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Full Version: Jim Irsay hands out cash to fans who attended training camp
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Quote:The only possible reason a Colts fan would try to ingratiate himself on another's team's message board is if the folks on his own team's message board drive him away or completely ignore him.

Or to get a good laugh
Quote:What really sucks about a lot of people? Many of them believe they have some reason to believe they are superior to some other group of people that are _____ (insert the perceived inferior group that you wish to look down your nose at in the underlined space that is provided) … Pick one … religion, skin color, nationality, gender identity, political affiliation, nfl fan base, and those heathens that load their toilet paper under instead of over.


Yes, I understand there are experts on the differences between a Jaguars fan, and a Colts fan ... because some people can cite circumstances that empower their in depth knowledge, and dual perspective of the two groups that very few people could possibly have. Like a Christian that may live in a predominately Muslim country. Who's the bad guy? If you can't appreciate another NFL fanbase, just wait til you get to the two biggies … Religion, and the correct way to put your pants on. No two groups do either the same way.


To keep up with the subject, and “sell out” discussion. It wasn't 1 playoff game cost, you had to pay for 2 … around Christmas, when a lot of people with kids had their bank account on life support. Ignore those type of facts, and GB sells out in minutes. Green Freaking Bay. The same group of prickles that would stack the “Click For Can's” contest.


That right there is a “Real” reason to hate a fanbase. Right?



Good thing is? You get to be who you want to be. Ever wonder why so many choose to ignore that option? Ask that question in front of a mirror.



Smile  I love you guys, man.

Sammy, I can say this with all honesty, the Jaguars have a great fan base. We've endured a lot of years of really bad losing at this point, but the fans still keep coming and still stay hungry.


The colts I can honestly say seem to have a fair weather fan base. Now it's true that I don't live there, and maybe it's just that there are a lot more great things to do on a Sunday afternoon than to go to the cool and climate controlled DOME to watch a football game if the team happens to not be good.


Or maybe it really is just like you say and the average fan in indy is too poor to buy playoff tickets around christmas time. Either way it's not a great argument for having the more enthusiastic fan base.


All of that being said I'm sure there are some fans up there that are just has hardcore as the Jaguars fans who show up to watch the team get blown out in 100° weather when they could be at the beach, but I think credit is due to the Jaguars fan base and it's rarely given.

All clots fans suck....but Sammy gets a free pass. (Until the Jags and colts play). Smile


You my Nephew? He would say that.



Quote:The only possible reason a Colts fan would try to ingratiate himself on another's team's message board is if the folks on his own team's message board drive him away or completely ignore him.


And, yes, I have clients and friends who know the Irsay family personally. Unfortunately. He would pry a quarter out of the blind man's tin cup without a moment of conscience.

So you say that you hate Colts fans because you have "clients, friends" that know the Irsay family personally? Okay, Prove it. I will spring for dinner at St. Elmo's Steak House ... bring them with you. All of them?  :no: 


OR ... I call you a big fat liar … Unless you can prove that Colts fans are to be hated because they deserve it because your friends and clients prove you are not lying. (yes, you are until you name names, LIAR!). You stand alone in your hate ... until you name those, and bring those that stand with you for this free dinner. Pretty sweet deal, wouldn't you admit?


Give me your friends, and clients available schedule. I will make it happen. That isn't a threat, it is a promise. (Jim must approve it is possible these fictional people know him on the level you spout off) ... OR you could bow out graciously by claiming Jim can't remember anyone because he is on drugs.


I will bring my Camera, we can take pictures of these "Clients, and Friends" ... Maybe Jim will stop by for a few photo ops.  Banana 


Do you wonder why people around the world hate you as an American ...  because ... Bush, Obama .. enter evil monster.


You picked Irsay (for this debate) so, you know why they hate you? Because they are you. They hate.


Quote:If you're talking about Sammy...those are fighting words around here!! He is a much loved member of this message board.

My place, or yours?  Love 




I don't get the hate that some people must have. The reason is always backed by special knowledge that only they could posses? (Shocking)


Doctor dies from treating patients dying from ebola ... on the opposite side of the world ... without asking for a single nickle from the poor souls infected?. ... Hero!
Quote:If you're talking specifically me, please show me where I've done that.


I only post on this board when it's Colts related.

You made a broad statement about Jags fans. I made the same statement to prove how foolish it sounds. 
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