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Quote:I dont recall any posts about Del rio's failings until it was OBVIOUS he was out the door.

Nor any for Shack, nor Gene Smith.

You have spent 45 million posts defending the company line, which is fine, your opinion,

but to now say you feel optimistic the right people are in place, what makes you feel that way?

Because frankly, you said the same about Gene Smith and Mularkey.


I am not optimistic, because if anything our team is worse than ever, and your track record is just as bad in making decisions about who was good and bad calling the shots.

We have no idea if the right people are in place bottom line.

I will keep my fingers crossed, but easy on the optimism you always dish.

I understand you have a job to do, but after so many personnel changes, your optimism means little.

You're entitled to be pessimistic.  That's what soilers do, and that is certainly an established track record for you.


I know words can be somewhat confusing for deep thinkers such as yourself, but it's clear you mistake preaching patience for some form of toting the company line.  I guess the only acceptable form of criticicism is incessant whining and demanding everyone be fired in your world.  Nothing wrong with that.  The world is full of miserable people who constantly seek out things to complain about in order to feel like they have some value in life. 


FYI, for all the genius analysis that Del Rio was a clueless coach, or Koetter was a terrible offensive coordinator, how's it working out for Jack in Denver or Dirk in Atlanta right now?  I know it's fashionable for malcontents to constantly demand the coach be fired because he's the reason for the team struggling.  It couldn't possibly be the fact that there wasn't any talent on the team he was trying to develop, right?  Must've been the coaching.


I know the simpletons here such as yourself truly believe that as moderators we must tow the company line.  However, anyone who knows my posting history here is well aware that this is not the M.O. I follow.  It's a cheap way for people such as yourself who need to complain in every post to say I'm a company man because I don't share your obsession with keeping Depends in business. 


Keep on flailing. 


You have spent 45 million posts defending the company line, which is fine, your opinion,

In FBT's  "defense,"  he did say that trusting Shad Khan's intentions to stay in Jax equated to putting one's head in the sand.  So..... there's that.  


Not so "company line."  

I see no reason for name calling, why are you caling me "a simpleton", along with a post of slurs.



I am merely pointing out you have always backed whoever was in charge.

You spent years arguing with TMD about Shack harris. You initially loved Del Rio.

You deny you backed Shack harris for years? Holy cow!


And you never answered my question, ( I guess you got sidetracked putting me down and name calling), if we

quote "suffered years of abuse", as you state now, just who was abusing the Jags with bad decisions?


The problem sporto, is you say the same thing every single coaching or GM change, you love them, you say

how things will change now.

Then abuse people who disagree with you.

Then after they leave town with the team worse than ever speak of what bad decisions were made in the past.

You are all over the map so to speak, so I will save my opinion on the new GM and head coach until the Jaguars

play like a professional NFL team.

Quote:I see no reason for name calling, why are you caling me "a simpleton", along with a post of slurs.



I am merely pointing out you have always backed whoever was in charge.

You spent years arguing with TMD about Shack harris. You initially loved Del Rio.

You deny you backed Shack harris for years? Holy cow!


And you never answered my question, ( I guess you got sidetracked putting me down and name calling), if we

quote "suffered years of abuse", as you state now, just who was abusing the Jags with bad decisions?


The problem sporto, is you say the same thing every single coaching or GM change, you love them, you say

how things will change now.

Then abuse people who disagree with you.

Then after they leave town with the team worse than ever speak of what bad decisions were made in the past.

You are all over the map so to speak, so I will save my opinion on the new GM and head coach until the Jaguars

play like a professional NFL team.

I didn't realize fans were required to hate anyone who makes decisions for a team from the moment they come on board.  I'll have to make note of that.


I called you a simpleton because it's clear that's what you are.  If you think I've never been critical of this team, you're either lying, ignorant because you're not reading every post I put out there to make such a claim, or a simpleton who just doesn't understand the words yo're reading.  I picked an option because I've dealt with you previously.  If I chose the wrong one, feel free to tell me which option applies.


I didn't back every move Shack Harris or Gene Smith made during their tenure, but whatever you need  to tell yourself to make you look less foolish for posting in this thread, go right ahead and manufacture that reality.


Nobody is asking you to do anything, including posting in this thread.  Clearly, you're traumatized by any possible sighting of positivity. You must have been shunned as a child.  So scarred.


The roster has progressively become less talented over the past several years.  Who exactly do you think might be responsible for that?  Do I need to draw you a picture to avoid confusion?


FYI - hyperbole is a good indication of simpleton status.  When you say I "loved" Del Rio, or Harris, or Smith, that's nothing BUT hyperbolic nonsense.  I liked the Del Rio hire coming off the end of the Coughlin era.  It was a breath of fresh air after the whole "one voice" mantra for years (although, at the time I didn't think Coughlin should be fired).  And he was a highly regarded coach when the team hired him.  Did it pan out?  Nope.  And when it started to fail for him, I was critical.  You must have been on vacation.


Same with Harris and Smith.  I never "loved" either hire, but gin it up however you see fit to keep up your flailing ways.  Both men made picks and moves I didn't like, and I was critical when they did.  Because I didn't run around with pitchforks and torches like you and others here do, I guess that wasn't satisfactory.

FBT im sorry but he has some small points. Its rare that you actually criticised moves made especially during the Gene Smith tenure. You name called and condescended your way to infamy during that time using such gems as "dullard, mouth breathers , morons , and simpletons" while bashing just about anyone who questioned draft picks and FA pickups.


Maybe not every single pick and FA grab but definitely the high profile ones. AluAlu and Gabbert being the most prominent ones. Shorts as well but you were correct about that one.


Much like with JDR you backed Gene Smith until it was clear to even Ray Charles that he was a cancer to the organization and only then did you flip the script. I myself went back and forth with you over many of the Gene Smith picks and of course those who questioned didnt know football or they werent the ones being paid to make the decisions.


He isnt completely right but then again neither are you in this.

I've been to every game played in Jacksonville and a season ticket holder every year up until this year. What made the last 10 years tolerable was tailgating with friends before and after the games but this year the rest of the group decided not to renew their tickets.


I decided to save the $300 parking, $62 preseason tickets, and ride the shuttle. I'm still in the stadium on game day quite frankly because I have nothing better to do on Sundays which now is easier on my wallet. It is frustrating to see the decline in the team without any hope of a turnaround. I fail to see how anybody can look at the people in place and conclude we have the personnel to turn this thing around.


All organizations are built from the top down. I don't like the Stache which I've stated many times. His decision to go with an unproven GM, who hired an unproven HC, who hired unproven coordinators, after coming off 5-11 and 2-14 seasons was just plain ignorant when there were proven guys out there. I am fully aware of the methodology of turning everything upside down and start fresh with new people and new ideas but this was not the time to do so.


From now on and until we field a winning team, gameday Sundays will be known by me as the "Stank at the Bank"


Regards.......................the Chiefjag
Quote:I've been to every game played in Jacksonville and a season ticket holder every year up until this year. What made the last 10 years tolerable was tailgating with friends before and after the games but this year the rest of the group decided not to renew their tickets.


I decided to save the $300 parking, $62 preseason tickets, and ride the shuttle. I'm still in the stadium on game day quite frankly because I have nothing better to do on Sundays which now is easier on my wallet. It is frustrating to see the decline in the team without any hope of a turnaround. I fail to see how anybody can look at the people in place and conclude we have the personnel to turn this thing around.


All organizations are built from the top down. I don't like the Stache which I've stated many times. His decision to go with an unproven GM, who hired an unproven HC, who hired unproven coordinators, after coming off 5-11 and 2-14 seasons was just plain ignorant when there were proven guys out there. I am fully aware of the methodology of turning everything upside down and start fresh with new people and new ideas but this was not the time to do so.


From now on and until we field a winning team, gameday Sundays will be known by me as the "Stank at the Bank"


Regards.......................the Chiefjag
Colts (coming off of a 2-14 season) hired the unproven Chuck Pagano and the unproven Ryan Grigson to bring their franchise back to the top. They just so happen to have gotten the #1 pick with Andrew Luck.


If you don't think this year was the year to switch over to new coaches and new front office people, then when is? When is the right time to "start fresh"?
Quote:I've been to every game played in Jacksonville and a season ticket holder every year up until this year. What made the last 10 years tolerable was tailgating with friends before and after the games but this year the rest of the group decided not to renew their tickets.


I decided to save the $300 parking, $62 preseason tickets, and ride the shuttle. I'm still in the stadium on game day quite frankly because I have nothing better to do on Sundays which now is easier on my wallet. It is frustrating to see the decline in the team without any hope of a turnaround. I fail to see how anybody can look at the people in place and conclude we have the personnel to turn this thing around.


All organizations are built from the top down. I don't like the Stache which I've stated many times. His decision to go with an unproven GM, who hired an unproven HC, who hired unproven coordinators, after coming off 5-11 and 2-14 seasons was just plain ignorant when there were proven guys out there. I am fully aware of the methodology of turning everything upside down and start fresh with new people and new ideas but this was not the time to do so.


From now on and until we field a winning team, gameday Sundays will be known by me as the "Stank at the Bank"


Regards.......................the Chiefjag

I'm pretty much with Chiefjag on this one, I wouldn't go as far to say as I don't like Shad but I'm not as sold on him as everyone else seems to be. Same goes for Dave and Gus until they show me something I'm not crazy about them yet. I think gutting the roster of players like Cox, Knighton, and Smith only prolonged this rebuild and made it that much harder to start with.


I think building around players like Lewis is a horrible idea, and I think we blew it taking a RT with the 2nd overall pick, hopefully Luke becomes a solid Tackle and the pick justifies itself but we could've used that selection to get a desperately needed Pass Rushing Specialist.


I'll be patient for a little while but so far I haven't seen anything from this franchise that gives me hope we're headed in the right direction.

FYI, for all the genius analysis that Del Rio was a clueless coach, or Koetter was a terrible offensive coordinator, how's it working out for Jack in Denver or Dirk in Atlanta right now?  I know it's fashionable for malcontents to constantly demand the coach be fired because he's the reason for the team struggling.  It couldn't possibly be the fact that there wasn't any talent on the team he was trying to develop, right?  Must've been the coaching.




Oh please, how "great" is it going for Jack now??? I seem to recall his defense vs Baltimore last year in the playoffs getting abused. But we were used to that. Jacks defenses vs the cupcakes of the league would look good, but whenever there was a big game late in the year/ or playoff game, how'd Jacks defenses do then?....just as they did in Denver vs Baltimore. 


As for Koetter....speaking for myself, I liked Koetter. I don't think Koetter was ever the main problem here regarding the offense. His success in Atlanta should surprise no one. 


I also recall you ripping my posts which blasted the Mularkey hire. There was no way around it - the Mularkey hire was terrible. It was at the time of the hire and was the entire time he was here. It made zero sense to hire a head coach whose resume was so shoddy. 


Quote:I've been to every game played in Jacksonville and a season ticket holder every year up until this year. What made the last 10 years tolerable was tailgating with friends before and after the games but this year the rest of the group decided not to renew their tickets.


I decided to save the $300 parking, $62 preseason tickets, and ride the shuttle. I'm still in the stadium on game day quite frankly because I have nothing better to do on Sundays which now is easier on my wallet. It is frustrating to see the decline in the team without any hope of a turnaround. I fail to see how anybody can look at the people in place and conclude we have the personnel to turn this thing around.


All organizations are built from the top down. I don't like the Stache which I've stated many times. His decision to go with an unproven GM, who hired an unproven HC, who hired unproven coordinators, after coming off 5-11 and 2-14 seasons was just plain ignorant when there were proven guys out there. I am fully aware of the methodology of turning everything upside down and start fresh with new people and new ideas but this was not the time to do so.


From now on and until we field a winning team, gameday Sundays will be known by me as the "Stank at the Bank"


Regards.......................the Chiefjag

I like the Caldwell hire (not completely sold but like it better than some of the alternatives like Gamble) , albeit preferring the NY Giants dude...still on the fence regarding Bradley if anything because its an offensive era and I think going with an offensive minded head coach was the way to go. 8 head coach openings were available last offseason and 7 of them hired offensive minded head coaches......ONE hired a defensive minded HC. I remember saying back then that it was key that if you do hire a defensive head coach to get a bona-fide great, proven offensive mind in here as OC. That didn't happen. Before Khan signed off on Bradley he should have been more aware of just exactly who Bradley would have been able to land here as an OC.....if it wasn't legit enough, Bradley shouldn't have been hired. Thats on Khan. Thats part of the head coach hiring/ interview  process and apparently Khan messed up on that somehow, either via ignorance or buying into Bradley too much too soon. Its why I went on back then that they should have waited to interview Roman before deciding on Bradley knee jerk after 1 interview. Khan interviewed Caldwell 3 times before offering the gig to Caldwell, similar patience should have been exercised on Bradley/ the head coach hire. 




I think building around players like Lewis is a horrible idea, and I think we blew it taking a RT with the 2nd overall pick, hopefully Luke becomes a solid Tackle and the pick justifies itself but we could've used that selection to get a desperately needed Pass Rushing Specialist.




When Caldwell included Marcedes Lewis as one of the building blocks going forward with AFTER looking at all the tape - that really gave me some pause regarding Caldwell. Marcedes should have been shown the door. He's way overpriced per his production and isn't a spring chicken anyway, so by the time the team rebuilt, Marcedes would be approaching the downside anyway (which gasp, considering what he gives you now, already.....)
I would say that analysis of coaching hires is obviously to soon. I will say that I did not like the Fisch hire but I'm willing to let that play out as well. It's practically impossible to analyze coaching with the pitiful level of player talent on the roster.

Quote:I would say that analysis of coaching hires is obviously to soon. I will say that I did not like the Fisch hire but I'm willing to let that play out as well. It's practically impossible to analyze coaching with the pitiful level of player talent on the roster.

I'm willing to give them time, but I think you can get a pretty good idea of the head coach & how well me might do via the caliber of assistants/ Coordinators that he's able to lure into the coaching staff. 
Quote:Colts (coming off of a 2-14 season) hired the unproven Chuck Pagano and the unproven Ryan Grigson to bring their franchise back to the top. They just so happen to have gotten the #1 pick with Andrew Luck.


If you don't think this year was the year to switch over to new coaches and new front office people, then when is? When is the right time to "start fresh"?
The Colts hardly had a decade of sucking like us. They had 1 freaking year for their fans to suffer, we've had 10 plus. If I was in charge I would have done everything possible to get Any Reid in here. Andy Reid would have brought in Alex Smith like he did in K.C. and immediately improved our offense. Thats what proven guys do.


Regards...........................the Chiefjag
Quote:The Colts hardly had a decade of sucking like us. They had 1 freaking year for their fans to suffer, we've had 10 plus. If I was in charge I would have done everything possible to get Any Reid in here. Andy Reid would have brought in Alex Smith like he did in K.C. and immediately improved our offense. Thats what proven guys do.


Regards...........................the Chiefjag

The fact that Khan seemingly didn't even make a strong effort (or any effort at all) to at least get Andy in here for an interview was very disappointing. 


Andy was the most proven candidate out there this past offseason, and should have easily been Khan's #1 target. 

Quote:Do you realize that there were a lot of people saying exactly what you are saying about Geno Smith? I get it that you love Bridgewater, but every year there is a QB people fall in love with.


Does that somehow automatically mean it cannot be true about Bridgewater?
I've had some disagreements with others on this board (and I still wholeheartedly disagree with some of you), but I've got to give props to everyone that is still around - I don't think anyone can question the loyalty of those of us who remain on this board after the past few seasons.


I can't get myself to be excited by a potential prospect in next years draft this early in the season - so I'm still pretty miserable as far as football goes. That said I'm still going to watch every game that I physically can, and you'll still see me on here on gameday even though it will probably drive me insane doing so.


Try to enjoy the rest of season, fellow fans.

Quote:The irony of this post is going to escape a lot of board members here. However, I would point out that while Mr.FBT talks NOW about the "years of abuse" this team has been subjected to, I cannot remember one instance where the OP ever criticized any front office personnel, or coach while they were active.

When Shack was here, if his decisions were questioned, the response would be "WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE?"


Same with Del Rio, Mularkey, Gene Smith, on and on.


Only in hindsight do we get an admission of "years of abuse".

So who gave us years of abuse FBT,  now that you are willing to speak after they have left town?

So what is the irony?
Quote:I would say that analysis of coaching hires is obviously to soon. I will say that I did not like the Fisch hire but I'm willing to let that play out as well. It's practically impossible to analyze coaching with the pitiful level of player talent on the roster.

Keep in mind we purposefully took a step back this offseason, we let go of key players and plugged in scrubs or left over vets, part of the pitiful roster we have is the fault of this current staff.
I'm not a fan of Jedd Fisch. I'm hopeful for a new more proven OC to be hired after this season. He may prove me wrong but at this point he's got a long ways to go.
Quote:Keep in mind we purposefully took a step back this offseason, we let go of key players and plugged in scrubs or left over vets, part of the pitiful roster we have is the fault of this current staff.

I don't really have a problem with anyone we let walk this offseason. I understand the point you make, but none of the players we let walk are ever really going to be difference makers. 
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