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Refs were ridiculous, but bottom line is once again when we needed to score on offense in the 4th we didn't, and when we needed to get off the field on defense in the 4th we didn't. Sixth time this season that's been the case.
Quote:The team is undisciplined. It's what happens when you congratulate everyone for participating instead of pointing fingers at problems.

What does the Jaguars' lack of discipline have to do with the disparate pass interference application, or the failure of the refs to stop the clock when the player steps out of bounds? If anyone showed a lack of discipline yesterday, it was the refs.
Quote:Refs were ridiculous, but bottom line is once again when we needed to score on offense in the 4th we didn't, and when we needed to get off the field on defense in the 4th we didn't. Sixth time this season that's been the case.
The relevant play was posted earlier in one of these threads. Here it is again.
<a class="bbc_url" href='https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/802980268931829760/pu/vid/240x240/ReLPyYSOwdS5jveW.mp4'>https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/802980268931829760/pu/vid/240x240/ReLPyYSOwdS5jveW.mp4</a>

Maybe the team scores in the 4th quarter when needed if the refs call one of three possible penalties: pass interference, holding or illegal contact.
Quote:The relevant play was posted earlier in one of these threads. Maybe the team scores in the 4th quarter when needed if the refs call one of three possible penalties: pass interference, holding or illegal contact.

I get that, and I agree. I thought the refs were horrendous. D6 posted a link that even showed Bills fans expressing we were fleeced. But we didn't make plays in the 4th man. Once again the game was within reach and we're left talking about missed calls ad nauseum. You are a good poster, you know how to watch football, you know as a long time Jags fan we aren't gonna get the benefit of calls.

We don't make the plays to win games.
Quote:The relevant play was posted earlier in one of these threads. Here it is again.
<a class="bbc_url" href='https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/802980268931829760/pu/vid/240x240/ReLPyYSOwdS5jveW.mp4'>https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/802980268931829760/pu/vid/240x240/ReLPyYSOwdS5jveW.mp4</a>

Maybe the team scores in the 4th quarter when needed if the refs call one of three possible penalties: pass interference, holding or illegal contact.

Yeah, that is the definition of defensive holding right there, and BB5 even threw a good ball to catch.


Also worth noting is that if that had been the Jaguars on defense grabbing the jersey of the opposing WR like that, it would have been called 100 out of 100 times.


The Jags didn't get the call and they never would have gotten away with it either.


Sad, just sad times for the Jaguars and their fans right now.

Doesn't matter, the team isn't good enough to overcome the loser coach.
Well, we managed a score in the first quarter, led a lot of the game....and surprise,surprise.....when the fourth isn't garbage time we don't score and put the game away. *sigh* I had my hope up there for a while.

The end of the season can't come fast enough.

Quote:What does the Jaguars' lack of discipline have to do with the disparate pass interference application, or the failure of the refs to stop the clock when the player steps out of bounds? If anyone showed a lack of discipline yesterday, it was the refs.

Refs should be full time positions and paid appropriately.  For an entity like the NFL, it is past time that they have an evaluation system.  The game is very fast but the theory is a core permanent referee group would have more time to adjust to the speed of the game and have a more uniform application of the rules.


Player safety should be the number one enforcement.  The ticky tacky stuff that is called inconsistently should be decided and applied by the "permanent" referees.


Honestly I agree with your last few comments about it seeming odd that we are accepting the ref calls but I'm just not seeing it matter for a 2-9 team that has shown very little progress under an inept coach.  When I read the stores about Hue Jackson and see the real emotion as the Browns struggle, I have more emotion for them.  We have an organizational problem.


Sadly the season has been the let down for the Jaguars for 3 years running.  The team has done a good job with off season hype but not action.

Bullseye, go ahead and blame it on something other than their own performance just like Gus has trained you to do. You have no idea what you're talking about and everyone here knows it.

Quote:Now whatever slim hopes we had of avoiding a losing season are officially gone.  My thoughts...


1.  I have no problems admitting the Jaguars are not a very good team.  Anyone who has read my posts this year can attest to this. In the picks thread in the AFCS forum, I picked the Bills to win this game.   But my ire is reserved for easily the most deserving unit:  the officials.  The disparate treatment of the two teams by the officials offends traditional notions of fair play and without question cost the Jaguars this game. This was the most egregiously anti Jaguars officiating seen since the opening week game, where-after the fact- the NFL acknowledged some 16 blown calls that all went against the Jaguars.  The first half fumble that was conveniently ruled down due to forward progress was bad enough on its own.  But there were other equally egregious applications of the rules that cost the team in the second half.  The first was a pass interference call that negated Gipson's INT.  There were two things that made that call particularly bad.  First, there was virtually no contact on the play.  Secondly, the pass was clearly uncatchable, as it was overthrown by several yards.  The receiver didn't even bother to jump for the ball.  As bad as that penalty was, it was made even worse by the P.I. NOT called when Allen Robinson was absolutely mauled by the Bills DB later in the half.  Combined, the selective application/enforcement of the pass interference "rules" leaves me to wonder if there is actually any written rule on that subject at all.  It seems to me officials have the liberty to apply it as they see fit, depending on the outcome they want.  Finally, I'm mystified as to how a player who first steps out of bounds and then is knocked out of bounds completely does not trigger a stoppage of the clock, which cost the Jaguars their last time out.  The NFL has, once again, surrendered any and all pretense of objectivity with the horrid officiating witnessed today.  Even the Bills fans are admitting we got screwed.  http://boards.buffalobills.com/showthrea...the-screws


2.  While Bortles' stats will seem pedestrian, to me this was one of the three best games he had this year.  This game, the Indy game, and the week one game against the Packers are the three games where he looked like Bortles from last year throwing the ball.  Bortles seemed confident and decisive in his throws, and they didn't seem to flutter hopelessly as they had so many times this season.  Had Hurns held onto a deep pass down the sideline, combined with the penalties outlined above, this game could have had a different outcome.


3.  It's too bad Ivory got hurt, because when he was in, the running game performed well, almost running at will.  Yeldon and Robinson had some decent runs, and Bortles' scrambles certainly bolstered the offense overall and rushing stats.  But his fumble aside, Ivory had this running game going.  I hope he is okay.  We will need his physicality the next couple of weeks.


4.  I have to give kudos to the defense, especially in the first half.  That was one of the most impressive displays of football overall this side of the ball had in years.  They stifled one of the best rushing offenses and generated plenty of pass rush.  Even Tyson Alualu made his presence known in some positive ways in the first half.  The second half, the team was hit with some big plays.  In post game, FT placed blame on McCoy's long run on Gipson and Ramsey, and naturally I defer to his analysis over mine, but it appeared to me Alualu also bears some responsibility by being moved out of his gap.  The scoreboard shows 28 points surrendered, but overall the defense played well.


5.  There were good contributions made by some backups, especially on the offensive side.  Koyack, Sterling, and Reed all played pretty well against a pretty good defense.  Yeldon and Denard Robinson also had their moments.


6.  Once again, special teams play hurt this team in a major way.  The long punt return allowed set up the Bills first TD right before half.  There were two different illegal formation penalties on the punt cover team that gave the Bills 10 more yards, and the mishandling of punts continued.  When the book is closed on the Bradley era here, a major chapter on his failures needs to be devoted to the special teams.


7.  Rookie Watch:


     A)  Jalen Ramsey-had a couple of impressive tackles in run support early, but was beaten for a TD (maybe two), and also on a deep pass to Watkins.  On the Watkins play, he had good coverage, but was pushed off at the end on another play conveniently missed by the refs.


     B)  Myles Jack-Seemed to get good playing time.  He stuck out to me on a couple of plays.  He was at Sam on the left side of the defense and held up pretty well at the point of attack.  On another play, he contained a scramble by Tyrod Taylor.  Many have been saying this all year, but he needs more playing time.


     C)  Yannick Ngakoue-Had an outstanding game against a good LT in Cordy Glenn.  He beat Glenn for a sack in the first half, and had a couple of other pressures.


     D)  Sheldon Day-did not stand out much to me


     E)  Brandon Allen-DNP


8.  After being ejected from the Raiders game, Malik Jackson said he will apologize to his teammates by his play.  He has kept his word, because since then he has played some very good football, especially over the past two weeks.  Today, IIRC, he registered a sack.  Dante Fowler had a decent showing as well, getting some pressure and, for the 2nd week in a row, no stupid penalties.


9.  Speaking of stupid penalties, was anyone else ready to explode had the defense jumped off sides this week when Manuel was in the game?


10.  Bottom line:  This team has been so bad for so long, I've been numb to ambivalent after many of the losses.  But this game left me particularly rankled, because overall the team played well.  Ultimately, the officiating and not so special teams betrayed this team again.

I will say, one other thing I'd add is the coaching decisions. I've thought Gus has improved in this aspect of coaching over the past year (since about mid of last season), but this game had to have been one of his worst in-game management in awhile. Stopping the clock on 4th and 1 with the Bills basically in the redzone. Not calling a timeout on 4th and 5. Re-kicking and making our guys run again. Not his finest moments.
Quote:Once upon a time, the only passes we would throw were quick slants. Now we're allergic to them.

Quick slants are not a good play with a QB like Bortles due to his long throwing motion and lack of accuracy.
If it weren't for the rest of this year, I think yesterday's loss wouldnt feel too bad. I had fun out there for the most part.
Quote:Bullseye, go ahead and blame it on something other than their own performance just like Gus has trained you to do. You have no idea what you're talking about and everyone here knows it.



Read this (or get someone to read it for you) and tell me if it sounds like I follow Gus Bradley's training on blame displacement.  For that matter, take a gander at the responses and see if "everyone" knows I have no idea what I am talking about.


In fact, I defy you to show me any other game in 2016 outside of this game or the Packers game where I place the blame of any loss on anyone other than the Jaguars ineptitude or simply being beaten by a superior team.

Quote:Honestly I agree with your last few comments about it seeming odd that we are accepting the ref calls but I'm just not seeing it matter for a 2-9 team that has shown very little progress under an inept coach.  When I read the stores about Hue Jackson and see the real emotion as the Browns struggle, I have more emotion for them.  We have an organizational problem.


Sadly the season has been the let down for the Jaguars for 3 years running.  The team has done a good job with off season hype but not action.
On the whole I agree with this.


Bradley's failures as a coach has far outweighed whatever officiating mishaps that have befallen this team over the past few seasons.


Even if the Green Bay and Buffalo games are called properly, we're still looking at another losing record and more underachievement under this coach and coaching staff.


But the officiating in both of those games referenced above cost the Jaguars dearly and was a huge difference in both games.
Making everything reviewable, like Belichick has proposed for years, would certainly neutralize the officiating problem for teams like the Jags. Also, not limiting challenges to 2 or 3 per game would help as well. Just give a challenge for each timeout you have.
I still think the off set thing to restart the play be better. 

Quote:Making everything reviewable, like Belichick has proposed for years, would certainly neutralize the officiating problem for teams like the Jags. Also, not limiting challenges to 2 or 3 per game would help as well. Just give a challenge for each timeout you have.

  What you mentioned reminded me of the highly questionable decision Rex Ryan made in the 2nd QTR when on a 3rd Down play,  he challenged the spot of the ball.   Even if the Bills would have won the challenge,  the Jaguars would have had 4th and 1,  on a spot of the field that the risk/ reward of going for the 1st Down was favorable.  Soon after,  Ryan had to challenge the Allen Robinson sideline play,   which then meant the Bills had no more challenges the rest of the game,  except the officials challenges inside 2 minutes of each half and if the game would have gone to OT.    Ryan is fortunate how this game turned out.   He easily could have been back on the hot seat.
Quote:Ryan is fortunate how this game turned out.   He easily could have been back on the hot seat.

Yes, because any coach that loses to the Jags should be on the hot seat.
Quote:Yes, because any coach that loses to the Jags should be on the hot seat.

  It certainly played out that way in the 2013 season.
Quote:I can understand the fumble. But the PI call was before int was clear as day.  

I disagree. I didn't see interference at any point during the play. If there was interference before the flag, then it should have been placed there and not where it was placed. 
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