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Full Version: Not that anyone cares, but my opinion on the pick...
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Quote:Lite?  KJ's meltdowns are the things legends are made of. 
LOL!  I stand corrected.
With QBs, it absolutely does matter which guy you pick.  You can't just say you can get a guy with the same size and better stats in the 3rd round.  Too many draftniks look at the college stats or the headlines.  They hear and see Teddy and Johnny every week for 3-4 years in the college game.  But there are plenty of good college QBs who don't do anything in the pros.  It takes certain physical tools, but the difference between a Ryan Leaf and a Peyton Manning is essentially all intangible. 

Quote:I will begin to feel better about this draft if we come away with Matthews, Lee, or Latimer with the 2nd pick

Its funny, I wanted Troy Niklas with that 2nd round pick initially, but that was before I knew we were selecting Bortles. Now, I kinda feel the same way as the above. I think we need a WR. Had the Jags drafted Bridgewater, I'm not sure I'd have felt the same desperation for the team to draft a WR immediately/ ASAP, because I think Teddy is simply a better QB. 


I'll give Bortles a chance, though. 


I think my biggest disappointment was our failure to execute a trade down while high in the draft again. 
<a class="" href='https://twitter.com/McShay13'>Todd McShay ‏@McShay13 </a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/McShay13/status/464772652893495297' title="9:23 AM - 9 May 2014">11m</a>
<p class="" style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Jags fans have to wake up fired up today. Great scheme fit for Bortles. Jags have a strong plan b/c of leadership at top (Caldwell/Bradley)
Quote:thats a good way to put it..


funny thing is, i used to always be against TMD in all of his views, until finally I realized that this team does not deserve the benefit of the doubt on the moves they make, because more times than not, they are not the right moves


I still dont agree with TMD on everything, but we both seem to take the, I wont believe it until we see it view point now rather than the this is the right move until its proven that it isnt approach that everyone else takes
man.. ive had my share of disagreements with you... but in hindsight... when u were negative about this team, we ended up sucking...ill give you that... ill take KJD and TMD over some of the new "against the grain" guys anyday lol

<div style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Todd McShay ‏@McShay13  11m
<p style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Jags fans have to wake up fired up today. Great scheme fit for Bortles. Jags have a strong plan b/c of leadership at top (Caldwell/Bradley)



That can't be.  We're the laughingstock of the league according to another thread.
Quote:dude, thats a whole nother reason to question this GM... if we truly would have taken Bortles over Clowney, then this team is once again being led by a loony toon
The entire premise of this whole thread is based on the fact that you know more than Caldwell, or are a better talent evaluator than him. I'm curious how many hours of study you put into evaluating the draftees?

My guess, much like almost everyone else, is that you had your favorites in your head and you trusted which of the talking heads you wanted to believe based on those favorites.

And rather than seeing a single play in a Jaguars' uniform you've decided that this was a 'bad pick' based on your own preconceived notions.

Was I surprised by the pick? Yes. But, from what I am hearing, Caldwell and Bradley were in complete agreement on the pick. Forgive me if I trust their judgement more than your annual rant.

This will be my entire contribution to the thread.
Quote:If Kate Upton is taken and you end up with Brooklyn Decker, do you then say "Man... we really wished Kate was available but she wasn't so we took Brooklyn."... No.. you tell Brooklyn it was her all along.

ya that's what I am hoping it was.. but honestly, they could have just not even brought that up at all

<div style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Todd McShay ‏@McShay13  11m
<p style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Jags fans have to wake up fired up today. Great scheme fit for Bortles. Jags have a strong plan b/c of leadership at top (Caldwell/Bradley)



Oh Gawd.....McShay & the CBS Sports guy (Prisco) love the pick.....thats not a good sign for those of us that want the pick to pan out. 

Quote:dude, thats a whole nother reason to question this GM... if we truly would have taken Bortles over Clowney, then this team is once again being led by a loony toon

Right, because there are no concerns about Clowney.


The fact that people are fixating on what he said last night about a situation that DID NOT happen tells me how desperately some folks are reaching in order to find something to complain about. 


We didn't have the first pick.  The Jaguars didn't have a situation where they had to make a decision between one player or another.  So, using that as some sort of validation to question someone who has proven to be exceptionally good at his job based on the fact that he's been in the league for several years already is just silly. 


Take a deep breath and let things play out.  This is one pick of 11 in a draft that just started. 
Quote:Its funny, I wanted Troy Niklas with that 2nd round pick initially, but that was before I knew we were selecting Bortles. Now, I kinda feel the same way as the above. I think we need a WR. Had the Jags drafted Bridgewater, I'm not sure I'd have felt the same desperation for the team to draft a WR immediately/ ASAP, because I think Teddy is simply a better QB.

I'll give Bortles a chance, though.

I think my biggest disappointment was our failure to execute a trade down while high in the draft again.
And all of this 'trade down' speculation is ridiculous. I'm not picking on you, I just happen to be in this thread.

But if he was truly their top ranked player and they were concerned the QB needy team behind them would take him, why in the world would they trade down?
So all I hear from this thread is Watkins or Mack....Bridgewater, Bridgewater, Bridgewater.... well apparently you don't watch off-season or read the paper or listen to any one of the experts on ESPN or NFL network.  Watkins with Henne throwing to him would be a first year bust, second year bust, and so on and so on and so on don't for a good receiver don't make a team how many games did Detroit win with Calvin Johnson?   Next year's QB draft will not be deep and Winston will be gone before the jags pick unless they tank the season to get him or trade away the future for the number 1 overall pick believe the saints did that and was crap for 6 years til Brees came in there.  Oh forgot about Andre Johnson in Houston weren't they the number 1 overall pick this year so yeah Watkins would have been a great pick...DERP.

Now to Mack... Watch the Film's outside of Ohio State game he did NOTHING.... a mediocre player with a High motor....Again the defense was addressed in the FA and will get dept in the draft so why draft a one trick pony OLB.  One good game that everyone remembers from a player that played at a irrelevant school does not warrant a top 10 pick.

Bridgewater-  only thing I really have to say is this....He Couldn't even run scripted plays in a controlled environment with his own receivers that he has been playing with for 3-4 years.  He would have been another Byron and I would Feel like Gene Smith was back in the saddle.

Bortles-  He took a perennial 1-2 win team UCF to a Bowl contender and Champion.  Had the best pro-day of any of the QB's and will be able to be trained and learn behind Henne.  Lets see not able to start right away....lets remind you  of these other QB's that didn't start right away

Tom Brady-NE 

Drew Brees-SD/NO

Colin Kaepernick-SF

Aarron Rogers-GB

Dan Marino-MIA

Jim Kelley-BUFF

Bret Farve-GB

John Elway-Den.

and the list goes on and on and on.

Quote:Oh Gawd.....McShay & the CBS Sports guy love the pick.....thats not a good sign for those of us that want the pick to pan out. 
Oddly enough, if McShay and Prisco had panned the pick, you'd be holding that up as validation that you know better. 


Agendas matter.
Quote:Oh Gawd.....McShay & the CBS Sports guy love the pick.....thats not a good sign for those of us that want the pick to pan out. 

As did Caldwell and Bradley.   I hope you'll excuse me if I believe that they might just know a little more than you.

Carry on.  Its what you do.

Quote:I'm sure most of you will not be shocked to know that i DISLIKE the pick.. and for multiple reasons.


The farther this process went, the further QB's were slipping.


Bortles is absolutely ZERO of a lock to be better than a guys like Bridgewater.


For all the people hating on Teddy for his handsize, are you ready for this?  Bortles has 1/8 of an inch bigger hands.. 1/8 people...


there were absolute stud locks avialable at 3 with watkins and mack available.


We could have taken a stud like watkins, and then traded up to pick 32 for Teddy, or get a guy like Garropolo in the 2nd.. a guy who probably isn't that much behind bortles.


It just seems like another year gone by, another questionable decision by this team's braintrust... Doesnt matter who is in charge, nothing seems to change.


Now they are saying he isnt ready to start?


so this is supposed to be our franchise QB, yet isn't ready to come in and start on a 4-12 football team lead by Chad Henne?


So basically, You are telling me I have to watch this upcoming season as if we didn't even have a 3rd overall pick at all...




I know most will pull the "trust in the GM" stuff.. but seriously... no one on this team has proven anything


Do you guys realize that last TRUE STUD this team has drafted was MJD?? how many years ago was that? 7 years ago?  roughly?


7 drafts and 1 true stud, and how many times have we drafted in the top 10 since then?  almost every time?


I mean obviously me and everyone else not liking this pick will have to eat our words if he becomes a franchise QB, which I hope he does... obviously, because we desperately need one


but this just seems like a complete 50/50 gamble ONCE AGAIN... instead of drafting a true guaranteed(or as close to it as it gets) stud and getting a gamble at QB in round 2 that is no more of a gamble than this guy


This team is going to win 5 or 6 games again next year smh...ld
Even though it is overly repetitive, you should put more trust in the staff for the picks this year. I felt they did a really nice job in the draft last year, and this one just started. Bortles is the most NFL ready QB, he just isn't ready RIGHT NOW. I guarantee you he will play at some point this year, he just won't start game 1. I think Dave has been following him for so long and watching him develop, that he feels Blake will develop into much more of a QB than most people think he is capable of becoming. That is just his vision, and since he has worked with Peyton and Matt, I'll trust that vision. "Pay attention to what Dave said. Manziel is a tremendous player, but his ceiling is not as high as Blake's. I think that's a pretty true statement. Jags fans need to stop bringing up past drafts that did not include Gus and Dave. They do not compare, because those drafts were done by idiots. We drafted a lot of busts, so what? Did we draft any busts last year? I have watched every single highlight tape of Bortles I could find online, and I watched them before the draft. He has better pocket awareness than Manziel. Gabbert was absolutely terrible in the pocket. This guy feels the pressure, is not scared to take the hit, and drives his passes downfield with power and accuracy. He has a consistency problem and his decisions are iffy at times, but he has been underrated his whole life. He is used to it, and a majority of Jags fans are doing so right now because of their lack of knowledge about the man. Go watch the game he played against Penn State, and focus on all of the things that make a QB successful. See if he shows the same traits. In my opinion he does, and I think that with some decent WR's to throw to and with the dedication of our new regime, they will provide all of the tools necessary to make him successful. I don't know if he will make a pro bowl, but I believe he can lead our team to a deep playoff run in the future. I believe that not only will he do that, but he will do it consistently over the years and will provide us to be playoff contenders every year.
Quote:Yakkity schmakity ... talk talk talk... something dum ... some other stoopid stuff about golf... some stuff about how much he loves sitting at his desk...

This will be my entire contribution to the thread.


Quote:Blah blah blah... words words words... stuff stuff stuff.
Ha! Caught you!


You owe me a beer.

Quote:Oh Gawd.....McShay & the CBS Sports guy (Prisco) love the pick.....thats not a good sign for those of us that want the pick to pan out.

Watching Jaws gush about the pick too on espn. Comparing him to Tom Brady! Smile
Quote:I'm pretty sure that if Bortles meets their expectations, he'll be the biggest impact player on this roster.  You can't shy away from making a pick because there's risk.  If every draft pick has to be based on the safest option, we'll be stuck in the mud for decades.


What picks has this front office missed on in the 1.1 drafts they're responsible for? 


Patience is something you should really consider trying here.  It's not that difficult to allow things to develop beyond 14 hours before determining they made the wrong pick here.

I definitely agree, it's the right pick if it works out.. and I also agree on not just taking safe picks..


I get why they made the pick.. they think he's a franchise QB... I just feel Watkins is not only safe, but he's safe to be a stud.. and there are other QB's that can sit for a year and possibly be as good as Bortles, or no less of a risk anyways..


obviously time will tell.. our defense should be improved, but I fear without blackmon, it wont make much of a difference.


Losing is in my blood, so what's another horrible year I suppose?  I mean, I am a sixer fan.. nuff said.. jags fan, nuff said, and a purdue fan.. last place in football and basketball this past season... nuff said lol


at this point I am purely numb
I love how people are saying that a WR is a "safe" pick.  Since when?

Quote:Its funny, I wanted Troy Niklas with that 2nd round pick initially, but that was before I knew we were selecting Bortles. Now, I kinda feel the same way as the above. I think we need a WR. Had the Jags drafted Bridgewater, I'm not sure I'd have felt the same desperation for the team to draft a WR immediately/ ASAP, because I think Teddy is simply a better QB. 


I'll give Bortles a chance, though. 


I think my biggest disappointment was our failure to execute a trade down while high in the draft again. 

totally agree
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