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Full Version: Coaches say Henne was responsible for only one sack on Sunday
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Quote:Agreed. It's the easiest target to go after. I'm not sure I agree with the coaches that only 1 sack was on Henne, but if they're seeing things in the coaches film that would indicate such, that's fine. Regardless of who is at fault, the play calling and the execution have to get better this week, and with Indy's depleted line, hopefully we're able to get into some sort of rhythm offensively.

Regardless of whose fault it is? I think that's pretty important.
Quote:So what. Coaches wont tell you he's been in the league for 7 years and is trash and has done squat with his time. I dont care if he wasn't responsible for none of the sacks. Quite funny we drafted a player 3rd overall and plenty of folks are fighting not to see him play. That's cool if that's your stance but don't be mad at the folks who do wanna see him instead of your favorite stiff. But I have enough factual data that proves Henne sucks.....for years in the NFL and is not gonna get better.

It may be a bit of a haze for you to see through, but no one doesn't want BB to play, much less "fighting" not to see him play. They dont want to see him killed. 

As much as some think he'll learn and get better under fire, there's just as much a chance as the opposite happening. Especially to a guy who wasn't projected to start. Wasn't and isn't NFL ready yet. 

Those who wanted Teddy, and media pundits who said he was most NFL ready...whats he doing? 

Let BB play some later in the season. Get him acclimated slowly for next year. In the meantime, get ready to draft and get some beef up front through FA. 
Just spin to make them not seem stupid for making him the starter....yawn. 

Don't care who's fault it is. He was sacked 10 times and that should have never happened period. The coaches can sugar coat it all they want, the team/coaches/coordinators all failed, and on the filed who leads the OL ' Chad The Man' ! And he couldn't move the offense. To be far the Defense was on the field too long, was unorganized and got stumped on. Wallbash

lol, the Henne guys, who listen to everything the coaches say as gospel, are being proven wrong and they still wont change their minds
There's a fine line between being directly responsible for a sack and having the QB abilities to prevent a sack. Audibles?  QB draw?  Screens?  Step up in pocket?


The coaches don't know what they are talking about. They might have made a career out of this line of work but I have read football forums for a lot longer then they have. I would surely take the pictures and and post from a few random walmart employees over the words of any "coach".
Quote:There's a fine line between being directly responsible for a sack and having the QB abilities to prevent a sack. Audibles?  QB draw?  Screens?  Step up in pocket?

You don't coach in the NFL so your observations are akin to a child trying to read a book on quantum mechanics.
Quote:The coaches don't know what they are talking about. They might have made a career out of this line of work but I have read football forums for a lot longer then they have. I would surely take the pictures and and post from a few random walmart employees over the words of any "coach".

Cool post. Thanks for the insight.
Quote:It may be a bit of a haze for you to see through, but no one doesn't want BB to play, much less "fighting" not to see him play. They dont want to see him killed. 

As much as some think he'll learn and get better under fire, there's just as much a chance as the opposite happening. Especially to a guy who wasn't projected to start. Wasn't and isn't NFL ready yet. 

Those who wanted Teddy, and media pundits who said he was most NFL ready...whats he doing? 

Let BB play some later in the season. Get him acclimated slowly for next year. In the meantime, get ready to draft and get some beef up front through FA. 
He won't get killed, stop it with that. Bortles is not made outta paper mache and will not be ripped apart after being touched. This line is being thrown out there over and over like nobody knows it's football and you will be hit. Regardless of the line situation he will be hit plenty throughout his playing career. People like you are the reason why you can't touch the quarterback now w/o getting some type of penalty because they've pussified the game. Scared the qb will be hit during a game is a soft [BLEEP] reason not to play him. They shouldn't of drafted him with all the holes on this team. Build a best of all time defense and get a game manager if you feel this way.
Quote:It may be a bit of a haze for you to see through, but no one doesn't want BB to play, much less "fighting" not to see him play. They dont want to see him killed. 

As much as some think he'll learn and get better under fire, there's just as much a chance as the opposite happening. Especially to a guy who wasn't projected to start. Wasn't and isn't NFL ready yet. 

Those who wanted Teddy, and media pundits who said he was most NFL ready...whats he doing? 

Let BB play some later in the season. Get him acclimated slowly for next year. In the meantime, get ready to draft and get some beef up front through FA. 
And Bridgewater isn't starting because he ain't that good. Glad we didn't draft that noodle arm down here.
Quote:Regardless of whose fault it is? I think that's pretty important.
You missed my point.  I'm not saying it's irrelevant who is at fault.  I'm simply talking bigger picture than finding someone to blame for one game.  Play calling and execution HAVE to be better.  It's okay to let go of last week.  Nothing is going to change about what happened. 
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://s1122.photobucket.com/user/jfand/media/Mobile%20Uploads/3AF44071-26CD-4C59-825B-5121C7FFCAB2_zpsi8eqx8y6.png.html'>[Image: 3AF44071-26CD-4C59-825B-5121C7FFCAB2_zpsi8eqx8y6.png]</a>

lee is open. Should be a fairly easy throw but Henne sees the rush and does the Gabbert (squat down and stop looking to throw). Henne takes a sack here but the ball should have been released before he was hit.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://s1122.photobucket.com/user/jfand/media/Mobile%20Uploads/482B9704-6548-4091-AF62-66BB10BA7573_zpso4vkrvmf.png.html'>[Image: 482B9704-6548-4091-AF62-66BB10BA7573_zpso4vkrvmf.png]</a>

Pocket is fine but Henne drifts towards the pass rushers. Could easily go the opposite way and see an open Allen hurns. He walked into another sack.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://s1122.photobucket.com/user/jfand/media/Mobile%20Uploads/85C4ECEB-0E76-4FC7-9FDD-F266F729CF1F_zpsnhnfb74n.png.html'>http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l521/jfand/Mobile%20Uploads/85C4ECEB-0E76-4FC7-9FDD-F266F729CF1F_zpsnhnfb74n.png</a>

Just to show Robinson (I believe) is open.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://s1122.photobucket.com/user/jfand/media/Mobile%20Uploads/CC286259-3DBC-4D67-BE82-B23AACBECADF_zpskl2zvbug.png.html'>http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l521/jfand/Mobile%20Uploads/CC286259-3DBC-4D67-BE82-B23AACBECADF_zpskl2zvbug.png</a>

Same play. Instead of taking a few steps back to avoid Kerrigans arm, Henne decides to move forward making it very easy to get grabbed and ultimately sacked. The pocket is fine if he stays back some.

Coaches flat out lying. Don't believe me then believe lags. He said 4 were on the o-line and the rest on Henne.


looking at the pics, its hard to blame Henne.....


























yea right
Quote:To the dismay of some posters, the Jaguar coaches listed the responsible parties for the 10 sacks on Sunday:


6 sacks credited to missed blocks by the O-line.

2 sacks credited to receivers running the wrong route.

1 sack credited to a RB for missing a block.

1 sack credited to Henne for holding the ball too long.




I think some people's heads are gonna explode!
I would like to point out, on plays where the Oline gave enough time but a young WR ran a wrong route, Henne (being a savvy vet) needs to get rid of the ball.

He shares blame in those.
Henne only responsible for 1 sack.... And my new found alchoholism
Quote:There's a fine line between being directly responsible for a sack and having the QB abilities to prevent a sack. Audibles?  QB draw?  Screens?  Step up in pocket?

Throw ball away somewhere in the vicinity of a WR so they don't call IG, even if you have to throw it 8 feet over his head out of bounds.


He could even throw one of his "worm burners" to avoid the sack and loss of yardage.
I really think this is just coach speak to try and make Henne look better because it isn't just one game this happens it is every game with Henne.

The snapshots mid play are great and all but there are 22 guys flying around at insanely high speeds. Taking a dynamic game or play and breaking it down into a single static moment can't give you a real sense for what went on and makes it awfully easy to become an armchair QB. Henne sucked but the other 10 guys around him sucked just as bad and for the most part even more than he did on Sunday.
An unwillingness to accept that their strategy may be wrong shows not only arrogance but leadership failure.

Prepare for nor blowouts.
Quote:The snapshots mid play are great and all but there are 22 guys flying around at insanely high speeds. Taking a dynamic game or play and breaking it down into a single static moment can't give you a real sense for what went on and makes it awfully easy to become an armchair QB. Henne sucked but the other 10 guys around him sucked just as bad and for the most part even more than he did on Sunday.

Yeah I gotta agree with this.
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