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A coworker received a call from his wife this morning saying that cars were lined up on the Dames point bridge watching video board tests. That does it, I'm wearing sunscreen to the next night game.
that's freaking awesome
Quote:Nice piece in the NY Times.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nytimes.com/video/sports/football/100000002993581/making-the-nfls-biggest-screens.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=video-player-region&region=video-player-region&WT.nav=video-player-region'>http://www.nytimes.com/video/sports/football/100000002993581/making-the-nfls-biggest-screens.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=video-player-region&region=video-player-region&WT.nav=video-player-region</a>
Thanks for sharing that.

They look amazing. I can't wait to see them next week!
Less than a week to the unveiling. Can't wait.
So ready!

Ohhh the Waiting Pains is excruciating...

Quote:Ohhh the Waiting Pains is excruciating...


Are you prairie dogging?
OK.. had an opportunity to see some of the video board testing yesterday.   Here's the thing....as big and impressive as the boards are... and they ARE... the improvement in the SOUND system is even more impressive!  WOW!!!!!!


Can't wait until Saturday!

pic and lots of them from you all please!!!!!!!

Only days folks until we are basking in the glory of close to 100 million LED'S. it shall be epic.

With the two soccer teams having an open practice Friday it will be an opportunity for the public to go inside the stadium and take the structures in. I know the big boards won’t be on but we can still see how it all looks from the inside. 



I plan on stepping inside to take a look. 




Since the big boards won’t be on I’ll focus my attention on the pools and plaza to see how complete they are. 
[Image: BtPSlm-CcAAH0md.jpg]  From plane.

Picture above looks like a big bomb downtown.


Anyway keep the pictures coming everyone!

Quote:Are you prairie dogging?

I working on it...

Quote:[Image: BtPSlm-CcAAH0md.jpg]  From plane.

Looking at the Stars From Above...

Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.dropbox.com/s/3r1ii2u11vysqac/20140722_160933.mp4'>https://www.dropbox.com/s/3r1ii2u11vysqac/20140722_160933.mp4</a>
Wow! That looks amazing and I'm viewing it on a little iPad. Saturday can't get here fast enough!

Thanks for sharing that video.
holy crap the sound system even sounds better it seems

Quote:holy crap the sound system even sounds better it seems
They brought in a company from Hollywood to handle the graphics and sound in the stadium.
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