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Full Version: Not that anyone cares, but my opinion on the pick...
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Quote:He's known for epic meltdowns and having a low IQ.

I dont want to start this again, but yes meltdowns have been true.. low IQ is just you doing what you do and thats insulting and degrading people on the board that dont agree with you.


For the longest time you fearlessly defended Gene Smith to no end, while I said he wasn't the answer almost from the beginning.. whose IQ proved a bit better there?
Quote:Are you a duller version of TMD or Jungle Cat? Never heard of you yet you open the thread like you're Mel Kipper or something.

He has a wonderful history of draft meltdowns.
"The farther this process went, the further QB's were slipping."


Or the only QB that anyone wanted was Bortles and once he was gone, everyone else was going to fall.

Quote:and last year's draft was what worried me for things to come with this GM.. drafting a LT at 2nd overall pick when we had a LT, and then trading that current LT for peanuts...


so basically the 2nd overall pick was used on a guy that wasnt going to come in and help the team and immediately make us better, it was just to replace a guy we didnt want to pay despite having tons of money


and now this year so far, again, nothing that makes us better anytime soon

Oh brother
Quote:2 years posting and I've honestly never heard of you. What are you known for? Another message board GM? A glass half full guy? Do tell.
KJD and TMD were the two against the grain guys when i started following this board.
Quote:He has a wonderful history of draft meltdowns.

that I do/did... but to be fair, I have been right on most of them... I hated the draft with monroe/britton back to back.. they were billed as our bookend tackles for 10 years


I mean I dont need to go down the list of our last drafts... they speak for themselves on how bad they have all been.


I should have gone about it in less of a freak out way, and more maturely, and will try to do so.


It's just maddening to see such ineptitude over and over all these years
Why is it so impossible to wait until we can evaluate this pick through watching the progress that Bortles makes as the preseaon and season unfolds. One thing that is quite apparent  the Jaguars had targeted blake and pulled the trigger because they felt the Browns were going to take him they had no intention of losing the oppitunity to pick Bortles! It was mentioned that they would have taken Bortles even if Clowney was there! They wanted this kid and they got him. We will see if all these message board GM's are right or Jacksonville just drafted the best quarterback in this draft. Dave Caldwell put his money where his mouth is and has drafted what he believes will be the begining of the Jaguars return to the playoffs next year. Time will tell! I'm on board and can't wait to see this season unfold!

Quote:Your tears are delicious. I'll return after our second pick to refill my glass, sir.

Don't take them all. I need a few to season this martini of mine.
Quote:KJD and TMD were the two against the grain guys when i started following this board.

thats a good way to put it..


funny thing is, i used to always be against TMD in all of his views, until finally I realized that this team does not deserve the benefit of the doubt on the moves they make, because more times than not, they are not the right moves


I still dont agree with TMD on everything, but we both seem to take the, I wont believe it until we see it view point now rather than the this is the right move until its proven that it isnt approach that everyone else takes
Quote:Why is it so impossible to wait until we can evaluate this pick through watching the progress that Bortles makes as the preseaon and season unfolds. One thing that is quite apparent  the Jaguars had targeted blake and pulled the trigger because they felt the Browns were going to take him they had no intention of losing the oppitunity to pick Bortles! It was mentioned that they would have taken Bortles even if Clowney was there! They wanted this kid and they got him. We will see if all these message board GM's are right or Jacksonville just drafted the best quarterback in this draft. Dave Caldwell put his money where his mouth is and has drafted what he believes will be the begining of the Jaguars return to the playoffs next year. Time will tell! I'm on board and can't wait to see this season unfold!

dude, thats a whole nother reason to question this GM... if we truly would have taken Bortles over Clowney, then this team is once again being led by a loony toon

Quote:Are you a duller version of TMD or Jungle Cat? Never heard of you yet you open the thread like you're Mel Kipper or something.

You haven't heard of Krayz?!  He took a hiatus, but he's back with a vengance!


He wasn't my first choice, but we needed a qb...and thats who he wanted.  Everyone complained about our qb situation, they try to take a chance to resolve it, and people complain even more.
Quote:Don't take them all. I need a few to season this martini of mine.

I'm thinking margaritas...the salt works better on that! :thumbsup:
Quote:dude, thats a whole nother reason to question this GM... if we truly would have taken Bortles over Clowney, then this team is once again being led by a loony toon

Clowney wasn't available to us...so who knows what we would have done.
Quote:2 years posting and I've honestly never heard of you. What are you known for? Another message board GM? A glass half full guy? Do tell.

Just think of him as TMD-Lite.
Quote:Just think of him as TMD-Lite.
Lite?  KJ's meltdowns are the things legends are made of. 
Bortles' hands may only be 1/8 of an inch bigger, but he has much nicer ankles !

If Kate Upton is taken and you end up with Brooklyn Decker, do you then say "Man... we really wished Kate was available but she wasn't so we took Brooklyn."... No.. you tell Brooklyn it was her all along.

Quote:Well I appreciate your ability to respond without degrading me or using some of the usual things people have already used in here..


And I agree QB is definitely the most important position.  But your first sentence kind of harped on my point.. none of the QB's in the draft are anything more than 50/50.. so why take one at 3rd overall?


obviously no one is truly guaranteed, but can anyone legit argue with me that Watkins or Mack dont have a much higher chance at being impact guys in this league?  Let alone right away?


and that's what this team truly needs... IMPACT guys, and guys who can do that now.  They can not continue to miss on picks, and this pick is one of those could be could not be guys..


and we just CANT afford that again.

I'm pretty sure that if Bortles meets their expectations, he'll be the biggest impact player on this roster.  You can't shy away from making a pick because there's risk.  If every draft pick has to be based on the safest option, we'll be stuck in the mud for decades.


What picks has this front office missed on in the 1.1 drafts they're responsible for? 


Patience is something you should really consider trying here.  It's not that difficult to allow things to develop beyond 14 hours before determining they made the wrong pick here.
Quote:I'm thinking margaritas...the salt works better on that! :thumbsup:

I like the savory / sweet mix. Besides, a martini is a classy drink and I need to class myself up a bit.
Quote:you must be relatively new here....

I'm sort of a big deal.  My apartment smells of rich mahogany.  I have many leather bound books.


Seriously though I think both Mack and Watkins are not sure things and have question marks around them.  Heck even Clowney does.  It's the draft, there are no sure things.
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