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Lots of value. Good compliment to shorts but man we can have 5 great wr one game and zero eligible to play the following week.
Points for the offense!

Quote:do you ever stop to realize the irony in your name?

yes I should change it to "the only one on here with a brain"
Quote:A short, slow guy .. oh bother it just keeps getting worse

Step away from the crack pipe.
im stoked... to honestly tell you the truth lol

Quote:A short, slow guy .. oh bother it just keeps getting worse

Slow? Slow?
Quote:yes I should change it to "the only one on here with a brain"

Nah, there's a dozen whining Negative Nellys just like you around here.
Great pick. Before his injury problems this past season, many considered him a top 10 pick.

Quote:yes I should change it to "the only one on here with a brain"



*One of the many
Quote:yes I should change it to "the only one on here with a brain"
lolz that was pretty funny.

Hope this link works. Skip toward the end. Coincidence?

Didn't work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Saa-mDsgjSM does though.
Quote:Slow? Slow?

it relevance to wideouts he's just middle of the pack, and he is short and he's a ball dropper... he's not bad but he's not a #1 wideout


In Dave I trust. Know when Blackmon comes back we will have a some ballers at the WR position. Shorts, Lee, Blackmon, & Ace in the hole!  Know lets get our o-line address next.




Quote:yes I should change it to "the only one on here with a brain damage"
Fixed it for ya. Bother. ( A short, slow guy .. oh bother it just keeps getting worse)
Best on the board, good pick.

I'm good with it.

I would have rather taken Matthews or Devante Adams with that pick, but whatever. I don't like drafting medical risks. 

Rj soward 2.0
Love the Lee pick.

Excellent Pick!!! GO JAGS!

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