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Quote:Everyone has the freedom to do whatever they want and people have the freedom to criticize them and assume things about them that may or may not be true. 

Quote:I think he's refering to the knee jerk reaction of the public. After 9/11 the "they hate us because of our freedom" was used to push us into 2 wars and to pass countless legislation restricting our freedom. The very people trumping they hate our freedom where the one's passing legislation to take your freedom.


In that same manor there is a knee jerk reaction to the rebel flag.
Guess I confused the intent. Thanks for that


Quote:I think he's refering to the knee jerk reaction of the public. After 9/11 the "they hate us because of our freedom" was used to push us into 2 wars and to pass countless legislation restricting our freedom. The very people trumping they hate our freedom where the one's passing legislation to take your freedom.


In that same manor there is a knee jerk reaction to the rebel flag.

Invention Secrecy Act

Espionage Act



National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive "Executive Directive 51" which basically grants the President the ability to essentially act as a dictator in the event of a "National Catastrophe".


And Readiness Exercise 84, or "Rex 84" was designed to allow the Government to suspend the Constitution and detain millions of Americans in the event of a "State of National Emergency".



These are not just conspiracy theories people. This is actually happening right under our noses. Read, Study, and Educate yourselves about these issues.


The list goes on, and on...
Quote:BOOM. That is the best point anyone has made in this thread. The left side has absolutely no interest in understanding how or why others feel a certain way. If they deem something racist, it MUST be racist. To heck with any other beliefs.

The left believe they have a right to NOT be offended.  Regardless of what someone thinks of the confederate flag, those who want to fly it are entitled to do so and protected under the Constitution in doing so.  Are there racists who fly the flag?  Absolutely.  There are also racists who fly the banner of the New Black Panthers, the Rainbow Coalition, and whatever it is Al Sharpton is leaching off of among others.  Again, it's their constitutional right to express themselves as they see fit regardless of how offensive it might be to some. 


People throw the term racist around so freely it's almost completely lost any meaning in the world today.  I've seen good and decent people who have been accused of being racists for not agreeing with the president of the United States.  They're not, but that doesn't matter.  And if those who happen to be black disagree?  They're tagged as Uncle Tom's by the same people who throw the racist card out there like it's free money. 


Quote:The war may not have been exclusively about slavery, but it was the tipping point and the major factor in the debate over states rights. It all festered and ultimately burst over the issue of not allowing slavery in new states.

The south was rural and it was poor.  They were providing much of the food and raw material that was gobbled up by the north, the north maintained the bulk of the wealth in the country.  The south was trying to level the playing field, and a major part of their agricultural industry was heavily reliant on slave labor.  As wrong as that was, trying to abolish slavery was seen as a direct threat to the commerce base in the south. 


Lincoln personally opposed slavery, but he did not go to war to abolish it.  There's a quote of him saying (I'm paraphrasing here) if abolishing slavery would end the war, he'd do it.  If keeping it legal would end the war, he'd do that.  If he could free some slaves but not all to end the war, he'd do it.  He was trying to save the union that was splintering apart. 


Quote:I agree with Eric and a couple of other users on here. Why should someone not be allowed to fly Old Dixie on their property? The fact that this is even an issue is very disturbing and shows how the Government is trying to advance its control and germination over people's basic liberties.



I agree 100% with what Eric said. A lot of times the Government will use issues like these to divide the populace and make us more controllable. Because the one thing that every Politician in Washington fears more than anything is a unified political force consisting of both the Left and the Right.

The current administration uses wedge issues all the time to divide the populace.  It's their primary political strategy.  Divide and conquer, and if that means using the race card or fear tactics to do so, then so be it. 


That's why you've got the attorney general of the United States saying the primary motivation to the opposition to 0bama's policies are racially motivated.  They know that's got to be a stretch.  If they believe otherwise, then they're truly clueless.  Otherwise, dear ruler wouldn't have been elected twice. 


I'm not saying racism doesn't exist.  It does.  And I'm sure there are those who do oppose 0bama because he's half black.  But, I would venture to guess the overwhelming majority in this country aren't opposed to him because of skin color, but because of his policies, and the clear lack of leadership. 


This administration came into office claiming to be the first post racial presidency.  They were going to unify left and right, black and white, men and women.  You name it, they were going to bring us together.  Then they got into office, and they immediately went to work dividing the masses and using wedge issues to advance their political viewpoints.  I've never seen an administration more partisan, and we've had some pretty partisan administrations in my lifetime. 


We've seen them try to split minorities against white (the police acted stupidly, Trayvon could have been my son, republicans hate Hispanic children, etc).  We've had people who worked for the Justice Department who quit because they were ordered to stand down on pursuing legal cases where the victims were white, and the perpetrators were black.  We've seen them stir up class warfare while hoping nobody noticed that the champions for the poor happen to be a bunch of millionaires themselves.  


We've seen them try to create a wedge between men and women with things like income inequality while the administration is paying women 30% less than they do men for the same jobs.  As long as they're paying lip service, that's all that matters.  Actions don't mean a thing. 


This administration has used race to strike fear in weak kneed republicans who don't want the stigma of being called racists for opposing the president.  Again, if you don't agree with 0bama, you must be a racist. 


Quote:Everyone has the freedom to do whatever they want and people have the freedom to criticize them and assume things about them that may or may not be true. 

What you say here might have been true 6 years ago, but we live in a very different world today.  If you oppose this administration, they'll happily dispatch the IRS or the Justice Department to investigate you, and to trump up charges, or simply target you.  They've made liberal use of these agencies to punish the opposition, so while you may have the freedom to do whatever you want within the limits of the law, they have the power to trounce you into oblivion for doing so, and they're doing it with an alarming level of regularity.

Invention Secrecy Act

Espionage Act



National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive "Executive Directive 51" which basically grants the President the ability to essentially act as a dictator in the event of a "National Catastrophe".


And Readiness Exercise 84, or "Rex 84" was designed to allow the Government to suspend the Constitution and detain millions of Americans in the event of a "State of National Emergency".



These are not just conspiracy theories people. This is actually happening right under our noses. Read, Study, and Educate yourselves about these issues.


The list goes on, and on...

Liberals will accuse you of being some grand conspiracy theorist for referencing any of the above.  It's funny how the tunes will change once they realize what the truth is here. 


Rex 84 was replaced by a couple of executive orders about 7 years ago that outlined a contingency plan to institute martial law in the event the national leadership is somehow decapitated.  The White House would assume control of all local and state governments, and lock down the entire country.  FEMA would become the law enforcement arm of the federal government.  Spooky stuff. 
Quote:The left believe they have a right to NOT be offended.  Regardless of what someone thinks of the confederate flag, those who want to fly it are entitled to do so and protected under the Constitution in doing so.  Are there racists who fly the flag?  Absolutely.  There are also racists who fly the banner of the New Black Panthers, the Rainbow Coalition, and whatever it is Al Sharpton is leaching off of among others.  Again, it's their constitutional right to express themselves as they see fit regardless of how offensive it might be to some. 


People throw the term racist around so freely it's almost completely lost any meaning in the world today.  I've seen good and decent people who have been accused of being racists for not agreeing with the president of the United States.  They're not, but that doesn't matter.  And if those who happen to be black disagree?  They're tagged as Uncle Tom's by the same people who throw the racist card out there like it's free money. 



The south was rural and it was poor.  They were providing much of the food and raw material that was gobbled up by the north, the north maintained the bulk of the wealth in the country.  The south was trying to level the playing field, and a major part of their agricultural industry was heavily reliant on slave labor.  As wrong as that was, trying to abolish slavery was seen as a direct threat to the commerce base in the south. 


Lincoln personally opposed slavery, but he did not go to war to abolish it.  There's a quote of him saying (I'm paraphrasing here) if abolishing slavery would end the war, he'd do it.  If keeping it legal would end the war, he'd do that.  If he could free some slaves but not all to end the war, he'd do it.  He was trying to save the union that was splintering apart. 



The current administration uses wedge issues all the time to divide the populace.  It's their primary political strategy.  Divide and conquer, and if that means using the race card or fear tactics to do so, then so be it. 


That's why you've got the attorney general of the United States saying the primary motivation to the opposition to 0bama's policies are racially motivated.  They know that's got to be a stretch.  If they believe otherwise, then they're truly clueless.  Otherwise, dear ruler wouldn't have been elected twice. 


I'm not saying racism doesn't exist.  It does.  And I'm sure there are those who do oppose 0bama because he's half black.  But, I would venture to guess the overwhelming majority in this country aren't opposed to him because of skin color, but because of his policies, and the clear lack of leadership. 


This administration came into office claiming to be the first post racial presidency.  They were going to unify left and right, black and white, men and women.  You name it, they were going to bring us together.  Then they got into office, and they immediately went to work dividing the masses and using wedge issues to advance their political viewpoints.  I've never seen an administration more partisan, and we've had some pretty partisan administrations in my lifetime. 


We've seen them try to split minorities against white (the police acted stupidly, Trayvon could have been my son, republicans hate Hispanic children, etc).  We've had people who worked for the Justice Department who quit because they were ordered to stand down on pursuing legal cases where the victims were white, and the perpetrators were black.  We've seen them stir up class warfare while hoping nobody noticed that the champions for the poor happen to be a bunch of millionaires themselves.  


We've seen them try to create a wedge between men and women with things like income inequality while the administration is paying women 30% less than they do men for the same jobs.  As long as they're paying lip service, that's all that matters.  Actions don't mean a thing. 


This administration has used race to strike fear in weak kneed republicans who don't want the stigma of being called racists for opposing the president.  Again, if you don't agree with 0bama, you must be a racist. 



What you say here might have been true 6 years ago, but we live in a very different world today.  If you oppose this administration, they'll happily dispatch the IRS or the Justice Department to investigate you, and to trump up charges, or simply target you.  They've made liberal use of these agencies to punish the opposition, so while you may have the freedom to do whatever you want within the limits of the law, they have the power to trounce you into oblivion for doing so, and they're doing it with an alarming level of regularity.
I meant more on a personal level. Individuals have the right to wave a flag and other individuals have the right to assume things about that person. That's all I meant.


I find it interesting that it sounds like you hold the GOP on a pedestal. Practically everything you attribute the left to doing is exactly what the right does/did/doing as well. 
I know some that fly it and feel that it is a symbol of their "Southern Heritage" and others that fly it because they are really stupid and think it means they don't like African Americans. Either way I find both sets of people to be complete morons. Especially the " the south will rise again crowd".

Dem dere Yankees er sum rood folks.

I always try to reverse situations and see if it makes sense. In this case flying an American Flag makes complete sense. However I don't see northerners saying, stuff like, "industustrial revolution, awwwwe yeaaaah awe yeah, give me more industrial revolution. Right there" and bust one. So in that sense no, it's pretty stupid and just makes one look pretty ignorant.
I don't necessarily find the Confederate flag to be racist, just like I don't find people from Puerto Rico flying their flag or people from Mexico flying their flag or people from <insert country> flying their flag.


What I find offensive is if these people choose to fly their particular flag ABOVE the U.S. flag in our country.


In a somewhat similar case, why is a cross on top of a hill deemed "offensive" to some?  Is the cross a racist display?

Quote:I don't necessarily find the Confederate flag to be racist, just like I don't find people from Puerto Rico flying their flag or people from Mexico flying their flag or people from <insert country> flying their flag.


What I find offensive is if these people choose to fly their particular flag ABOVE the U.S. flag in our country.


In a somewhat similar case, why is a cross on top of a hill deemed "offensive" to some?  Is the cross a racist display?
I agree it is proper flag etiquette to fly the American flag higher than other flags unless displayed amongst other countries flags.

The Puerto Rican flags we see so much doesn't usually bother me because hey, that's their home country (usually) but the confederate flag to me doesn't register as high as another country's flag.
Quote:The left believe they have a right to NOT be offended.  Regardless of what someone thinks of the confederate flag, those who want to fly it are entitled to do so and protected under the Constitution in doing so.  Are there racists who fly the flag?  Absolutely.  There are also racists who fly the banner of the New Black Panthers, the Rainbow Coalition, and whatever it is Al Sharpton is leaching off of among others.  Again, it's their constitutional right to express themselves as they see fit regardless of how offensive it might be to some. 


People throw the term racist around so freely it's almost completely lost any meaning in the world today.  I've seen good and decent people who have been accused of being racists for not agreeing with the president of the United States.  They're not, but that doesn't matter.  And if those who happen to be black disagree?  They're tagged as Uncle Tom's by the same people who throw the racist card out there like it's free money. 



The south was rural and it was poor.  They were providing much of the food and raw material that was gobbled up by the north, the north maintained the bulk of the wealth in the country.  The south was trying to level the playing field, and a major part of their agricultural industry was heavily reliant on slave labor.  As wrong as that was, trying to abolish slavery was seen as a direct threat to the commerce base in the south. 


Lincoln personally opposed slavery, but he did not go to war to abolish it.  There's a quote of him saying (I'm paraphrasing here) if abolishing slavery would end the war, he'd do it.  If keeping it legal would end the war, he'd do that.  If he could free some slaves but not all to end the war, he'd do it.  He was trying to save the union that was splintering apart. 



The current administration uses wedge issues all the time to divide the populace.  It's their primary political strategy.  Divide and conquer, and if that means using the race card or fear tactics to do so, then so be it. 


That's why you've got the attorney general of the United States saying the primary motivation to the opposition to 0bama's policies are racially motivated.  They know that's got to be a stretch.  If they believe otherwise, then they're truly clueless.  Otherwise, dear ruler wouldn't have been elected twice. 


I'm not saying racism doesn't exist.  It does.  And I'm sure there are those who do oppose 0bama because he's half black.  But, I would venture to guess the overwhelming majority in this country aren't opposed to him because of skin color, but because of his policies, and the clear lack of leadership. 


This administration came into office claiming to be the first post racial presidency.  They were going to unify left and right, black and white, men and women.  You name it, they were going to bring us together.  Then they got into office, and they immediately went to work dividing the masses and using wedge issues to advance their political viewpoints.  I've never seen an administration more partisan, and we've had some pretty partisan administrations in my lifetime. 


We've seen them try to split minorities against white (the police acted stupidly, Trayvon could have been my son, republicans hate Hispanic children, etc).  We've had people who worked for the Justice Department who quit because they were ordered to stand down on pursuing legal cases where the victims were white, and the perpetrators were black.  We've seen them stir up class warfare while hoping nobody noticed that the champions for the poor happen to be a bunch of millionaires themselves.  


We've seen them try to create a wedge between men and women with things like income inequality while the administration is paying women 30% less than they do men for the same jobs.  As long as they're paying lip service, that's all that matters.  Actions don't mean a thing. 


This administration has used race to strike fear in weak kneed republicans who don't want the stigma of being called racists for opposing the president.  Again, if you don't agree with 0bama, you must be a racist. 



What you say here might have been true 6 years ago, but we live in a very different world today.  If you oppose this administration, they'll happily dispatch the IRS or the Justice Department to investigate you, and to trump up charges, or simply target you.  They've made liberal use of these agencies to punish the opposition, so while you may have the freedom to do whatever you want within the limits of the law, they have the power to trounce you into oblivion for doing so, and they're doing it with an alarming level of regularity.

Epicly good post FBT! 


Well done! :thumbsup: 

Invention Secrecy Act

Espionage Act



National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive "Executive Directive 51" which basically grants the President the ability to essentially act as a dictator in the event of a "National Catastrophe".


And Readiness Exercise 84, or "Rex 84" was designed to allow the Government to suspend the Constitution and detain millions of Americans in the event of a "State of National Emergency".



These are not just conspiracy theories people. This is actually happening right under our noses. Read, Study, and Educate yourselves about these issues.


The list goes on, and on...


Quote:Liberals will accuse you of being some grand conspiracy theorist for referencing any of the above.  It's funny how the tunes will change once they realize what the truth is here. 


Rex 84 was replaced by a couple of executive orders about 7 years ago that outlined a contingency plan to institute martial law in the event the national leadership is somehow decapitated.  The White House would assume control of all local and state governments, and lock down the entire country.  FEMA would become the law enforcement arm of the federal government.  Spooky stuff. 


This scares the hell outta me given who we have as president right now. I don't trust his motives at all. I'd elaborate further but it would seep into what his religion is. (or really is) 
Quote:I meant more on a personal level. Individuals have the right to wave a flag and other individuals have the right to assume things about that person. That's all I meant.


I find it interesting that it sounds like you hold the GOP on a pedestal. Practically everything you attribute the left to doing is exactly what the right does/did/doing as well. 

I don't hold the liberal definition of the GOP on a pedestal.  I do hold the core beliefs of what the GOP used to be in very high regard.  I agree with the core tenets of lower taxes, less government intervention in our lives, controlled government spending, and strong defense.  I don't hold the current leadership in very high regard at all because they're nothing but democrat lite. 


If you're fine with the way government is intruding in our lives today, and how it's only getting worse by the day, then you should be thrilled with the direction this country is headed currently.  I am not. 


As far as individuals having a right to wave a flag, and others having the right to assume things about that person, consider the fact that assumptions aren't always correct, and that by assuming something, you're doing nothing but stereotyping an individual.  What if that person isn't a racist? Doesn't that make the person making  blanket assumptions someone of a racist as well?  If you don't know the motivation of the person flying that flag, you're no better than they are by assuming anything.  Not everyone who flies a confederate flag is racist. 
Quote:I know some that fly it and feel that it is a symbol of their "Southern Heritage" and others that fly it because they are really stupid and think it means they don't like African Americans. Either way I find both sets of people to be complete morons. Especially the " the south will rise again crowd".

Dem dere Yankees er sum rood folks.

I always try to reverse situations and see if it makes sense. In this case flying an American Flag makes complete sense. However I don't see northerners saying, stuff like, "industustrial revolution, awwwwe yeaaaah awe yeah, give me more industrial revolution. Right there" and bust one. So in that sense no, it's pretty stupid and just makes one look pretty ignorant.

The percentage of people flying the confederate flag, or displaying it in some manner has to be almost immeasurable.  You'll see them occasionally, but not very often.
Quote:This scares the hell outta me given who we have as president right now. I don't trust his motives at all. I'd elaborate further but it would seep into what his religion is. (or really is) 

There are exercises going on all around this country where you've got military doing drills in urban areas.  There are contingencies that have been developed for dealing with uprisings because of political instability and unrest.  There's a lot of stuff happening in this country that barely gets discussed because the media has been actively burying it. 


If you talk to someone in law enforcement, many cities including our own are having federal money jammed down their throats to buy armored equipment and military style gear that is completely unnecessary for local law enforcement. 
Quote:I don't hold the liberal definition of the GOP on a pedestal.  I do hold the core beliefs of what the GOP used to be in very high regard.  I agree with the core tenets of lower taxes, less government intervention in our lives, controlled government spending, and strong defense.  I don't hold the current leadership in very high regard at all because they're nothing but democrat lite. 


If you're fine with the way government is intruding in our lives today, and how it's only getting worse by the day, then you should be thrilled with the direction this country is headed currently.  I am not. 


As far as individuals having a right to wave a flag, and others having the right to assume things about that person, consider the fact that assumptions aren't always correct, and that by assuming something, you're doing nothing but stereotyping an individual.  What if that person isn't a racist? Doesn't that make the person making  blanket assumptions someone of a racist as well?  If you don't know the motivation of the person flying that flag, you're no better than they are by assuming anything.  Not everyone who flies a confederate flag is racist. 
The GOP is not what it used to be. It seems like you give the current version a pass on everything while being vitriolic to purely one side. 


You think liberals are the problem but they are not. Politicians paid by special interest groups and corporations huge sums of legal bribes are the problem. Saying the left or the right is worse is pointless. They are both driving towards where we currently are and where we are going. 


In regards to assumptions, I agree with you. We all make assumptions that are not true for every person but you do it, I do it, everyone does it. My point was not about it being right or wrong, it was about having actions draw out reactions. If you do something you know to offend some people and it doesn't bother you because you have your own reasons for doing it, than that's fine but you shouldn't get upset when people voice their opinions and assumptions on the matter. People do get offended to easily though so not much can be done about it.
Quote:The GOP is not what it used to be. It seems like you give the current version a pass on everything while being vitriolic to purely one side. 


You think liberals are the problem but they are not. Politicians paid by special interest groups and corporations huge sums of legal bribes are the problem. Saying the left or the right is worse is pointless. They are both driving towards where we currently are and where we are going. 


In regards to assumptions, I agree with you. We all make assumptions that are not true for every person but you do it, I do it, everyone does it. My point was not about it being right or wrong, it was about having actions draw out reactions. If you do something you know to offend some people and it doesn't bother you because you have your own reasons for doing it, than that's fine but you shouldn't get upset when people voice their opinions and assumptions on the matter. People do get offended to easily though so not much can be done about it.

I don't give the "current version" a pass at all.  I think the leadership in the GOP has sold their soul for the sake of retaining power.  They don't hold true to the basic core beliefs of the part for the last several decades.  They're no better than the democrats in their willingness to expand the reach of government, and spending this country into oblivion with money we don't have.  I don't believe in bigger government, more taxes, weaker defense, lack of border security.  These are the things the current GOP and of course reliable democrats have been pushing for at least 20 years. 


Assumptions are okay as long as they're politically correct.  Liberals have this viewpoint that they have this right to NOT be offended, and that's simply not the case. 


There was a restaurant in the news just this week.  The place is owned by devout Christians.  They saw a family praying over their meal before they started to eat, and decided to offer a 15% discount.  Word got out that the restaurant did this, and they started getting a lot of people coming to their place to take advantage of the discount.  It was not specific to any particular faith.  None of that mattered.  But, some atheist group heard about it and threatened the owner of this family owned establishment with legal action if they didn't cease and desist because they found it offensive. 


There have been numerous reports where public schools sent kids home if they wore clothing that had the AMERICAN flag on it because some students found it offensive.


Kids have been suspended from school for using their index finger to pretend it's a gun.  Another grade schooler was suspended for saying a cloud looked like a gun. 


Liberals have made it their mission to thwart freedom of speech by intimidating anyone who dares to exercise their right if it doesn't mesh with their viewpoints.  If they find it offensive, they will go to whatever lengths they must to crush it. 


When I look at the current leadership of the GOP, from the chairman of the party, to the senior elected officials like McCain, Graham, Boehner, McConnell and others, I don't see any difference between these guys and the democrats.  They may pay lip service to the people to assure they keep getting reelected, but their actions speak far more loudly than their words.  The reason Eric Cantor is no longer in congress has everything to do with the fact that he was one of those "leaders" who thought he could talk the conservative talk while basically doing the exact opposite behind the scenes.  The party has this mindset that it must shift to the center even as the democrats are moving further left.  I know Oklahomie has deluded himself into thinking things have moved to the right, but ObamaCare and a host of other shifts say otherwise.  This government has spent far too much time trying to find new ways to get their tentacles into our lives, and as they do, things continue to get worse for those of us not in the leadership class on either side of the aisle. 


Democrats need to wake up and realize they're marching towards a more socialist platform.  Republicans need to figure out that it's okay to have differing opinions from the opposition, and that it's not necessary to cave on issues in order to have bipartisanship.  I've said it many times.  Democrats thing bipartisanship is agreeing with them.  Republicans see it as caving in to democrats.  There's no core conviction from those in leadership roles in the GOP.  There's only the desire to retain what power they have. 


I agree that politicians bought and paid for by special interests are the problem.  I just disagree with you that liberal policies aren't a recipe for disaster. 
Quote:I don't give the "current version" a pass at all.  I think the leadership in the GOP has sold their soul for the sake of retaining power.  They don't hold true to the basic core beliefs of the part for the last several decades.  They're no better than the democrats in their willingness to expand the reach of government, and spending this country into oblivion with money we don't have.  I don't believe in bigger government, more taxes, weaker defense, lack of border security.  These are the things the current GOP and of course reliable democrats have been pushing for at least 20 years. 


Assumptions are okay as long as they're politically correct.  Liberals have this viewpoint that they have this right to NOT be offended, and that's simply not the case. 


There was a restaurant in the news just this week.  The place is owned by devout Christians.  They saw a family praying over their meal before they started to eat, and decided to offer a 15% discount.  Word got out that the restaurant did this, and they started getting a lot of people coming to their place to take advantage of the discount.  It was not specific to any particular faith.  None of that mattered.  But, some atheist group heard about it and threatened the owner of this family owned establishment with legal action if they didn't cease and desist because they found it offensive. 


There have been numerous reports where public schools sent kids home if they wore clothing that had the AMERICAN flag on it because some students found it offensive.


Kids have been suspended from school for using their index finger to pretend it's a gun.  Another grade schooler was suspended for saying a cloud looked like a gun. 


Liberals have made it their mission to thwart freedom of speech by intimidating anyone who dares to exercise their right if it doesn't mesh with their viewpoints.  If they find it offensive, they will go to whatever lengths they must to crush it. 


When I look at the current leadership of the GOP, from the chairman of the party, to the senior elected officials like McCain, Graham, Boehner, McConnell and others, I don't see any difference between these guys and the democrats.  They may pay lip service to the people to assure they keep getting reelected, but their actions speak far more loudly than their words.  The reason Eric Cantor is no longer in congress has everything to do with the fact that he was one of those "leaders" who thought he could talk the conservative talk while basically doing the exact opposite behind the scenes.  The party has this mindset that it must shift to the center even as the democrats are moving further left.  I know Oklahomie has deluded himself into thinking things have moved to the right, but ObamaCare and a host of other shifts say otherwise.  This government has spent far too much time trying to find new ways to get their tentacles into our lives, and as they do, things continue to get worse for those of us not in the leadership class on either side of the aisle. 


Democrats need to wake up and realize they're marching towards a more socialist platform.  Republicans need to figure out that it's okay to have differing opinions from the opposition, and that it's not necessary to cave on issues in order to have bipartisanship.  I've said it many times.  Democrats thing bipartisanship is agreeing with them.  Republicans see it as caving in to democrats.  There's no core conviction from those in leadership roles in the GOP.  There's only the desire to retain what power they have. 


I agree that politicians bought and paid for by special interests are the problem.  I just disagree with you that liberal policies aren't a recipe for disaster. 
It's funny... If you replace liberal with conservative or atheist with christian in your argument that's exactly how a whole lot of liberals think. 


People need to chill out. The kids are playing around, believers want to believe, non-believers don't want to. Who cares. 


I do think if you take money out of politics a lot of these things would be resolved. Maybe not to your liking or to mine but it would bring back true public servants speaking and voting for their constituents rather for their dollars. 
Quote:The percentage of people flying the confederate flag, or displaying it in some manner has to be almost immeasurable.  You'll see them occasionally, but not very often.

That depends on where you are, but it is true in urban areas.
Quote:I do think if you take money out of politics a lot of these things would be resolved.

Ya think?
Quote:That depends on where you are, but it is true in urban areas.

Yeah there's a lot where I live id imagine same is true for you in ten.
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