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Quote:The robinson one.  I rewinded it back 5 times.  To look in slow motion.  And that one foot did touch or was so close to touching can't dispute that.  However if it was called a catch be the same.   What they should do is have a offset option. Just like challenges.  Except only have one.  If throw the challenge flag and lose the coach has the option to restart or reset the play.  Just like 2 penalties offset.    It will eliminate many bogus ref calls.  And make it more enjoyable.  

  The LeSean McCoy run to the right sideline is the play I'm thinking of.
Quote:  I'm not sure of what the salary cap implications are regarding Allen Hurns contract in 2017 but he's certainly not helping his cause.   Especially,  since his team is losing in part because of his inconsistency.  


He basically is untouchable this year. 
Quote:  The LeSean McCoy run to the right sideline is the play I'm thinking of.
ahh okay.  
Quote:He was pretty pedestrian passing wise. To the tune of 126 yards passing. He didn't make any boneheaded passes though and was a victim of a few drops.


A few easy catches in stride, type drops.
I'm actually excited for the offseason.. The party begins as the news hits that Gus is gone..
Jaguars are now the 4th most penalized team in the league with 103 Flags this season. Averaging 9.3 Flags per game wich ranks 5th, ranking 3rd in total lost yards with 818


Take that as you will: The average team has about 12 possessions per game with a 4:3 Offensive to defensive penalty ratio. That means a 3rd of Jaguars offensive possessions are being affected by penalties. The lack of discipline adds up

Quote:One of the things that bugs me about this whole thing is the reaction from fans that indicate we shouldn't expect to get those calls.

Sentiments of that nature most certainly reflect reality, I'm not disputing that.

But innate, preconceived biases should not be written into, read into, or implied by or inferred from the rules.

The rules aren't uniform or objective if they vary from team to team.

The refereeing in the NFL has been terrible for the last half decade. It's the reason that ratings are beginning to finally decline.

The fact that fans are beginning to be numb from the clear ineptitude of it is an indication of the cancer that is bringing down the enjoyment of the game. A billion dollar corporation that does not employ full time referees that are salaried and focus only on thier profession creates an obvious weakness in terms of a sense of fairness and objectivity.

The NFL sucks. But the Jaguars suck more.
Quote:Goodell radio the officials, he said, dont let the jaguars win.

He wants Gus gone too. Thanks Goodell!
We have got to move on from Gus. I look at some of these other teams and can't help but think our talent level is not that far off from theirs. We need to move on from this staff.
Once upon a time, the only passes we would throw were quick slants. Now we're allergic to them.
We all knew we'd lose. No way that Bradley could out-coach any other coach in this league. This was completely exposed after the half. 


But I appreciate the Jags players doing their best to keep it close. Refs were garbage.

LOL at the people saying we got some calls too.  It was one call for an expired clock that would have been -5 whole yards.  I guess that negates 2 turnovers called back and our WR getting mugged on the most critical play in the game, with no call.  I should also mention the replay that shows Alualu getting held as the QB throws the TD pass.  The call with the Bills RB walking out of bounds and the ref 2 feet away calling for the clock to keep running - it's clear there is a league bias against the Jags.


If I was Gus I would tell the players next game to just jack up the officials on every play.  Put the whole officiating crew in casts by halftime, and then we may be able to play some football.  It's getting that bad.

Gus still manages time outs bad at the end of games. Still. Not saying that is why we lost. Why do we also always give up points at the end of the first half. We gave up two tds to the bills in a span of less than 5 minutes. That is why you lose.
yeah we do get duked quite a bit by the refs
Here are my impressions:


[In the voice of Blake Bortles]: "Come on guys, help me out. I sucky."


[In the voice of Dante Fowler, Jr.]: "Damn, #91 good."


[In the voice of Allen Hurns]: "Ooopsy."



I felt like the Jaguars were dominating the entire first half... But then look at the scoreboard and only up by 1. Then I knew we would somehow lose.
Im not one to really cry about the officials, because I feel that when you leave it in their hands you will always lose. That being said this season has been an absolute joke when it comes to terrible calls.


I know this probably wont mean much to anyone here, but my cousin who is and has always been a Philly fan texted me today. I guess he had been watching the game and said he felt awful for what the Jags had gone through with the officiating and that he emailed the NFL. Of course I laughed and said thanks for the support, thinking all the while he was really just trolling me. He immediately text me back and says, dude Im being serious I emailed them about what a joke that was.


Again I know this doesnt amount to a hill of beans, but the fact that he took notice tells me that even if fans from other teams arent saying anything it is being noticed. I dont know what if anything can be done but man this is getting a bit out of hand. Yeah yeah I know the typical response will be this is always how its been, but we shouldnt just accept that. 

Gus had quite the meltdown at the end of the first half accepting that penalty and calling that timeout. I'm more inclined to blame that than the refs, although the they screwed us pretty hard too.
Eh, in reality the bad calls are going to help the Jags.  Better draft position.  

The team is undisciplined. It's what happens when you congratulate everyone for participating instead of pointing fingers at problems.

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