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Full Version: Blackmon. Why All The Secrecy?
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Quote:I dealt with HIPAA pretty extensively when I worked for a large health insurance provider.  When we'd underwrite the clients, we had to have access to their medical information.  We had to be cleared to be allowed to review the information, and the system that we used during the underwriting process was chalked full of security.  When we did data transfers to upload information to the mainframe, again those jobs were all high security, and the data was fully encrypted.  That data was treated like state secrets because every violation of HIPAA carried a hefty fine.  I don't know what it is today, but it was something like $25k per violation at the time, and that's going back 15+ years.
I went out on short term disability when I had some surgery. My company offers disability insurance and I had to sign waivers to allow the insurance access to my medical records in order to track my progress so I couldn't lie and cheat them out of paychecks. Even after signing the waivers I would have to personally request the doctors office to send information to the insurance company in regards to my progress.


The point is, even the people financially supporting these medical issues aren't privy to information regarding the progress of a treatment. There is a very good chance that the team and the NFL has no idea of the status of his progress unless Justin personally communicates it to them and it appears that he isn't communicating with anyone right now.

Quote:While your point is valid, it doesn't explain the secrecy. Yes, Blackmon's appeal was denied. You say that the suspension that was handed down will have to be served. What is the suspension? That's the whole point of what I'm asking. There is so little information about what happened, and what's happened in the league process, and everyone at face value seems just fine with it. Why is that?


Hell, we know that several players failed their combine drug tests this year, and we know why. Diluted samples. Using that example, why is it that we all know next to nothing about what Blackmon did, why his suspension is what it is, and why it's different than others such as Gordon.


Medical patient confidentially?


Only Blackmon can legally tell you why he was suspended. The League doesn't (sure they don't) leak that info.


Instead of asking why the league doesn't tell you the intricate reason's, maybe you could ask Justin? He is allowed to tell you everything about himself.  :yes:
Quote:Medical patient confidentially?

Only Blackmon can legally tell you why he was suspended. The League doesn't (sure they don't) leak that info.

Instead of asking why the league doesn't tell you the intricate reason's, maybe you could ask Justin? He is allowed to tell you everything about himself. :yes:

I did ask him. He just slurs out "I love you, man. We buds forever."
Blackmon must apply for reinstatement before we'll get any official news on the topic.


Unofficially, the Jaguars clearly know where Blackmon is in the rehab process, and they've done a pretty solid job of respecting his privacy. I believe there was an "it doesn't look good" comment a while back, but I don't know if that was from the team or from a "team source".

Here is another explanation for the secrecy regarding Justin's situation. It's written into the confidentiality section of the CBA's drug policy. Neither the NFL nor the team can talk about it in any way shape or form except for information that is released by the player himself.



Quote:Here is another explanation for the secrecy regarding Justin's situation. It's written into the confidentiality section of the CBA's drug policy. Neither the NFL nor the team can talk about it in any way shape or form except for information that is released by the player himself.



The wording in the CBA is tied directly to HIPAA laws. 
Quote:The wording in the CBA is tied directly to HIPAA laws. 
A lot of wording in union contracts reiterate federal laws. It's designed to make the contract a unified source for the employee's protections.
Quote:A lot of wording in union contracts reiterate federal laws. It's designed to make the contract a unified source for the employee's protections.



I know fans want to have as much information about a situation like this as possible, but hands are tied as to what can be shared.  It's not teams being secretive.  It's simply the law. 
Quote:You're acting like HIPAA is an excuse. It's a stinking law.  They can't release any more information about his situation than they have.  It violates his right to privacy under that law.  Blackmon would have to sign off on any release of information.  It's really not that difficult to understand.  You're receiving the exact same protections under the law.  It's nobody's business but your own.  You're welcome to share it.  You're welcome to authorize others to share it.  But they can't just release your information.

I understand what HIPPA is and understand the process. You seem to apply the HIPPA blanket to the Blackmon situation in its entirety.

Don't sit here and act like every single player who has been suspended multiple times by the league has their information sealed air tight by HIPPA. Some details regarding the reason of their suspension are released one way or another regardless if that person authorized the release or not.
Quote:I understand what HIPPA is and understand the process. You seem to apply the HIPPA blanket to the Blackmon situation in its entirety.

Don't sit here and act like every single player who has been suspended multiple times by the league has their information sealed air tight by HIPPA. Some details regarding the reason of their suspension are released one way or another regardless if that person authorized the release or not.

Cite a source? If it gets out, someone spoke when they should not be speaking. I haven't seen this occurring, ever.
Quote:I understand what HIPPA is and understand the process. You seem to apply the HIPPA blanket to the Blackmon situation in its entirety.

Don't sit here and act like every single player who has been suspended multiple times by the league has their information sealed air tight by HIPPA. Some details regarding the reason of their suspension are released one way or another regardless if that person authorized the release or not.

What do you think you are "missing" that you are entitled to?


Quote:Cite a source? If it gets out, someone spoke when they should not be speaking. I haven't seen this occurring, ever.

People in the NFL talk all the time. You aren't supposed to know when players fail drug tests, but we know with every failed test. Gordon failed a test and we know about it and all the details before he has been suspended. With Blackmon, we haven't even heard all the details on what he failed for.


You would think some media source would be able to confirm if Blackmon is participating or not. I know we have had hints from the Jags, but no one has said yes or no.

I cant wait for this all to be in our past, one way or another.

The biggest issue is there is no time frame.  It's left open in the air with no real answer. The Term "indefinitely" could mean 1 season to forever. There has been no ruling this year and no word on if there ever will be another ruling.

As we can't draft a wr in the first round who doesn't have drug issues hopefully the 2nd rounders will be better...
Quote:The biggest issue is there is no time frame.  It's left open in the air with no real answer. The Term "indefinitely" could mean 1 season to forever. There has been no ruling this year and no word on if there ever will be another ruling.

Blackmon has to apply for reinstatement. Until he does, indefinitely means indefinitely.
Obviously I'm just speculating but I tend to think one of two things are going on with Justin Blackmon - he either: is in no way taking his rehab seriously or when he was being treated they unearthed a slew of psychological issues that will take some time to correct
Quote:Cite a source? If it gets out, someone spoke when they should not be speaking. I haven't seen this occurring, ever.

So you didnt see news reports immediately announce the reason for Gordon and Mathis' suspension?


Quote:What do you think you are "missing" that you are entitled to?



Its hilarious for you to even suggest im entitled to know anything.


I will entertain your elitists attitude towards me today though.
Quote:The biggest issue is there is no time frame.  It's left open in the air with no real answer. The Term "indefinitely" could mean 1 season to forever. There has been no ruling this year and no word on if there ever will be another ruling.
Why would the situation require another ruling?  Are you having trouble with the definition of "indefinitely"?


Justin is in charge of his own future.  He will not return to the NFL until sometime after he applies for reinstatement, at the earliest.  If he never applies, he never returns.
Quote:So you didnt see news reports immediately announce the reason for Gordon and Mathis' suspension?



Its hilarious for you to even suggest im entitled to know anything.


I will entertain your elitists attitude towards me today though.

The media is speculating.  They're not reporting facts.


Look at the first couple of paragraphs of this article from Fox Sports on the Gordon situation.  There are no facts there at all.   
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