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Quote:That reminds me. It was one beer at a golf course that got Matt Jones released from the team.


Well, ....to be more precise....that was the straw that broke the camels back....
Quote:Well, ....to be more precise....that was the straw that broke the camels back....

Like the cocaine he was cutting up in his car?


He knew the rules and he broke them. He went to jail. He essentially killed his career.
Quote:We know his status on the LEAGUE violation.  He's suspended indefinitely. 


They can't even release the fact that he's in treatment.  They can't discuss why he's been suspended.  They've got their hands tied by HIPAA laws.  The team may very well know if the player has conveyed what is going on to them.  However, they are not able to release any confidential information including medical conditions or treatments unless he signs off consenting to them doing so. 

Ive been trying to find the confidentiality  agreement. Do you have a link?


Quote:If they said he was actively fulfilling his reinstatement obligations, there is no violation.


If they said he was not actively fulfilling his reinstatement obligations, there is no violation.


If they said that they don't know if he is doing either, there is no violation.

Quote:Ive been trying to find the confidentiality  agreement. Do you have a link?




Google HIPAA and you can find all the rules there.  I worked in the insurance world for many years, and we were constantly having to update our process to stay in compliance. 
Quote:Like the cocaine he was cutting up in his car?


He knew the rules and he broke them. He went to jail. He essentially killed his career.

In complete agreement

Quote:Google HIPAA and you can find all the rules there.  I worked in the insurance world for many years, and we were constantly having to update our process to stay in compliance. 

So Blackmon is in the hospital for a medical issue right? Because that is what HIPPA protects medical records.
Quote:So Blackmon is in the hospital for a medical issue right? Because that is what HIPPA protects medical records.

HIPAA protects ALL medical records.  He doesn't have to be in a hospital for medical issues.  He could be visiting a doctor for a rash.  None of it is public record unless the patient signs a waiver saying the information can be shared. 
Quote:HIPAA protects ALL medical records.  He doesn't have to be in a hospital for medical issues.  He could be visiting a doctor for a rash.  None of it is public record unless the patient signs a waiver saying the information can be shared. 

So the public not knowing the status of Blackmon fulfilling his reinstatement obligations is a result of HIPPA right?
Quote:So the public not knowing the status of Blackmon fulfilling his reinstatement obligations is a result of HIPPA right?

The specific details?  Yes.  The fact that he hasn't fulfilled obligations?  They've already indicated that's the case, so what's your point?
Quote:The specific details?  Yes.  The fact that he hasn't fulfilled obligations?  They've already indicated that's the case, so what's your point?

By saying his situation is a "tragedy" is pretty vauge which is my point. They knew if they said it, people were going to inquire more about Blackmon's status so why even bring it up, if they are going to hide behind the HIPPA excuse.
Quote:By saying his situation is a "tragedy" is pretty vauge which is my point. They knew if they said it, people were going to inquire more about Blackmon's status so why even bring it up, if they are going to hide behind the HIPPA excuse.

There are plenty of quotes referenced in this thread from the head coach and GM regarding Blackmon's status. 


The team isn't "hiding behind the HIPPA excuse" at all.  They're sharing what they can. 
Quote:There are plenty of quotes referenced in this thread from the head coach and GM regarding Blackmon's status.

The team isn't "hiding behind the HIPPA excuse" at all. They're sharing what they can.

I read all the quotes the team has given in regards to how they feel about the Blackmon situation and still find it vague.

If they are not using HIPPA as a reason to discuss Blackmon, why cant they release more information? Heck, they can even say at the request of Blackmon and the NFL, they cant release certain info.
Quote:I read all the quotes the team has given in regards to how they feel about the Blackmon situation and still find it vague.

If they are not using HIPPA as a reason to discuss Blackmon, why cant they release more information? Heck, they can even say at the request of Blackmon and the NFL, they cant release certain info.

You're acting like HIPAA is an excuse. It's a stinking law.  They can't release any more information about his situation than they have.  It violates his right to privacy under that law.  Blackmon would have to sign off on any release of information.  It's really not that difficult to understand.  You're receiving the exact same protections under the law.  It's nobody's business but your own.  You're welcome to share it.  You're welcome to authorize others to share it.  But they can't just release your information. 
Quote:You're acting like HIPAA is an excuse. It's a stinking law.  They can't release any more information about his situation than they have.  It violates his right to privacy under that law.  Blackmon would have to sign off on any release of information.  It's really not that difficult to understand.  You're receiving the exact same protections under the law.  It's nobody's business but your own.  You're welcome to share it.  You're welcome to authorize others to share it.  But they can't just release your information. 

Quick anecdote:  I finally got sick enough to go to the gastroenterologist.  One of my neighbors growing up is a prominent one in town, and both he and his wife were family friends when I lived in town.  I went to see him, and he was stoked.  He said he'd tell his wife he ran into me.  Then he quickly corrected himself, "no, I won't."


Privacy laws are serious.
FBT, it's probably the time to heed your sig.


As for me, I'm satisfied with what I've heard.  The ball is in Blackmon's court, and it's between him and the league whether he'll ever be reinstated.


Gossip, speculation, and tossing out conspiracy theories to fill in the blanks is a pretty pointless exercise, and to me certainly isn't worth giving the (non) issue a second thought.


What we know is pretty clear, and that's fine with me.  He isn't likely to be back, and if he is... great.

Quote:Quick anecdote:  I finally got sick enough to go to the gastroenterologist.  One of my neighbors growing up is a prominent one in town, and both he and his wife were family friends when I lived in town.  I went to see him, and he was stoked.  He said he'd tell his wife he ran into me.  Then he quickly corrected himself, "no, I won't."


Privacy laws are serious.
I dealt with HIPAA pretty extensively when I worked for a large health insurance provider.  When we'd underwrite the clients, we had to have access to their medical information.  We had to be cleared to be allowed to review the information, and the system that we used during the underwriting process was chalked full of security.  When we did data transfers to upload information to the mainframe, again those jobs were all high security, and the data was fully encrypted.  That data was treated like state secrets because every violation of HIPAA carried a hefty fine.  I don't know what it is today, but it was something like $25k per violation at the time, and that's going back 15+ years.
Quote:Where I take issue with this entire process is the way they several all communication with the team.  There needs to be a way for a player to work with the team to get the necessary help required to get him beyond this.  Left to his own devices, he's going to be less motivated to do what needs to be done.  He needs a more regimented environment. 


I also think there's overkill in how the league handles substance abuse situations.  If it's not a performance enhancing drug, but it's something that is legal, I think they're overstepping their boundaries for what they can do. I know it's that overbearing approach that ultimately got Matt Jones run out of the league.  He was in the program, got suspended for the cocaine incident, and nailed again because he had a beer while playing golf with buddies.  Really?  That's the tipping point?  It's ridiculous how the league handles these situations, and even more so that the NFLPA signed off on this approach.  That whole process needs to be revisited and a new process endorsed because this just doesn't work.

Normally I agree with most of what you have to say Tim, but not in this case.  I believe in your first paragraph you were talking about "severing" communication with the team.  I do believe that the NFL probably does assist with necessary help when it comes to any kind of substance abuse.  I also believe that the player can have "unofficial" communication with players and coaches.  Cecil Shorts kind of eluded to that fact a couple of weeks ago.


Also, when addressing legal vs. non-legal drugs, I believe that the NFL is doing the right thing,  Even though Matt Jones may have gotten nailed because he "had a beer while playing golf with his buddies", he knew the rules and knew the consequences for breaking the rules.  Seriously, does someone have to drink beer while playing golf with their buddies knowing that it could cause him/her to lose their job?  I've gone out and played a round of golf drinking nothing more than water and iced tea.  It isn't that tough.
Quote:Normally I agree with most of what you have to say Tim, but not in this case.  I believe in your first paragraph you were talking about "severing" communication with the team.  I do believe that the NFL probably does assist with necessary help when it comes to any kind of substance abuse.  I also believe that the player can have "unofficial" communication with players and coaches.  Cecil Shorts kind of eluded to that fact a couple of weeks ago.


Also, when addressing legal vs. non-legal drugs, I believe that the NFL is doing the right thing,  Even though Matt Jones may have gotten nailed because he "had a beer while playing golf with his buddies", he knew the rules and knew the consequences for breaking the rules.  Seriously, does someone have to drink beer while playing golf with their buddies knowing that it could cause him/her to lose their job?  I've gone out and played a round of golf drinking nothing more than water and iced tea.  It isn't that tough.

Players can have extremely limited communication with coaches.  I think that while the league policy is to provide options for the player, that process should be inclusive of at least the training staff for the team.  They are ultimately closer to the situation than anyone in the league, and I really think it makes sense to allow that interaction with the team.


Personally, I think there is simply a better way to handle these more chronic situations. 
Quote:Players can have extremely limited communication with coaches.  I think that while the league policy is to provide options for the player, that process should be inclusive of at least the training staff for the team.  They are ultimately closer to the situation than anyone in the league, and I really think it makes sense to allow that interaction with the team.


Personally, I think there is simply a better way to handle these more chronic situations. 

I can agree with you on that, especially when it comes to the training staff.  However, when it comes to "mind altering" substances including illegal drugs as well as alcohol, the player needs to seek outside help.  Progress reports should be up to the individual, and should be made towards team staff including doctors and trainers.  The process should not be "easy" for a player to do, because addiction is not an "easy" disease to deal with.
Quote:I can agree with you on that, especially when it comes to the training staff.  However, when it comes to "mind altering" substances including illegal drugs as well as alcohol, the player needs to seek outside help.  Progress reports should be up to the individual, and should be made towards team staff including doctors and trainers.  The process should not be "easy" for a player to do, because addiction is not an "easy" disease to deal with.

I'm not suggesting the team provide the actual rehab.  I'm just saying the medical training staff for the team should be involved in the process in some capacity in order to provide whatever support they can.
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