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Quote:Eugene Frenette ‏@GeneFrenette  1m

<p style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Correction, Fisch said there was a "couple plays" Bortles wanted out of game plan, then Fisch added 5 more. #Jaguars

<p style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"> 

<div style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Eugene Frenette ‏@GeneFrenette  3m
<p style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Fisch said there was a "couple plays" that he wanted out if SD game plan, and Fisch added about 5 more plays to veto. #Jaguars


Does Eugene mean instead of taking out two plays he took out seven?


I wonder what the "couple plays" are and why they were removed from the SD gameplan.
Quote:Does Eugene mean instead of taking out two plays he took out seven?


I wonder what the "couple plays" are and why they were removed from the SD gameplan.

I took it as Blake and Jedd were discussing the game plan for the week and Blake saw two he didn't like.  Then on Jedd's side, he added five more plays for Blake this week.
im guessing one of them is a PA bootleg... just a hunch

Quote:Does Eugene mean instead of taking out two plays he took out seven?


I wonder what the "couple plays" are and why they were removed from the SD gameplan.

Hopefully a lot of the Gerhart runs we've been seeing  :whistling:
I'll bet one of the plays removed was the flea flicker


Quote:I'm guessing one of them is a PA bootleg... just a hunch

I heard during the last preseason game Fisch will call lots of naked bootlegs.
Quote:I heard during the last preseason game Fisch will call lots of naked bootlegs.

Why do they have to be naked?  I don't want to see that!
Quote:I heard during the last preseason game Fisch will call lots of naked bootlegs.

Why do you always talk about naked stuff? This is a family message board.
Quote:Why do they have to be naked?  I don't want to see that!

LOL I don't know the difference between naked and PA bootlegs.
naked bootleg is a designed run with the QB where they fake the handoff and runs around the edge


by PA bootleg, I mean the passing play where the QB fakes the handoff, rolls out of the pocket, and has various receivers to throw to

I would like to see a lot of play action, along with a lot of PA bootlegs. Bortles isn't too fast but he's a crafty runner, as we saw on SUnday

Naked bootleg is when the QB rolls out oposite of the blocking scheme without any blockers with him. In essence he is out on an island naked by himself.


a reg bootleg is when a tackle or gaurd pulls out with the QB oppsite side of the blocking scheme.

Quote:would rather him be in film room than pestered by reporters today.  this is a waste of time.


Quote:But that doesn't mean its a good use of his time.


Blake needs all the time he can get for this Chargers team.

Armchair GMs are just too much sometimes.
Quote:I would like to see a lot of play action, along with a lot of PA bootlegs. Bortles isn't too fast but he's a crafty runner, as we saw on SUnday

He's fast enough to make the read option type plays effective.


He doesn't have to run for massive yardage, he just needs to be creating hesitation in the backside end on the play. If the end doesn't hesitate it lets him run for 5+ easy yards with a slide. If the end does hesitate and the o-line does its job then you get a decent run front side.
Not surprised BB wants some of the plays removed, wonder if the sweeps with Slowby are some of them. 

Quote:Armchair GMs are just too much sometimes.

im not playing GM... I just think press conferences are a waste of time.  the players and coaches are only there because they are required to be.  they would much rather be left to do their work and not have a bunch of meddling reports badger them with questions.
Quote:im not playing GM... I just think press conferences are a waste of time.  the players and coaches are only there because they are required to be.  they would much rather be left to do their work and not have a bunch of meddling reports badger them with questions.
you wouldn't think that if you were a member of the press...


everyone has a job to do...
Quote:im not playing GM... I just think press conferences are a waste of time.  the players and coaches are only there because they are required to be.  they would much rather be left to do their work and not have a bunch of meddling reports badger them with questions.

You can't be serious B.
Players are obiligated to speak to the media, it's all apart of that weekly fat paycheck they receive.

Quote:you wouldn't think that if you were a member of the press...


everyone has a job to do...

id probably also think defense attorneys were swell if I was one


im just not crazy about reporters.  they got their microphones and cameras shoved in people's faces.  just doesn't appeal to me.  to each their own.


they constantly ask leading questions to get that SEXY quote.  they are scum.


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