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I would give him a solid B... his play was above average, but he still made rookie mistakes. I understand the fans being excited about his potential, given some of the pathetic quarterbacks this franchise has had. But it's just that... potential. Bortles hasn't played a single 'real' NFL game yet. The preseason isn't the same as the regular season; there's nothing at risk at the outcome of the game. Blake has faced teams that were playing completely vanilla defenses. Lets see what happens when the time comes. As I recall, Blaine Gabbert looked really good in his preseason games too.... I hope for the best from Bortles, but I'm not ready to 'crown' him based on what we've seen in preseason games. We'll see.....

Quote:He is one of if not the best rookie I have seen play in his early career. Jacksonville has struck Gold and If I have to rate him against all other quarterbacks starting four games A+  I believe he is a gamer in that he plays better in games then practice. Reason for that statement is see him throw ducks in practice and spirals in games. He goes through is progressions and keeps his eyes down field! That is the sign of a great quarterback. Check down is the last option as it should be! 

Maybe practice just isn't enough to get his competitive juices flowing.  Then again, we haven't seen any practices lately.  They're closed to the public. 




How many times have we looked at a rookie and said, well, maybe sometime in the future, year 2 or year 3, the light bulb will go on, and maybe then he'll become what he should become.   And we keep on rationalizing why he's not turned the corner yet. 


But with Bortles, right off the bat you can see it.   This guy is a star.   This is the guy we want for the next 10 years.  We don't have to envy any other team for having any other quarterback.   Maybe as Jags fans we're not used to seeing things like this.  
I watched all of his snaps in the preseason. One thing that stood out to me is that there where not very many 3 and outs. He moved the offense and moved them down field, big chunks at a time. that's what you want to see in your QB. 


Less dinking and dunking and more big yardage chunking. It's been way too long since we have seen that around here hasn't it?


While he did have a few near INT's, I'm not worried about that. He's going to throw INT's when he finally gets to play, no way around it. 


I'm just very happy to see a Jags QB not afraid to throw the ball down field, esp with the way that the refs are going to call penalties on the defense when they barely even touch the WRs.


I give BB's a preseason grade of A

Quote:I would give him a solid B... his play was above average, but he still made rookie mistakes. I understand the fans being excited about his potential, given some of the pathetic quarterbacks this franchise has had. But it's just that... potential. Bortles hasn't played a single 'real' NFL game yet. The preseason isn't the same as the regular season; there's nothing at risk at the outcome of the game. Blake has faced teams that were playing completely vanilla defenses. Lets see what happens when the time comes. As I recall, Blaine Gabbert looked really good in his preseason games too.... I hope for the best from Bortles, but I'm not ready to 'crown' him based on what we've seen in preseason games. We'll see.....

It's just a preseason grade, it has nothing to do with his play in the regular season. They will be 2 separate grades.


Yeah, BG did look good at times during the preseason also, but I don't remember him looking as good as BB did, during the preseason.
Quote:As I recall, Blaine Gabbert looked really good in his preseason games too....
Your recall is poor. Gabbert was terrible in preseason as a rookie, and then had just a couple of nice quarters in his other 2 years here.

He never came even close to the consistent performance Bortles has showcased.

Also, everyone knows he hasn't played a "real" NFL game... But neither has anyone else.
The biggest problem I had with Gabbert was his lack of pocket presence and because of it, we saw far too much of this...


[Image: Bengals-Jaguars-Football.JP.jpg]



And not enough of this..


[Image: shorts.gif]

Gabbert looked really good is a stretch. Never saw BG pump fake anybody or step up in the pocket during his first preseason. Honestly never saw Gabbert audible a play and then throw to his THIRD option either. So I politely disagree with that part. I'd give him a B too though. Those near interceptions were telegraphed playing some vanilla defenses. As much as I love the fact that he drives the ball down the field, he needs to tone it down just a bit. There's no way he doesn't have a high amount of INTS and that's why I'm still okay with Henne still being the starter.

Quote:I would give him a solid B... his play was above average, but he still made rookie mistakes. I understand the fans being excited about his potential, given some of the pathetic quarterbacks this franchise has had. But it's just that... potential. Bortles hasn't played a single 'real' NFL game yet. The preseason isn't the same as the regular season; there's nothing at risk at the outcome of the game. Blake has faced teams that were playing completely vanilla defenses. Lets see what happens when the time comes. As I recall, Blaine Gabbert looked really good in his preseason games too.... I hope for the best from Bortles, but I'm not ready to 'crown' him based on what we've seen in preseason games. We'll see.....


This team needs Henne right now.  He has stood courageous and tall in the pocket and has directed the offense well.  I still think he doesn't go down the field often enough and gets too many passes batted.  But I can't fault him for the sacks he takes or the drops by the receivers or the ineffective ground game.  I think Henne will play well within his limitations, but what I want to see is a guy with fire in his belly, who holds the young players around him accountable but carries the biggest load himself.  We saw a glimpse of this at one point this preseason.  If he's got anything we haven't seen it's time to show it.


Bortles gets a solid A for the preseason.

Quote:This team needs Henne right now.  He has stood courageous and tall in the pocket and has directed the offense well.  I still think he doesn't go down the field often enough and gets too many passes batted.  But I can't fault him for the sacks he takes or the drops by the receivers or the ineffective ground game.  I think Henne will play well within his limitations, but what I want to see is a guy with fire in his belly, who holds the young players around him accountable but carries the biggest load himself.  We saw a glimpse of this at one point this preseason.  If he's got anything we haven't seen it's time to show it.


Bortles gets a solid A for the preseason.

I agree, Henne is essentially the test pilot for the offense, if the plane is going to crash and burn you don't want Bortles to be the guy taking the hits. Hopefully Henne's life insurance is paid up.

As I recall, Blaine Gabbert looked really good in his preseason games too....


Nah, he really was not, for the most part. 


Bortles YPA in every preseason game was over 9, IIRC. 


Gabbert routinely was putting up YPA's of 6-7 even in the pre-season. 

Quote:I watched all of his snaps in the preseason. One thing that stood out to me is that there where not very many 3 and outs. He moved the offense and moved them down field, big chunks at a time. that's what you want to see in your QB. 


Less dinking and dunking and more big yardage chunking. It's been way too long since we have seen that around here hasn't it?


While he did have a few near INT's, I'm not worried about that. He's going to throw INT's when he finally gets to play, no way around it. 


I'm just very happy to see a Jags QB not afraid to throw the ball down field, esp with the way that the refs are going to call penalties on the defense when they barely even touch the WRs.

Agreed with all of this. 


I hate giving "A" grades, but he deserves it. I wanted Teddy, but was happy enough just so we didn't get Jon football. Lovin what I am seein. I worry about expecting to much or jinxing.

Even Though I gave him an A I do support him sitting some this year.  I think the whole year thing is extreme.  I do not feel comfortable with him standing behind this patchwork offensive line.  Henne is a smart QB and knows how to get the ball out quick.  If or when Henne struggles then you bring the rookie in. 


He looked like he belonged in the NFL and deserving of where we selected him

He showcased great poise for the most part, but at times looked like a rookie. Rookies are not allowed to look like rookies. Also I'm not sure if his girlfriend tried out our new pools (highly disappointed)
Quote:The biggest problem I had with Gabbert was his lack of pocket presence and because of it, we saw far too much of this...


[Image: Bengals-Jaguars-Football.JP.jpg]



And not enough of this..


[Image: shorts.gif]

Tebow could have made that throw, Shorts was wide open.  Gabbert also threw screen passes as hard as he threw that ball.  Bortles has touch, can put it in a tiny window, is more athletic than BG was, and I haven't seen him ONCE run OUTSIDE when pressure comes from the OUTSIDE.  Remember when he basically handed it to a DLmen for a pick six?

F..........for fantastic!
B+. There's always room for improvement.
Quote:As I recall, Blaine Gabbert looked really good in his preseason games too.... I hope for the best from Bortles, but I'm not ready to 'crown' him based on what we've seen in preseason games. We'll see.....

I have seen other people post this same thing. It has to be the dumbest thing thrown around recently.
Quote:I have seen other people post this same thing. It has to be the dumbest thing thrown around recently.

They were saying it as it happened too. 



It was wrong then as well. 


Gabbert's YPA was consistently low, even in preseason. 
I give him an A. He impressed me a lot this preseason. 

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