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Henne has never been a viable long-term plan. He's just a patch. That being said, his leadership skills are far better than anything on our roster, he exemplifies what a QB should be in terms of leadership, and he shows courage and loyalty to his teammates by taking hits in the pocket for a season thats pretty much pointless. That's how you win over teammates. Skill wise, he's got a rocket launcher for an arm, but he just doesn't have what it takes in terms of awareness and accuracy. He's just one of the many Qbs stuck in back up QB purgatory.

Quote:Apples and oranges.

Garrard was given the largest contract in franchise history following the 2007 season. There was some expectation that he'd better be the guy based on that.

Henne's not playing under some blockbuster deal, and nobody is expecting him to be the guy. He's nothing but a placeholder.

Try again.
So because Henne is just a placeholder we shouldn't complain when he plays like crap? 


Most fans of this team want to win now (with Henne), yet there is no reason to bag on the guy when he plays poorly because we know who he is and we expect to win anyway?
Quote:Back to back weeks in the clutch, Henne fails! Thx Again, although it dont help when your WR dont execute that well to get a first down !! Still give the team a chance Henne!! SMH oh well..
Chad Henne is a good backup QB but he is no starter in the NFL.  He is too inconsistenet, he doesnt have the arm strength to throw all the passes.

He is clearly not the answer if last season didnt prove that this ending season shouldve made it clear, crystal clear, that Blaine needs to go & maybe so does Chad.
The pick at the end was disappointing.  99% confident that if Shorts could have suited up, we win this game.


Henne will never be able to do it alone, but on a more complete team he could fill in and not blow a playoff run.  The Packers would love to have Henne right now.

Quote:Chad Henne is a good backup QB but he is no starter in the NFL.  He is too inconsistenet, he doesnt have the arm strength to throw all the passes.

He is clearly not the answer if last season didnt prove that this ending season shouldve made it clear, crystal clear, that Blaine needs to go & maybe so does Chad.

He's not a good backup. He's just a backup of no consequence at all. When he's gone he'll have left nothing positive behind.


A good backup is a guy that offers the possibility of growth into a starter or the possibility of tempting another team into trading picks for him.
Quote:Chad Henne is a good backup QB but he is no starter in the NFL.  He is too inconsistenet, he doesnt have the arm strength to throw all the passes.

He is clearly not the answer if last season didnt prove that this ending season shouldve made it clear, crystal clear, that Blaine needs to go & maybe so does Chad.
 I agree with this.. I know what Chad is, i don't want our fans to get blinded by his sometimes decent play, at the end of the day you want a QB who can lead you to victory and Chad just cant do that backup or starter!
Quote:He's not a good backup. He's just a backup of no consequence at all. When he's gone he'll have left nothing positive behind.


A good backup is a guy that offers the possibility of growth into a starter or the possibility of tempting another team into trading picks for him.

Sure, in a perfect world. 
Quote:What are you talking about?

I said he should get a chance to show what he can do and he did. He showed he's not growing, that was good enough for me.

Were you one of the ones begging for Henne in the offseason?
who are you kidding? you blamed everything and anything other than Gabbert for him sucking.
Quote:So because Henne is just a placeholder we shouldn't complain when he plays like crap? 


Most fans of this team want to win now (with Henne), yet there is no reason to bag on the guy when he plays poorly because we know who he is and we expect to win anyway?

Is this really that confusing for you?


You're more than welcome to whine and complain to your heart's content about a guy who won't be the starting QB after next week. It's really going to prove something, that's for sure. 


Expecting to win should be the perspective for any fan.  Recognizing that the team has a lot of holes to fill, including at QB, and that they won't be a very good team until they address those issues should make it clear to most that complaining isn't going to change squat right now.  There's only so much the team can do.  There isn't some white knight waiting to take over at QB, so we have to deal with Henne and his issues.  That's life for one more week.
Quote:  There isn't some white knight waiting to take over at QB...


Correct.  He's a golden knight.   


[Image: Blake-Bortles.jpg]


I kid.   I doubt Bortles is ready to start his first year and have no clue where he stands on Caldwells QB prospect list.  Just couldn't resist the knight thing.

Henne will be packing his locker up Next monday. We wont resign him. Gabbert will be the QB going into next year untill they draft a QB. Once training camp starts if the rookie doesnt pick up the offence we will be going forward with Gabbert unless they can pick up a free agent QB.

Quote:Henne will be packing his locker up Next monday. We wont resign him. Gabbert will be the QB going into next year untill they draft a QB. Once training camp starts if the rookie doesnt pick up the offence we will be going forward with Gabbert unless they can pick up a free agent QB.
I can't see Gabbert playing well enough to hold off any rookie.


If he could it'd have to either be a Brees of 2004 level jump or a Gabbert level misstep in their draft selection.
Quote:Henne will be packing his locker up Next monday. We wont resign him. Gabbert will be the QB going into next year untill they draft a QB. Once training camp starts if the rookie doesnt pick up the offence we will be going forward with Gabbert unless they can pick up a free agent QB.


Quote:Is this really that confusing for you?

You're more than welcome to whine and complain to your heart's content about a guy who won't be the starting QB after next week. It's really going to prove something, that's for sure.

Expecting to win should be the perspective for any fan. Recognizing that the team has a lot of holes to fill, including at QB, and that they won't be a very good team until they address those issues should make it clear to most that complaining isn't going to change squat right now. There's only so much the team can do. There isn't some white knight waiting to take over at QB, so we have to deal with Henne and his issues. That's life for one more week.
Oh I'm not confused. Complaining is never the answer and there isn't a single thing us fans can accomplish by doing so.

I'm also well aware of the situation this team is in but when a player performs poorly, the fans have every desire and right to bag on him and it isn't necessary for you to come in here and attempt to talk everyone down from doing so.
Quote:who are you kidding? you blamed everything and anything other than Gabbert for him sucking.

I don't remember that, I do recall you declaring that Jake Locker was going to be a great QB, though.
Henne'd again. Is anybody else shocked?
Quote:Henne will be packing his locker up Next monday. We wont resign him. Gabbert will be the QB going into next year untill they draft a QB. Once training camp starts if the rookie doesnt pick up the offence we will be going forward with Gabbert unless they can pick up a free agent QB.
The Blaine Gabbert era is over.  It's clear the coaching staff has 0 confidence in him.  They have good reason not to play him.  Gabbert went from very bad to down right terrible.  I would not be surprised to see him on first cuts. 
Quote:He's not a good backup. He's just a backup of no consequence at all. When he's gone he'll have left nothing positive behind.
A good backup is a guy that offers the possibility of growth into a starter or the possibility of tempting another team into trading picks for him.
So now you're defining what a backup QB is? Too bad you're wrong.

I think the Cowboys feel fortunate to have Kyle Orton as their backup, rather than "a guy that offers the possibility of growth ...". With Orton they actually have a chance. With your guy - none.

The chance of the Cowboys winning is still very slim, as their defense is horrendous.
Quote:So now you're defining what a backup QB is? Too bad you're wrong.

I think the Cowboys feel fortunate to have Kyle Orton as their backup, rather than "a guy that offers the possibility of growth ...". With Orton they actually have a chance. With your guy - none.

The chance of the Cowboys winning is still very slim, as their defense is horrendous.



Orton is just a backup, too.


Unless your backup offers the possibility of being a real starter then he's just a backup.
Being someone who had the distinct pleasure of watching Orton for a couple of years, I can agree that Orton is a backup, not a starter.

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