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Full Version: Ace Sanders Facing Four Game Suspension
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Another idiot without the personal fortitude to do what he contractually agreed to do. Another circumstance of a weak minded individual unable to put aside his wants to fulfill the obligations in life that he has agreed to do. Cut him on the grounds that he is just to stupid to hold a roster spot for.

Quote:I thought the reason you go to college is to learn how to drink and do drugs.


Seriously, is it really the college's responsibility? What about all the kids who go through business school only to fail a drug test at their work at some point in their career? Is that the college's fault too?


What would aggressive drug testing do for a guy like Sanders? Get him kicked out of school? Do you really think he would be better off being uneducated, broke, and still probably doing drugs?
I did not say that students should be kicked out of school if they fail a drug test. Don't put words in my mouth. I merely commented on the possible repercussions of looking the other way on serious issues that can destroy a young mans character. Like the NFL they should provide programs the help any young person who is having drug problems. We all were young and have made foolish mistakes for lack of maturity. Looking the other way when a young man or woman has a serious problem can be devastating during the development of a young person. I said I did not know if this is an issue but it may warrant some investigation. If the college is providing a free education to a student for playing a sport they have every right to expect that person to be free of drugs so they can perform the service they are getting thousands of dollars in scholarship money for! Looking the other way only increase the addiction and creates a great chance of a young persons failure to kick the habit!

Quote:Sorry bro, weed is not addictive. There are addictive personalities that latch onto weed, but weed itself is not a "i'm going to steal and kill for this" type of drug. 


Sorry man, it just doesnt work that way. 

You are the one that doesn't understand how it works.


There's peer reviewed research in respected scientific journals which has evidence supporting my claims.  What do you have?  You and your friends saying "nah, this isn't addictive"?


If you want some articles, I'l PM you.
Quote:Another idiot without the personal fortitude to do what he contractually agreed to do. Another circumstance of a weak minded individual unable to put aside his wants to fulfill the obligations in life that he has agreed to do. Cut him on the grounds that he is just to stupid to hold a roster spot for.
Don't fall when you get off of that high horse.
why does everyone think its from drugs? even my dad said that when he heard the story. Couldn't he  be suspend for something else. maybe got pulled over for speeding or something, and a unresgtierged  gun was found in his car. I'm just saying,i hope that wasn't the case. you never know.

Quote:Don't fall when you get off of that high horse.
So someone who takes care of their obligations and lives within the rules they agreed to is on a high horse? Wow. so we can assume that you will crack beers at your desk at work then, right? If not, why? You like to drink beer correct?

Quote:So someone who takes care of their obligations and lives within the rules they agreed to is on a high horse? Wow. so we can assume that you will crack beers at your desk at work than, right? If not, why? You like to drink beer correct?
Don't fall....
Quote:Don't fall....
That's what I figured.
Attention all Jaguar team members.


Tired of the same old schedule? Putting in the hard work and dedication? Tired of listening to The Man and following their silly rules?


Well we have got your answer, fire up this blunt and suck down this fifth of whiskey and BOOM, like magic you will be on a 4 week vacation while all the time knowing that Khan and company will be there waiting for you.


Come fast while supplies last.

Quote:Attention all Jaguar team members.


Tired of the same old schedule? Putting in the hard work and dedication? Tired of listening to The Man and following their silly rules?


Well we have got your answer, fire up this blunt and suck down this fifth of whiskey and BOOM, like magic you will be on a 4 week vacation while all the time knowing that Khan and company will be there waiting for you.


Come fast while supplies last.


I don't even hear those.....
Smith, Soward, Jones, Williams, Blackmon, Sanders...


Seriously, what the hell????

Quote:I did not say that students should be kicked out of school if they fail a drug test. Don't put words in my mouth. I merely commented on the possible repercussions of looking the other way on serious issues that can destroy a young mans character. Like the NFL they should provide programs the help any young person who is having drug problems. We all were young and have made foolish mistakes for lack of maturity. Looking the other way when a young man or woman has a serious problem can be devastating during the development of a young person. I said I did not know if this is an issue but it may warrant some investigation. If the college is providing a free education to a student for playing a sport they have every right to expect that person to be free of drugs so they can perform the service they are getting thousands of dollars in scholarship money for! Looking the other way only increase the addiction and creates a great chance of a young persons failure to kick the habit!
So what are they supposed to do? Keep paying for their education and pay for their drug treatment? Do all the drugs you want, we will still give you a free ride. That will straighten them out.


Why is it the college's responsibility? Why not hold the high school accountable for weeding out drug users or middle school or elementary school?


The bottom line is Ace Sanders is an adult. He is solely responsible for his current situation and only he can get himself back in good standing.


You want to make a better world? How about we quit laying blame everywhere else and start holding people accountable for their own actions. That's a life lesson that needs to be taught well before college.
Quote:Smith, Soward, Jones, Williams, Blackmon, Sanders...


Seriously, what the hell????
Is there like one dealer supplying them all?!?


If so, I sure wish he/she would stop.
Quote:I don't even hear those.....
When you are full of poo, it clogs your ears.
Quote:why does everyone think its from drugs? even my dad said that when he heard the story. Couldn't he  be suspend for something else. maybe got pulled over for speeding or something, and a unresgtierged  gun was found in his car. I'm just saying,i hope that wasn't the case. you never know.
He violated the league's substance abuse policy, wolfie. 
he could do that though using that thing nfl players have used before to help their health. it doesn't have to nesscerlley be drugs like the pot, weed,or what ever right? excause my spelling in a hurry on way to work.

Quote:he could do that though using that thing nfl players have used before to help their health. it doesn't have to nesscerlley be drugs like the pot, weed,or what ever right? excause my spelling in a hurry on way to work.
It's not performance enhancing drugs from what has been reported. 
Quote:why does everyone think its from drugs? even my dad said that when he heard the story. Couldn't he  be suspend for something else. maybe got pulled over for speeding or something, and a unresgtierged  gun was found in his car. I'm just saying,i hope that wasn't the case. you never know.

You keep thinking that. And the Tooth Fairy as well.


I don't think you seek counseling for unregistered guns.
Quote:When you are full of poo, it clogs your ears.
You should know. Thanks for the insight.
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