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Full Version: Blackmon. Why All The Secrecy?
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Quote:Allow me to throw some more wood on the fire.


We've discussed confidentiality from the league's, Jaguars' and NFLPA's perspective but we haven't looked at it from Blackmon's.  Why is he being so secretive of his activities?  Why is no one interested?  Not even B rated media outlets research and report.


It's so strange......an enigma wrapped up in a riddle.


With a question mark????
Quote:Let me offer this theory-one that gives Blackmon the benefit of the doubt.

Admittedly it's farfetched, but here goes.

Suppose Blackmon is really trying to get clean and sober.

Suppose Blackmon, cognizant of the past promises and assurances he gave, somehow doesn't want to break his word again. Maybe he doesn't want to disappoint his friends and teammates. Maybe he wants to let his actions speak for him instead of offering empty promises.

Maybe he isn't ready to face them-even over a telephone.

Maybe talking with his friends and teammates depresses him and triggers a depression and a desire to drink/use drugs.

Maybe he honestly does not know how he is doing, despite his efforts to remain sober.

Maybe he is profoundly ashamed of his past behavior.

Just throwing it out there.
I don't think that is that far fetched.. A lot of time drug dependence/alcohol issues are comorbid with anxiety and depression.
Firstly, the guys problem is alcohol and not weed. I feel some type of way about his situation. How can a GROWN man who has millions of dollars be told he can't have even a SINGLE drink?


Alcohol is a legal substance, I understand he had some trouble because of its consumption, but barred from having a drink even off duty? That is ridiculous!


The guy has trouble functioning without alcohol, as some people we may all know. It points to a deep problem of insecurity which probably developed while he was still a child and alcohol helped.

Quote:Firstly, the guys problem is alcohol and not weed. I feel some type of way about his situation. How can a GROWN man who has millions of dollars be told he can't have even a SINGLE drink?

Alcohol is a legal substance, I understand he had some trouble because of its consumption, but barred from having a drink even off duty? That is ridiculous!

The guy has trouble functioning without alcohol, as some people we may all know. It points to a deep problem of insecurity which probably developed while he was still a child and alcohol helped.

When members of society (including NFL Players) put others in danger by drinking and driving, court orders can be governed to ban alcohol consumption. It's totally legal and necessary to keep the accused from injuring his or herself and others.
Quote:When members of society (including NFL Players) put others in danger by drinking and driving, court orders can be governed to ban alcohol consumption. It's totally legal and necessary to keep the accused from injuring his or herself and others.

We he given such a court order? Presumably that would be public record.


Even if he was given such an order, it wouldn't be the NFL's job to enforce it by suspending him from work, it would be an issue for the police.
Quote:We he given such a court order? Presumably that would be public record.

Even if he was given such an order, it wouldn't be the NFL's job to enforce it by suspending him from work, it would be an issue for the police.

I don't know if Blackmon was given a court order or not. I was speaking in general.
He smoked some weed and got caught I bet.


I bet it has nothing to do with drinking at all.


Maybe he should have beat a girl up or killed someone.


He'd be back on field in no time.

Quote:He smoked some weed and got caught I bet.


I bet it has nothing to do with drinking at all.


Maybe he should have beat a girl up or killed someone.


He'd be back on field in no time.

Quote:Let me offer this theory-one that gives Blackmon the benefit of the doubt.


Admittedly it's farfetched, but here goes.


Suppose Blackmon is really trying to get clean and sober.


Suppose Blackmon, cognizant of the past promises and assurances he gave, somehow doesn't want to break his word again.  Maybe he doesn't want to disappoint his friends and teammates.  Maybe he wants to let his actions speak for him instead of offering empty promises. 


Maybe he isn't ready to face them-even over a telephone.


Maybe talking with his friends and teammates depresses him and triggers a depression and a desire to drink/use drugs.


Maybe he honestly does not know how he is doing, despite his efforts to remain sober.


Maybe he is profoundly ashamed of his past behavior.


Just throwing it out there.


This is what I'm secretly hoping for, but I would think that him training everyday with a personal trainer, living life correctly and preparing for his return would be a story.


Again, it's strange that there is no story.


Quote:Just to throw another perspective out there. Is it possible he is such a Diva and cant stand the fact he was drafted by the Jags (a losing team at the time) and figures if he gets suspended the Jags will release him or trade him and he can move on to a winning team. Think of the reaction the Jags have taken... No We Are Not Releasing him or Trading him. Almost as if they know he is doing it on purpose to get released and they have decided not to play into his game.  Of course this is all speculative opinion, But the secrecy and no reports fit the narrative. Remember he is of the Dez Bryant ilk of Diva WR. I would tend more towards this theory then maybe a Ricky Williams theory of I just wanna stay high. Again is just an opinion no facts or evidence to support the idea.

Another point that has merit.


But again, why no story?  I disagree that "the media" has moved on.  "They" never move on as there is always some caliber of media outlets that will cover tragedy or hope.


Quote:Involvement in a drug abuse program is considered medical information. It falls under mental heath.


Discussing anything about his treatment including his progress or lack there of would be a violation of his privacy rights.
You keep arguing against something nobody is asking for. Stating whether he has violated the NFL's program is not a health privacy issue. Stating whether he is eligible for reinstatement is not a health privacy issue. Stating whether he is in a drug abuse program might be, but nobody is asking for that information.
Quote:You keep arguing against something nobody is asking for. Stating whether he has violated the NFL's program is not a health privacy issue. Stating whether he is eligible for reinstatement is not a health privacy issue. Stating whether he is in a drug abuse program might be, but nobody is asking for that information.
Discussing anything about the progress or lack there of in a drug abuse program is most certainly is a violation. That is all part of his medical records and medical history.


They have already said he is eligible to apply for reinstatement before the season begins. There is nothing the NFL can share or needs to share until that point.


He could have fallen off the wagon but may have time to get back on before his application date. We don't know, but discussing anything about that would be exposing personal mental health information.
Besides, he isn't in violation of any NFL policy because he is suspended. He only needs to be in compliance by the date he can apply to get reinstated.

Quote:He smoked some weed and got caught I bet.


I bet it has nothing to do with drinking at all.


Maybe he should have beat a girl up or killed someone.


He'd be back on field in no time.

Yeah no kidding...


Thats how it seems to work these days. 
Quote:This is what I'm secretly hoping for, but I would think that him training everyday with a personal trainer, living life correctly and preparing for his return would be a story.


Again, it's strange that there is no story.


There is no story because no one (other than a few posters on this message board) cares anymore.  It's really that simple.
This is the dead period. People need stories to write and there has been nothing. No rumors, no photos, nothing. You would think a local paper or something would at least show up in Oklahoma and try to talk to him. They could write about him not wanting to talk about it or something.


There are a few options-

1) He is in a super secret rehab, possibly one that the NFL trusts and is even better at keeping secrets than celebrity rehab places.


2) He has done nothing and doesn't go outside, no one who knows him is saying anything.


3) He has gone off the grid and is living in the woods.



TMZ has a sports department and deadspin is there, yet there is nothing. There should be something known.



Hopefully it is #1 and maybe that is why he couldn't get back to Shorts. #2 would be a very boring life, so I don't see how he could be doing that.

I just don't get the concern over the secrecy here.  Is it going to make a difference to anyone if they know the intimate details of what he's got going on?

He will return.

I think his may have been different because of his first incident after he got drafted before signing his contract.  Basically even though he wasn't "punished" by the league (I know his contract had different language because of it, but that was the team not the league), I think they used it against him in the appeals process.  

Quote:I just don't get the concern over the secrecy here.  Is it going to make a difference to anyone if they know the intimate details of what he's got going on?

I agree, there seems to be a certain faction of fans who feel they have a right to know the details. The bottom line is it is none of our business, and the less we know, the better it is for Blackmon. The purchase of a season ticket does not grant one the right to be informed of everything regarding the franchise. Sometimes we have no choice but to trust the process.
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