a positive way. Even the Pitt. game, we really weren't in it. The offense was clearly not gonna get us a score.

But this game, you could feel that the Jags were the better team all around.

Couple things I took away after getting a good night's sleep:

The D adjusted and started playing closer to the receivers. This needs to happen on almost every play. We have to bring an extra rusher on every play in order to protect our secondary. It's our weakness, so playing coverage just doesn't make sense.

The other thing is that our receivers are good. Maybe not world beaters yet, but we have a legit passing game.

And of course BB5 is making the type of progress you want to see from a rookie. All these things are positives.

The over-all coaching is still killing me. But I'll give Babich credit for adjusting (finally) and not playing such a prevent type D in the secondary. If I never see our CBs playing 5 yards off and then back-pedaling at snap it will be too soon. Again, give credit to Babich for finally seeming to figure that out in the 2nd half.

Go Jags!!!

It's hard to be positive considering our record. But there are some things to be thankful for!
Quote:I feel alot better about the team the day after.

Not gonna lie, that blocked FG hurt. It hurt big time. I haven't felt pain like that from watching a loss in a long time. But I guess that's a good thing, if you think about it in a positive way. Even the Pitt. game, we really weren't in it. The offense was clearly not gonna get us a score.

But this game, you could feel that the Jags were the better team all around.

Couple things I took away after getting a good night's sleep:

The D adjusted and started playing closer to the receivers. This needs to happen on almost every play. We have to bring an extra rusher on every play in order to protect our secondary. It's our weakness, so playing coverage just doesn't make sense.

The other thing is that our receivers are good. Maybe not world beaters yet, but we have a legit passing game.

And of course BB5 is making the type of progress you want to see from a rookie. All these things are positives.

The over-all coaching is still killing me. But I'll give Babich credit for adjusting (finally) and not playing such a prevent type D in the secondary. If I never see our CBs playing 5 yards off and then back-pedaling at snap it will be too soon. Again, give credit to Babich for finally seeming to figure that out in the 2nd half.

Go Jags!!!

It's hard to be positive considering our record. But there are some things to be thankful for!
Positives pretty much only have to do with Blake. Led an 83 yard drive to get us within 2. Then led us to a potential game winning kick.


Shorts fumble was by far the biggest thing to happen in this game. If he doesn't fumble that ball, we win. At worst we get a field goal out of that drive and then Blake goes 83 yards for the game winning score.
Quote:You can count plays every week that are missed.  Please stop bringing that up as it works itself out over the long haul.  If Todman caught the ball, if Hurns didn't fall down, if Cecil didn't fumble... we could have beat them by 14 to 17 points, if and buts.
So based on what you are saying, we can't show improvement when we play an opponent you deem inferior?  Titans are 14th in rushing yards at around 116 yards per game.  We held them to 70 yards and 2.9 yards per carry.  No matter how you slice it and who we played, the Jags have done better the last 2 weeks.
Yup... Pretty much this...

Yeah, Pitt and tacks are bottom dwellers. There's no doubt about it. But from watching us play versus them, we are bottom ascenders. They will continue to dwell where they are. We're slowly getting better.

I'm not going to hi-jack this thread in regards to coaching, because I still think there's a problem there!

If you look at our glaring player weaknesses, it's in the secondary and O-line. These issues can be corrected in an off-season, I believe.

Yes, is would be nice to have an all-pro RB, but it's not glaring. Storm and Shoelace can get it done with a bit more time. Our O-line has gelled, the problem is that they stink. Our secondary is WEAK... The good news regarding our secondary is that our pass rush is legit. You can cover up a weak secondary if Babich gets more agressive consistently...

So yeah, we stink. But the stink isn't so bad that it's unbearable.
Getting better? How can you judge that ? When you keep a game close with another bottom feeder?

The offense was finally healthy with the WRs. The OLine is healthy. They couldn't put up enough points against a team that was playing second stringers in many positions?

This team has the great distinction of being one of 4 teams in the NFLs lengthy history to go 0 - 6 in two straight seasons.

Improvement? Beat the Browns at home. Keep the game close at " home" with a surging Cowboy team.

I like what I see in BB. But team improvement? Well if the logic is that it can't get worse, I suppose you can look at it that way.
Quote:Positives pretty much only have to do with Blake. Led an 83 yard drive to get us within 2. Then led us to a potential game winning kick.
Shorts fumble was by far the biggest thing to happen in this game. If he doesn't fumble that ball, we win. At worst we get a field goal out of that drive and then Blake goes 83 yards for the game winning score.
That Shorts fumble was rancid. But the game was still not over. We were still the better team, and the D stepped up.

You must give credit to the D as a positive. They were agressive and didn't wilt after that heart breaking turn-over.

Think about it, man... Any other time, that turn over would have resulted in a clock killing drive that would have wound up with a tack score.

The D made progress. They maintained pressure and got the ball back to BB5 and the offense. That right there is a positive.

There's alot to be looking forward to. Yeah, the loss totally stunk. And Bradley's fingerprints are all over it. He's not a game manager. And I don't think he will be.

With that said, our players come to play as best they can. And our squad is better than the tack squad. I'd also say our squad is better than the squeeler's squad.

How many teams were we better then at this point last year? OK, our record is the exact same as last year. I grant that, and it is unacceptable. But I put the onus more on the coaches at this point than the players.
Quote:Jaguars look like they are improving each week. They have been competitive and with a close game like yesterday they were 1 or 2 plays away from securing a win. Of course it's easy to look at the negatives such as the bad challenges, dropped balls, and turnovers but I saw a team that played hard, made a few big plays, but just came up short due to lack of execution. I am hopeful to see this team secure a win soon and I Believe they will.

On a side note, Bortles is the best rookie QB I've seen in a long time. I'd argue he even looks better than Luck did at this stage.

Denard Robinson also appears to really improving his game. I love what Im seeing from him.

Go Jags!



I just started a thread like this.  lol. my bad. This is very true.
Process? There's process in making hot dogs too. Ain't purdy
Quote:Process? There's process in making hot dogs too. Ain't purdy
We are indeed watching the sausage made. Upton Sinclair's Jungle is a great metaphore for what we're saying. I forget the husband in that book, but it seems we're gonna spit out Bradley in the same manner as that guy...

On the bright side... Cuz you know, that's what this thread is about...

Sausage tastes good once it's made. I think Jaguars have the right ingredients... We just need better cooks for the most part.
Quote:Process? There's process in making hot dogs too. Ain't purdy

But we all like the result.
Quote:Positives pretty much only have to do with Blake. Led an 83 yard drive to get us within 2. Then led us to a potential game winning kick.


Shorts fumble was by far the biggest thing to happen in this game. If he doesn't fumble that ball, we win. At worst we get a field goal out of that drive and then Blake goes 83 yards for the game winning score.

Disagree. Bradley's decision to kick a 55 yarder at 3rd & 2 with 12 seconds was the biggest (negative) thing to happen in this game. No other head coach in the league settles for a 55 yarder with that much time on the clock and another down to play with. Bradley treated a 55 yarder as if it was a chip shot, when in reality that is a low percentage attempt. 


Its a shame because as you mention, Blake and co were making a nice late run in that game only to have bad coaching ruin their chance at a win. 

Quote:Disagree. Bradley's decision to kick a 55 yarder at 3rd & 2 with 12 seconds was the biggest (negative) thing to happen in this game. No other head coach in the league settles for a 55 yarder with that much time on the clock and another down to play with. Bradley treated a 55 yarder as if it was a chip shot, when in reality that is a low percentage attempt. 


Its a shame because as you mention, Blake and co were making a nice late run in that game only to have bad coaching ruin their chance at a win. 

You really have no way of knowing that.

Had they gone for it on third down and there is a false start or a hold or Bortles gets sacked you would be posting how dumb Bradley was for not just kicking it there.
Quote:Jaguars look like they are improving each week. They have been competitive and with a close game like yesterday they were 1 or 2 plays away from securing a win. Of course it's easy to look at the negatives such as the bad challenges, dropped balls, and turnovers but I saw a team that played hard, made a few big plays, but just came up short due to lack of execution. I am hopeful to see this team secure a win soon and I Believe they will.

On a side note, Bortles is the best rookie QB I've seen in a long time. I'd argue he even looks better than Luck did at this stage.

Denard Robinson also appears to really improving his game. I love what Im seeing from him.

Go Jags!
Why were the Jags competitive the last 2weeks?

A. The opponents were much weaker?  Steelers just got spanked to the browns


B. The team really improved?


I'm leaning more toward A
Quote:Disagree. Bradley's decision to kick a 55 yarder at 3rd & 2 with 12 seconds was the biggest (negative) thing to happen in this game. No other head coach in the league settles for a 55 yarder with that much time on the clock and another down to play with. Bradley treated a 55 yarder as if it was a chip shot, when in reality that is a low percentage attempt. 


Its a shame because as you mention, Blake and co were making a nice late run in that game only to have bad coaching ruin their chance at a win. 
If Shorts doesn't fumble that ball, the Bradley decision never happens.
Quote:Disagree. Bradley's decision to kick a 55 yarder at 3rd & 2 with 12 seconds was the biggest (negative) thing to happen in this game. No other head coach in the league settles for a 55 yarder with that much time on the clock and another down to play with. Bradley treated a 55 yarder as if it was a chip shot, when in reality that is a low percentage attempt. 
Its a shame because as you mention, Blake and co were making a nice late run in that game only to have bad coaching ruin their chance at a win.
Yeah, I totally was wondering why we didn't run 1 more play... The whole thing stinks! We clawed back in, but just didn't have the right game manager to get us over the hump...
Quote:If Shorts doesn't fumble that ball, the Bradley decision never happens.
But he did fumble, didn't he?

Again, this shouldn't be something to hang our heads on. The D stepped up. I said this earlier, but I'll repeat it:

Any other game, the D would have been gassed and demoralized after that turn over. At any other time, in that same senario over the past 2 years (if not more) the D would not have been able to get the ball back to our offense.

It's a positive. A small one, but one non-the-less.
I think we're only 3rd last on Defense right now.  

Bortles is also in the Top half for yards per game, despite one of those games being just half a game.  

I think we'll have a good idea if this team is really improving or not by the Bye Week though.  Then we'll have faced some more stiff competition. 

Quote:Why were the Jags competitive the last 2weeks?

A. The opponents were much weaker?  Steelers just got spanked to the browns


B. The team really improved?


I'm leaning more toward A

That's my feelings currently, I'll see how we play the Browns, but something tells me they'll eat this team up.  
Quote:That's my feelings currently, I'll see how we play the Browns, but something tells me they'll eat this team up.
We're playing against NFL caliber players. If you look at our team, unit by unit, we are better than alot of teams.

What will you say when we beat the clowns this week? I see us winning that game. It's gonna be the break out game for BB5 and the offense.

The defensive line is legit. It's our secondary that stinks. And the way to fix that at this point is just continue to rush the passer on every passing down. No more of this 5 yards off prevent style zone pass coverage.

If Babich can realize that, no way Cleveland drops more than 21 on us. And if we hold them to 21, BB5 will get it done!
Quote:We're playing against NFL caliber players. If you look at our team, unit by unit, we are better than alot of teams.

What will you say when we beat the clowns this week? I see us winning that game. It's gonna be the break out game for BB5 and the offense.

The defensive line is legit. It's our secondary that stinks. And the way to fix that at this point is just continue to rush the passer on every passing down. No more of this 5 yards off prevent style zone pass coverage.

If Babich can realize that, no way Cleveland drops more than 21 on us. And if we hold them to 21, BB5 will get it done!
What? Please go ahead and enlighten us. At 0-6, I'd be curious to see which units we have that are better than others. We have the worst Oline, a good d-line, below average secondary and a below average LB unit. Our WRs are so young and unproven. Our backfield is below average and although our QB is on the rise, he too is technically below average.
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