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People that drive around with their parking lights on in the rain and at dusk because they think they're being clever. They're called parking lights, and not driving lights, for a reason.

Btw, I was driving on 295 a couple of evenings ago and closed in on a dark blue car driving without any lights. Repeatedly I flashed my headlights on and off to signal, but to no avail. Do people not understand what this means? I even pulled alongside and tried to let them know. Their dark tinted windows stayed up in complete oblivion. I gave up and pulled away because I didn't want to be gathered up in any accident the fool caused.

At least it wasn't also doing 5 under in the fast lane.
Quote:1) Drivers that don't know they're supposed to use their headlights when they drive in the rain. On gloomy days like today it's hard to see some cars when other cars have their lights on like they're supposed to...

2) People (usually women) who walk in the early hours for exercise wearing dark clothing, and with no flashlights. Usually walking with traffic, totally oblivious to how close cars come to running them over because the drivers can't see them until the last second they come up behind them...
Well then I'll go to the flip side of this. People who are driving in the morning and are totally oblivious to everything other than the other cars. I do a 6-mile walk every morning and I can't begin to tell you how many times I've almost gotten run over crossing the street. And at 6'5" I'm damn hard to miss. It's gotten to where I won't walk across any side street without the driver waving me through. Then they get aggravated with ME because I hadn't crossed in the first place.
Quote:Well then I'll go to the flip side of this. People who are driving in the morning and are totally oblivious to everything other than the other cars. I do a 6-mile walk every morning and I can't begin to tell you how many times I've almost gotten run over crossing the street. And at 6'5" I'm damn hard to miss. It's gotten to where I won't walk across any side street without the driver waving me through. Then they get aggravated with ME because I hadn't crossed in the first place.

You do a "6" mile walk every morning?? :woot: What time do you have to wake up before work then for a normal 8-5 workday.....2am??? Laughing


Given that a 6 minute mile is usually a fair number for RUNNING, walking 6 miles must take like forever...

Quote:You do a "6" mile walk every morning?? :woot: What time do you have to wake up before work then for a normal 8-5 workday.....2am??? Laughing

Given that a 6 minute mile is usually a fair number for RUNNING, walking 6 miles must take like forever...

A 6 minute mile isn't sustainable for very long.
Quote:A 6 minute mile isn't sustainable for very long.

I've done it for 3 miles. Once you get your second wind, you go into cruise control at that speed. 
Quote:I've done it for 3 miles. Once you get your second wind, you go into cruise control at that speed.

The best I've done is 20 minutes for 3 miles, when I was 35. Not bad.
Quote:You do a "6" mile walk every morning?? :woot: What time do you have to wake up before work then for a normal 8-5 workday.....2am??? Laughing

Given that a 6 minute mile is usually a fair number for RUNNING, walking 6 miles must take like forever...
It takes between 1:20 and 1:30 every morning and been doing it since January of 2008. I don't do the goofy arm pumping, but I'm motoring. I've maybe missed 50 times and I always plot out a path or find a treadmill when I travel. It's just part of the routine now. Wake up at 4:30 with my wife on weekdays. She likes to go to the gym. I just walk.

When your cardiologist tells you that you have an irregular heartbeat and both parents as well as other siblings have some kind of heart issues, that tends to be motivation enough when he says to get some regular exercise.
Quote:It takes between 1:20 and 1:30 every morning and been doing it since January of 2008. I don't do the goofy arm pumping, but I'm motoring. I've maybe missed 50 times and I always plot out a path or find a treadmill when I travel. It's just part of the routine now. Wake up at 4:30 with my wife on weekdays. She likes to go to the gym. I just walk.

When your cardiologist tells you that you have an irregular heartbeat and both parents as well as other siblings have some kind of heart issues, that tends to be motivation enough when he says to get some regular exercise.

Eegads, sorry to hear about the irregular heartbeat thing....I never knew that exercise was good for something like that. 
Quote:The best I've done is 20 minutes for 3 miles, when I was 35. Not bad.

It's getting tougher as I age, no doubt :woot: 
Quote:Eegads, sorry to hear about the irregular heartbeat thing....I never knew that exercise was good for something like that.
The heart is just a muscle. Gotta strengthen the muscle. A LOT of people have irregular heartbeats. If you take care of yourself it's not that big of a deal.

Oddly enough, I found out about it when I went for shoulder surgery over 15 years ago. My EKG was considered 'abnormal' and they wouldn't do the surgery until I got approval from a cardiologist.
Bicyclers that dress up like they are flipping Lance Armstrong on the final lap of the Tour de France (minus PEDs) just to ride around the neighborhood!! What the heck is up with that?? Not everyone should be wearing biker shorts out in public!!! :blink:
Quote:Bicyclers that dress up like they are flipping Lance Armstrong on the final lap of the Tour de France (minus PEDs) just to ride around the neighborhood!! What the heck is up with that?? Not everyone should be wearing biker shorts out in public!!! :blink:

Maybe they have a package they want to deliver.
Quote:Bicyclers that dress up like they are flipping Lance Armstrong on the final lap of the Tour de France (minus PEDs) just to ride around the neighborhood!! What the heck is up with that?? Not everyone should be wearing biker shorts out in public!!! :blink:

Those bicyclists are by far my biggest pet peeve. Share the road? NO! How many bicyclists have to get mowed over before they realize it's frigging stupid? I don't care what the law says, they have no business being on the road with cars traveling at good speed. We teach our children to stay out of the road and get off the street when a car comes and these [BAD WORD REMOVED] tards are pedaling at 28 mph on a 55 mph road one lane each direction with no bike lane. I'm surprised more don't die each year. I can go on forever about this one. It's just plain stupid.
Quote:Those bicyclists are by far my biggest pet peeve. Share the road? NO! How many bicyclists have to get mowed over before they realize it's frigging stupid? I don't care what the law says, they have no business being on the road with cars traveling at good speed. We teach our children to stay out of the road and get off the street when a car comes and these [BAD WORD REMOVED] tards are pedaling at 28 mph on a 55 mph road one lane each direction with no bike lane. I'm surprised more don't die each year. I can go on forever about this one. It's just plain stupid.

What gets me is they want everyone else to obey the bicycle laws...but the don't want to follow them theirselves!! Up here in 5 Points I have almost plowed over too many to count that want to go through the red light when I've got the green turn light...then look at me like I'm the problem!! Excuse me there Lance...but you're supposed to follow traffic laws too!!

Grrrrr....it annoys me!!( <~~ my growl!!) Big Grin
Quote:Maybe they have a package they want to deliver.

Sometimes it's hard to tell...with all that Dickiedo disease they have going on... :whistling:
Quote:What gets me is they want everyone else to obey the bicycle laws...but the don't want to follow them theirselves!! Up here in 5 Points I have almost plowed over too many to count that want to go through the red light when I've got the green turn light...then look at me like I'm the problem!! Excuse me there Lance...but you're supposed to follow traffic laws too!!

Grrrrr....it annoys me!!( <~~ my growl!!) Big Grin

Yeah! They will even stick their arms out to try to prevent you from passing them. If I'm in my lane and you stick your arm out and hit my truck something tells me I will be the one in jail after taking your arm off. It's not right. I'm not advocating vehicular manslaughter, but... I don't think the drivers are to blame for many of these incidents. Especially early in the morning or dusk when you can't even see them. I'd like to fight to get them off the road but what good would it do? They are fighting to make every one else more aware of them and they have the media and politicians on their side.
Quote:Sometimes it's hard to tell...with all that Dickiedo disease they have going on... :whistling:

Man, I have seen many GOOFY looking guys and girls in them lance Armstrong get ups. I'd try to explain but I'm sure you all have seen your fair share of weird ones. Besides words don't even give it any justice.
Quote:Yeah! They will even stick their arms out to try to prevent you from passing them. If I'm in my lane and you stick your arm out and hit my truck something tells me I will be the one in jail after taking your arm off. It's not right. I'm not advocating vehicular manslaughter, but... I don't think the drivers are to blame for many of these incidents. Especially early in the morning or dusk when you can't even see them. I'd like to fight to get them off the road but what good would it do? They are fighting to make every one else more aware of them and they have the media and politicians on their side.

I'm with ya...I see it over here a lot. They pop out from behind parked cars and then expect you to know they were there!
Quote:Man, I have seen many GOOFY looking guys and girls in them lance Armstrong get ups. I'd try to explain but I'm sure you all have seen your fair share of weird ones. Besides words don't even give it any justice.

I'd say 95% of those people have no business wearing spandex around an unsuspecting public!!!! Sick
I have no trouble sharing the road with cyclists and have had no problem with them. However I've seen them hogging a lane and holding up traffic just for the pure arrogance of it. Would it kill them to go single file and allow traffic to pass? OTOH, I've encountered a few car driving idiots when pedaling myself. It goes both ways.
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