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Full Version: Jags Will Win 10-12 Games This Year
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In the offseason, whenever the Jags looked like they could potentially win 7-8 games, they end up winning 3-4

So 10-12 right now sounds about right
Quote:Im sorry to inform some folks around here, but the Jaguars are legitimately as talented as they have been in 10 years. There are no true weaknesses on this roster. The Jaguars have playmakers at every level offensively to pair with and elite talent on defense. The pass rush will break through this year as Jackson and Campbell will free up the young rushers to have consistent 1 v 1 opportunities. Blake finally has a roster he can work with, I truly believe that he will be a brand new QB in the Marrone/TC system, a lot less will fall on his shoulders and we will be able to cut his passing attempts by about 100-125 which will increase our chances exponentially. Looking at that schedule I see at least 10 wins, 4 in the division. I'm looking forward to it and to serving crow on the naysayers
Your optimism is refreshing, but in imho unfounded. As talented as they've been in 10 years? This team has been b a d for about that long. Nevertheless, I do believe in miracles, so maybe you'll be right and most of us can enjoy roasted crow.

...but I don't think so. We'll see.
I'm not trying to be negative here, but this thread has resurfaced for the last ten years, and in that stretch has yielded a whopping 8-8 if my memory serves me right.

I will not go out of my way like years past hoping for this. If it does, thank the Lord in heaven for bringing back Tom Coughlin.
Im still not convinced the O-line/Bortles is good enough to make the offense any more than hit and miss. Consistency will again be an issue...
Personally, I still remember Hulk Bortles from the 2015 season.


Think back to 2015. It wasn't like Blake just showed up for games and started dominating. Not all all.... Early in games Bortles had his moments but also had his struggles that led to the Jaguars falling behind early putting them yet again in a situation where they had to come back. But going back to 2015, something was different with Bortles. The difference is that he had confidence in his arm, and he knew he could do what he had to do. He had the passion to win even though the defense that year consistently found ways to choke away any lead. I swear there would come a point in most games where he'd throw a pick six or something would happen where it starts to look like another loss, and that's when it would happen. ... he'd get back up and all of a sudden he was no longer Blake.... he was Hulk Bortles. From that point on he just slayed teams. I swear he could do no wrong with one deep strike after another. The TDs came one after another. He was a damn good QB. And boy oh boy did we come close to coming back from huge deficits to almost win games. If only we had todays defense back then we would have won a lot of games.


Last year something was wrong from week one, but with so much success the prior the year the Jaguars pushed his arm to the limit. Week after week the Jaguars led the league in attempts. Blake did ok in the early games much like he did early in games during 2015. But there was a hitch in his arm wherein he appeared to lose confidence, and with that loss of confidence we never even once saw the Hulk. He never showed up. Soon Blakes arm would be injured. I still think it happened at the end of the Bears game, but Blake said it happened a couple weeks later vs the Titans. Nevertheless, the injury wreaked havoc on the entire team, and it wasn't until December that they finally started looking somewhat decent on offense.


Blake has it in him to take this team all the way. He knows when he's throwing well, and when he's throwing well he's confident... when Blake is confident in his arm, the potential for good things to happen is there. I'm excited for this season because of what Fornette and Westbrook should do for this offense. If Blake's mechanics training did it's trick this offseason and he returns with that passion to win we say in 2015, the sky really is the limit. It all starts with his arm. If the arm is good, we're all good. If the arm is bad, it's gonna be a long, long season. I pray the fix worked, and if it did... stay tuned.

Quote:Personally, I still remember Hulk Bortles from the 2015 season.

Think back to 2015. It wasn't like Blake just showed up for games and started dominating. Not all all.... Early in games Bortles had his moments but also had his struggles that led to the Jaguars falling behind early putting them yet again in a situation where they had to come back. But going back to 2015, something was different with Bortles. The difference is that he had confidence in his arm, and he knew he could do what he had to do. He had the passion to win even though the defense that year consistently found ways to choke away any lead. I swear there would come a point in most games where he'd throw a pick six or something would happen where it starts to look like another loss, and that's when it would happen. ... he'd get back up and all of a sudden he was no longer Blake.... he was Hulk Bortles. From that point on he just slayed teams. I swear he could do no wrong with one deep strike after another. The TDs came one after another. He was a damn good QB. And boy oh boy did we come close to coming back from huge deficits to almost win games. If only we had todays defense back then we would have won a lot of games.

Last year something was wrong from week one, but with so much success the prior the year the Jaguars pushed his arm to the limit. Week after week the Jaguars led the league in attempts. Blake did ok in the early games much like he did early in games during 2015. But there was a hitch in his arm wherein he appeared to lose confidence, and with that loss of confidence we never even once saw the Hulk. He never showed up. Soon Blakes arm would be injured. I still think it happened at the end of the Bears game, but Blake said it happened a couple weeks later vs the Titans. Nevertheless, the injury wreaked havoc on the entire team, and it wasn't until December that they finally started looking somewhat decent on offense.

Blake has it in him to take this team all the way. He knows when he's throwing well, and when he's throwing well he's confident... when Blake is confident in his arm, the potential for good things to happen is there. I'm excited for this season because of what Fornette and Westbrook should do for this offense. If Blake's mechanics training did it's trick this offseason and he returns with that passion to win we say in 2015, the sky really is the limit. It all starts with his arm. If the arm is good, we're all good. If the arm is bad, it's gonna be a long, long season. I pray the fix worked, and if it did... stay tuned.

The mechanics are easy to reset, the tough part is keeping him upright and cutting down on his attempts so his body doesn't deteriorate and his mechanics fall apart.
I love this annual post.

Look forward to it every year.


Love  Banana

Quote:I love this annual post.

Look forward to it every year.


Love  Banana

Yes, yes it is your annual post.




Way to shtick it to 'em!
Quote:Personally, I still remember Hulk Bortles from the 2015 season.


Think back to 2015. It wasn't like Blake just showed up for games and started dominating. Not all all.... Early in games Bortles had his moments but also had his struggles that led to the Jaguars falling behind early putting them yet again in a situation where they had to come back. But going back to 2015, something was different with Bortles. The difference is that he had confidence in his arm, and he knew he could do what he had to do. He had the passion to win even though the defense that year consistently found ways to choke away any lead. I swear there would come a point in most games where he'd throw a pick six or something would happen where it starts to look like another loss, and that's when it would happen. ... he'd get back up and all of a sudden he was no longer Blake.... he was Hulk Bortles. From that point on he just slayed teams. I swear he could do no wrong with one deep strike after another. The TDs came one after another. He was a damn good QB. And boy oh boy did we come close to coming back from huge deficits to almost win games. If only we had todays defense back then we would have won a lot of games.


Last year something was wrong from week one, but with so much success the prior the year the Jaguars pushed his arm to the limit. Week after week the Jaguars led the league in attempts. Blake did ok in the early games much like he did early in games during 2015. But there was a hitch in his arm wherein he appeared to lose confidence, and with that loss of confidence we never even once saw the Hulk. He never showed up. Soon Blakes arm would be injured. I still think it happened at the end of the Bears game, but Blake said it happened a couple weeks later vs the Titans. Nevertheless, the injury wreaked havoc on the entire team, and it wasn't until December that they finally started looking somewhat decent on offense.


Blake has it in him to take this team all the way. He knows when he's throwing well, and when he's throwing well he's confident... when Blake is confident in his arm, the potential for good things to happen is there. I'm excited for this season because of what Fornette and Westbrook should do for this offense. If Blake's mechanics training did it's trick this offseason and he returns with that passion to win we say in 2015, the sky really is the limit. It all starts with his arm. If the arm is good, we're all good. If the arm is bad, it's gonna be a long, long season. I pray the fix worked, and if it did... stay tuned.

Quote:Yes, yes it is your annual post.




Way to shtick it to 'em!
Thank you.
Quote:I've seen it and it was badly misguided. All defenses face short fields or turnovers/special teams plays that go for TDs. Most defenses also hand some of those back to the offense. The Jaguars defense didn't do that. They were terrible at creating turnovers, and they weren't good enough at making critical stops late in games.


You can try to equivocate it by coming up with stats like trying to reassign points to other phases of the team instead of the defense, but the defense was not some strength of the team getting a raw deal from the rest of the team, the defense wasn't good enough, either.

Like I said, there's a clear emotional attachment to the guy for some based on what he did in 2015.  It's the only explanation.  Had you actually read the thread, you probably wouldn't have made the implication that all teams deal with short fields at about the same rate because it simply isn't true.


Although I didn't compare the entire league in that thread, the most important comparisons are within the division which I did do.  Here's the cliffs notes:  The Jaguars had 23 combined instances (Offense/ST plays that resulted in field position inside the 45 for the other team) of turning the ball over deep in their own territory or ST gaffes.  Four of those resulted in defensive TDs for the other team and 3 more were game ending interceptions (a whole other issue) where the game was still in question and within one score at the time. So 16 short fields plus 7 of what I will call back-breakingly negative Offense/ST plays.


The tinhorns had 13 total instances with 3 resulting in defensive scores for the other team.  That's 10 short fields plus 3 back breaking plays.


The clots had 11 total instances with 2 resulting in defensive scores for the other team.  That's 9 short fields and 2 back breaking plays.


The tacks had 11 total instances with 6 resulting in defensive scores for the other team.   That's 5 short fields and 6 back breaking plays


<p style="margin:0in;">The Jags defense clearly dealt with significantly more bad hands dealt to them by their own offense and special teams than any other team in the division by a wide margin and I'd venture a guess they were probably dealt one of the worst hands in the league last year.  If you feel these are made up stats or that 23 is about the same as 13 or 11 or that 16 is about the same as 10, 9 or 5, I don't know what to tell you.  This isn't earth shattering stuff.  Scoring for the other team and handing them short fields loses games.  

The defense needs to get more turnovers for sure, no one is saying otherwise.  However, they were clearly carrying more water last year than the offense or special teams, especially as the season wore on and they might have gotten more turnovers had some of those short fields been longer.  To shift blame toward them and away from the QB, who was responsible for most of those negative plays, is ridiculous.

Like I said, there's a clear emotional attachment to the guy for some based on what he did in 2015.  It's the only explanation.


Or maybe there is another equally plausible explaination; the jaguars were an overall bad team in all phases, including defense, and some people have decided to make Bortles the scapegoat.


[Image: mind_blown.gif]
Quote:Or maybe there is another equally plausible explaination; the jaguars were an overall bad team in all phases, including defense, and some people have decided to make Bortles the scapegoat.

[Image: mind_blown.gif]

The defense was not bad last year by any stretch last year, sure it wasn't all Bortles fault but he defense generally did its job until late in the game when it was worn and had been on the field 40 minutes.
Nope not even close.  Ya have a guy with poor mechanics, poor footwork , poor decision making, leads in picks 6, and has accuracy issues.   And will win 10 games how?   Less throws?  Yet stats show otherwise. 


I want us to go 16-0 every year.  But based on wins and improvement every year in most other positions.  Yet the final total is less then 500 every year.

Quote:Nope not even close.  Ya have a guy with poor mechanics, poor footwork , poor decision making, leads in picks 6, and has accuracy issues.   And will win 10 games how?   Less throws?  Yet stats show otherwise. 


I want us to go 16-0 every year.  But based on wins and improvement every year in most other positions.  Yet the final total is less then 500 every year.

How do stats show otherwise? If they cut down on his throws they will be a much better team all around, you can have your QB throwing 650+ times a season
Quote:How do stats show otherwise? If they cut down on his throws they will be a much better team all around, you can have your QB throwing 650+ times a season
No because the running game will not bail us out of 2 tds plus down.    At the end of the day does not matter if the qb throws 650 times or 100 times.  If he is not there mentally wont matter.  Take out the fantasy stats.  When he throws less and the offense rushes more he has won a whopping 4 games.  Even if ya double that. Still not 10. 


Our d will be better but needed more pass rushers. Our o line will be better.  But Blake has a really bad spiral.  And is off the mark.  That's why added another speed guy to catch up to passes or shift better. 


Blake is better than blaine, is not better then David.  And certainly not a franchise qb.    Not drafting a qb will bite us in the behind.  


Too many look at the tds stats of 2015 and think will improve.  But doesn't have to improve to 2015 has to improve from 2016 before can hit 2015. 

I don't care if he throws 60 ints as long as we can score over 120 tds,  But we cant.  Cause it is not all gus fault.  He was part of it.  But Blake has to much to work on to be successful this year.  And yet wont be here next year.

That's not why we added a speed guy..
Quote:That's not why we added a speed guy..
To take the top off the defenses.  And catch up to over thrown passes like lee did. 
Quote:The defense was not bad last year by any stretch last year, sure it wasn't all Bortles fault but he defense generally did its job until late in the game when it was worn and had been on the field 40 minutes.

Great point, maybe you should back it up with some statistics, you know, of the Jaguars having a sub 20 minutes time of possession showing that you're not full of it when you say something like the above.
Quote:Great point, maybe you should back it up with some statistics, you know, of the Jaguars having a sub 20 minutes time of possession showing that you're not full of it when you say something like the above.

It's all on record. Jaguars average time of possession was 29:09 in 2016 (26th in the league). They had a high of 34:34, a low of 23:18. Six games above half the possession, ten below (but of those, three were within a minute of equal). They were under 50% by 5 minutes or more in only two games - one of which they won. At home they averaged 30:44 (17th in the league), away they averaged 27:55 (25th in the league).

The worst time of possession in the league that season was 18:32 (by the Denver Broncos). The Seahawks were the only other team to manage less than 20m time of possession - four other teams came within a minute of 20m, Cleveland managing it twice.

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