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(06-15-2017, 08:07 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]"If she (Hillary) gets to pick her judges.. Nothing you can do folks.. Although the 2nd Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.." - DJT

Just another example of the rhetoric that is totally excused because the right never thought they would be the target.

Not justifying violence or condoning this sad act. Just pointing out that words matter. And not a one of you on this board condemned this statement or countless others like it. Trump can promptly speak out on violence when his own people are the target, but has been silent or severely tardy on several other acts of violence perpetrated by people who are aligned to his base. It's farcical.

Did his rhetoric spur someone to go on a shooting spree targeting democrats? 

The heated rhetoric comes from both sides, but the reality here is that the overwhelming majority of those people who actually act out on it tend to lean left.  And the rhetoric they're feeding off of is all over the place.  Trump pulls out of the Paris accord, and you've got liberal icons scrambling to find cameras to talk about how people are going to die.  You've got prominent democrats giving speeches where they're talking about telling the president to do things that are anatomically impossible.  You've got prominent leftist celebrities talking about blowing up the White House, or simulating an assassination of the president in their rap videos.  You just don't see the level of vitriol coming from the right, but hey, keep digging for more examples where someone said something bad, but then show us how that triggered anything beyond words.
(06-14-2017, 06:07 PM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-14-2017, 06:01 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]I understand there can be radical left, and radical right.. One can be just as equally dangerous to society as the next.. But my biggest beef and concern is that the left doesn't seem like they're condemning much of the violence that stems from the left, itself.. Will we see the Hollywood Elitists condemn such actions? Of course not.. They're the one's lighting the fuses to these radical leftists. They're the one's that act like it's O.K to portray the severed head of our President, or carry out a faux execution of our President by shooting him in the head..  There's always going to be idiots from both sides who like to pretend to decapitate our President, or hang a noose from a tree.. But when you have access to millions of people and your main platform is violence against our President, that's a bit different than Joe Blow on Facebook acting stupid since he doesn't have the platform Kathy Griffin or Snoop Dog does..

I understand free speech.. I agree with free speech.. But when it starts to incite violence, there needs to be charges brought up and carried out..

Kathy Griffin should be in prison for nice long sentence..
Snoop Dog should be in prison for a nice long sentence..
Those kids from Berkley should be in prison for a nice long sentence..

If you can't see anything wrong with the actions of those despicable sub-humans, than you're no better...

Therein lies the problem.  They don't condemn it.  They'll foam at the mouth over words they find offensive, but not a peep when one of their own acts out violently.

That is such complete [BLEEP].   Why does anyone even need to condemn such an action.   Everyone knows it was wrong.   Who is it that needs to condemn murder?   That is such nonsense.
(06-15-2017, 09:17 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]It's as if the past 8 years didn't happen huh...

Yeah, you're right.

"The police acted stupidly."

"If they bring a knife to a fight, we bring a gun."

"Talk to your friends and neighbors.  I want you to argue with them.  Get in their face."

"We're gonna punish our enemies and reward our friends.."

"I don't want the people who created this mess to do a whole lot of talking.  I want them to just get out of the way...."

"They potentially provide the best answers, so I know whose [BLEEP] to kick."

(06-15-2017, 09:25 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-14-2017, 06:07 PM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]Therein lies the problem.  They don't condemn it.  They'll foam at the mouth over words they find offensive, but not a peep when one of their own acts out violently.

That is such complete [BLEEP].   Why does anyone even need to condemn such an action.   Everyone knows it was wrong.   Who is it that needs to condemn murder?   That is such nonsense.
Really?  Condemning something isn't necessary?

Your fellow leftists were howling for Trump to condemn the KKK because some individual whom he'd never met or had anything to do with said he was supporting him.  That sparked a week of outrage from the left demanding he condemn this guy and the group.  Of course, when another KKK member endorsed Hillary, no similar demands were made of her.

The hypocrisy is duly noted.
(06-15-2017, 09:32 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-15-2017, 09:25 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]That is such complete [BLEEP].   Why does anyone even need to condemn such an action.   Everyone knows it was wrong.   Who is it that needs to condemn murder?   That is such nonsense.
Really?  Condemning something isn't necessary?

Your fellow leftists were howling for Trump to condemn the KKK because some individual whom he'd never met or had anything to do with said he was supporting him.  That sparked a week of outrage from the left demanding he condemn this guy and the group.  Of course, when another KKK member endorsed Hillary, no similar demands were made of her.

The hypocrisy is duly noted.

Okay, first of all, I know your favorite line of attack is to call someone either a liberal or a leftist, but I am neither of those.  

The kerfuffle about Trump and the KKK came when he was asked a direct question about an endorsement from the KKK and he refused to answer it.   This was during the primary, and the week of outrage wasn't just from the left, it was also and mostly from fellow Republican candidates like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.
(06-15-2017, 09:17 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]It's as if the past 8 years didn't happen huh...

Not to this extent.
(06-15-2017, 09:43 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-15-2017, 09:32 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]Really?  Condemning something isn't necessary?

Your fellow leftists were howling for Trump to condemn the KKK because some individual whom he'd never met or had anything to do with said he was supporting him.  That sparked a week of outrage from the left demanding he condemn this guy and the group.  Of course, when another KKK member endorsed Hillary, no similar demands were made of her.

The hypocrisy is duly noted.

Okay, first of all, I know your favorite line of attack is to call someone either a liberal or a leftist, but I am neither of those.  

The kerfuffle about Trump and the KKK came when he was asked a direct question about an endorsement from the KKK and he refused to answer it.   This was during the primary, and the week of outrage wasn't just from the left, it was also and mostly from fellow Republican candidates like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

It was the media hounding Trump to condemn something he had absolutely no reason to condemn to begin with.  Republican candidates who jumped into the fray were pretty much taking their cue from a rabid media looking to attack anything and everything related to Trump, and why?  Because he was mopping the floor with all of them.  They had no choice.

Again, you say it's unnecessary to condemn the behavior of miscreants that you clearly support (deny your political viewpoint, but you betray your denials with the content of your posts), yet there's clearly a double-standard here.  No need to respond.  Hypocrisy is fully expected from your side.
(06-15-2017, 09:51 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-15-2017, 09:43 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, first of all, I know your favorite line of attack is to call someone either a liberal or a leftist, but I am neither of those.  

The kerfuffle about Trump and the KKK came when he was asked a direct question about an endorsement from the KKK and he refused to answer it.   This was during the primary, and the week of outrage wasn't just from the left, it was also and mostly from fellow Republican candidates like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

It was the media hounding Trump to condemn something he had absolutely no reason to condemn to begin with.  Republican candidates who jumped into the fray were pretty much taking their cue from a rabid media looking to attack anything and everything related to Trump, and why?  Because he was mopping the floor with all of them.  They had no choice.

Again, you say it's unnecessary to condemn the behavior of miscreants that you clearly support (deny your political viewpoint, but you betray your denials with the content of your posts), yet there's clearly a double-standard here.  No need to respond.  Hypocrisy is fully expected from your side.

What is "my side"?   Everyone to the left of you?   That would be 99% of the country!  

And who are these miscreants that I "clearly support"?  

Even if Trump had no reason to have to condemn David Duke, the press teed it up like he was a 5 year old playing tee ball, and he could have knocked the question out of the park, but he is such an incompetent that he fed the flames by avoiding answering the question. 

Oh, I get it.   I don't like Trump, so I must be a liberal.   Is that it? 

How do you define a liberal or a leftist, anyway?   What is your definition?  I want to know how in the hell I am falling into that category.
Does anyone really believe, given the pre-election rhetoric of "lock her up", questioning poll results, pre-emptively questioning possible election results, demonizing the press at rallies, "she'll take your guns", and given Trump's post-election questioning of the popular vote, that this kind of attack from a right-wing nutjob, or even violent clashes between protesters, would be impossible had Clinton won?
(06-15-2017, 09:17 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]It's as if the past 8 years didn't happen huh...

When the former AG is calling for more protests, blood in the streets, and even death because we've done that before and should do it again, that's not heated rhetoric, right?  It's not like she was trying to stoke people's ears or anything, right?

Or when talking about repealing ObamaCare, the icon of the shooter said thousands would die.

Or the Governor of California talking about people dying, seas rising, and insects taking over because we pulled out of the Paris Accord.

The NY Times runs an opinion piece that flat out lies about the Gabby Giffords shooting, trying to say there are links to her shooting and Sarah Palin, and that this connection also connects the blame for the shootings yesterday to Palin.  The NY Times had to issue a correction after the fact saying that there has never been any connection between Palin and the Giffords shooting, but by the time they got around to doing so, that article had been out there for several hours.  You don't think that kind of irresponsible journalism isn't intended to paint a target of sorts by trying to blame yet another republican for yet another liberal loon mass shooting?

When you've got lunatics like the shooter lapping this kind of rhetoric up as they gaze lovingly at Rachel Maddow or Wolf Blitzer.  Then they run out like perfectly trained parrots spewing this rhetoric word-for-word on social media to a bunch of people who agree with them.  It creates this alternate reality where, if they're unstable, it can tip them to the point where they shoot up a congressional baseball practice, or riot and destroy property, or physically assault people simply for disagreeing with them.

Almost all of the rhetoric since 11/9/16 has come from one side of the aisle, and has been amped up by the mainstream media outlets like the NY Times & WaPo, and liberal news networks like CNN and MSNBC.  They own this incident because they basically pushed this narrative until someone finally snapped.
(06-15-2017, 10:20 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]What is "my side"?   Everyone to the left of you?   That would be 99% of the country!  

And who are these miscreants that I "clearly support"?  

Even if Trump had no reason to have to condemn David Duke, the press teed it up like he was a 5 year old playing tee ball, and he could have knocked the question out of the park, but he is such an incompetent that he fed the flames by avoiding answering the question. 

Oh, I get it.   I don't like Trump, so I must be a liberal.   Is that it? 

How do you define a liberal or a leftist, anyway?   What is your definition?  I want to know how in the hell I am falling into that category.

I don't read every post in this forum, but any time I've seen you chime in on a discussion, you're definitely not leaning even the slightest bit right of center. 

I don't care if you don't like Trump.  I'm not enamored with the man either, but compared with what options we had available to us in November, he was the better of the two. 

How do I define a leftist or a liberal?  Someone who thinks government is the answer to all problems, whether it's solving things like poverty, or saving us from the devastation of weather.  Someone who practically worships at the altar of the church of government.  Someone who thinks government is the end-all, be-all, except when it comes to being held accountable for the rhetoric they spew of course.

(06-15-2017, 02:21 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone really believe, given the pre-election rhetoric of "lock her up", questioning poll results, pre-emptively questioning possible election results, demonizing the press at rallies, "she'll take your guns", and given Trump's post-election questioning of the popular vote, that this kind of attack from a right-wing nutjob, or even violent clashes between protesters, would be impossible had Clinton won?

We have a precedence already.

The last 8 years saw this political rhetoric ramped up significantly on both sides.    Nobody went on a shooting spree targeting elected officials (unless you want to count the Gabby Giffords shooting...perpetrated by a lib loon).  Conservatives didn't take to the streets and riot, burn up communities, or do anything of the sort.  They went back to work.  They weren't happy, but they moved on with their lives and waited for the next opportunity to vote.  The protests that did happen under Obama's watch were almost always peaceful, unless of course a pack of liberals decided to instigate trouble.  All those tea party rallies where the media was trying to hype up the potential for violence didn't result in people trashing communities, burning things down, or injury/death.

Maybe the joke is true that liberalism is a mental disorder?  I don't think so, but clearly, when some of those on the left are triggered by rhetoric, they have a difficult time controlling themselves.  We've seen a non-stop array of incidents since the election concluded where liberals have just lost all contact with reality.  We don't see conservatives out there doing anything even remotely similar.

Trump saying "Lock her up" didn't result in protesters trying to take Hillary Clinton into custody.  Preemptively questioning election results?  Really?  He was asked if he would concede the election weeks before the first vote was cast.  He said he'd wait for the results of the election. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if you anticipate it being a close election as most did.   At the end of the day, the only people who protested the results of the election were, you guessed it, liberals who thought they were going to win in a landslide.  Hillary did exactly what she wagged a finger at Trump potentially doing by disrupting the democratic process.  He didn't.  She did.  But, as is typical with libs, what someone says is far more important than what they do, right?

I'm not saying that the left is solely responsible for this rhetoric, but if you watch any media, or read any "mainstream" print outlets, the volume of hostility coming from the media is coming mostly from the left.  It's hard to deny that.
(06-15-2017, 08:07 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]"If she (Hillary) gets to pick her judges.. Nothing you can do folks.. Although the 2nd Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.." - DJT

Just another example of the rhetoric that is totally excused because the right never thought they would be the target.

Not justifying violence or condoning this sad act. Just pointing out that words matter. And not a one of you on this board condemned this statement or countless others like it. Trump can promptly speak out on violence when his own people are the target, but has been silent or severely tardy on several other acts of violence perpetrated by people who are aligned to his base. It's farcical.

What violence perpetrated by his base people?

You mean the rioters during the inauguration seeking to disrupt events. No, those were libs. You mean those attacking UC Berkeley because a gay, right-wing activist from Britain was speaking? No, those were libs too. You mean those rioting in streets throughout urban cities calling for nothing short of a civil war? No, those are libs too.

(06-14-2017, 09:32 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ][quote pid='1002380' dateline='1497475987']
Where was the outrage when a conservative attacked liberals with a machete in Kentucky?


Forgive me if I don't trust this report, but is there anything else confirming it? I don't recall reading anything about this at the time, and I'm not seeing any credible news agency report on it. What I do see here is a quote from the police saying it's not yet 100 percent confirmed, and the guy who said it "declining further comment." That by itself isn't enough to make me question the article, but then there's the fact that this was written by the Washington Post. That makes me wonder if this is even real, or is it yet another example of fake news.

I'm not saying this is fake news, but with a low-down, slimy outfit such as the Washington Post, we just don't know.

(06-15-2017, 02:21 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone really believe, given the pre-election rhetoric of "lock her up", questioning poll results, pre-emptively questioning possible election results, demonizing the press at rallies, "she'll take your guns", and given Trump's post-election questioning of the popular vote, that this kind of attack from a right-wing nutjob, or even violent clashes between protesters, would be impossible had Clinton won?

Anything is possible, but it sure isn't likely  because you wouldn't have so much hate stirred up by the mainstream media where some outlets are even praising the shooter's intent.
(06-14-2017, 01:21 PM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]"Why do we have the Second Amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical." - Senator Rand Paul

It's a fine line between rhetoric and regrettable.

Nope shouldn't regret that statement even when some nut jobs deciedes to act on it without just cause.
Huffington post deleted an article from last week which said that impeachment is too good for Donald Trump; he must be executed.  Here is the article:


Did anyone else wonder how a guy in Illinois got word of the practice habits and security arrangements of the Congressional baseball team?  The NY Times dog-whistled to the murderer in April by publishing this little gem:

"When members of Congress practice in the early mornings in an Alexandria, Va., public park for their Congressional Baseball Game, plainclothes United States Capitol Police are sitting there in a black S.U.V."

Note that this same article ends with:

"Others are more tight-lipped about their arrangements.  “Disparate resources are used to protect from the disruption an attack on government could cause,” said John S. Czwartacki, a spokesman for the Office of Management and Budget. “However, I won’t reveal those protective measures here. Bad guys read The Times, too.”
(06-16-2017, 07:26 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Huffington post deleted an article from last week which said that impeachment is too good for Donald Trump; he must be executed.  Here is the article:


Did anyone else wonder how a guy in Illinois got word of the practice habits and security arrangements of the Congressional baseball team?  The NY Times dog-whistled to the murderer in April by publishing this little gem:

"When members of Congress practice in the early mornings in an Alexandria, Va., public park for their Congressional Baseball Game, plainclothes United States Capitol Police are sitting there in a black S.U.V."

Note that this same article ends with:

"Others are more tight-lipped about their arrangements.  “Disparate resources are used to protect from the disruption an attack on government could cause,” said John S. Czwartacki, a spokesman for the Office of Management and Budget. “However, I won’t reveal those protective measures here. Bad guys read The Times, too.”

Anyone calling for the assassination of the President IMO should be thrown in jail for sedition.
(06-16-2017, 07:26 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Huffington post deleted an article from last week which said that impeachment is too good for Donald Trump; he must be executed.  Here is the article:


Did anyone else wonder how a guy in Illinois got word of the practice habits and security arrangements of the Congressional baseball team?  The NY Times dog-whistled to the murderer in April by publishing this little gem:

"When members of Congress practice in the early mornings in an Alexandria, Va., public park for their Congressional Baseball Game, plainclothes United States Capitol Police are sitting there in a black S.U.V."

Note that this same article ends with:

"Others are more tight-lipped about their arrangements.  “Disparate resources are used to protect from the disruption an attack on government could cause,” said John S. Czwartacki, a spokesman for the Office of Management and Budget. “However, I won’t reveal those protective measures here. Bad guys read The Times, too.”

Wow. The Huffpo article is Trump Derangement Syndrome distilled down to its purest form.
Right now, the extreme left is more to blame than the extreme right for the violence that has overtaken us.   Probably because they are the ones that are out of power.  Plus, I think the people on the extreme left have always enjoyed demonstrating, and a demonstration can very easily turn into a riot.

But, that said, I would remind everyone that about 2 or 3 months ago, someone on this very message board posted a message that ended with the sentence "...liberals are vermin that need to be exterminated."  That's the kind of rhetoric that has been building ever since Obama got elected in 2008.  

How about this one:  “Liberals have a preternatural gift for always striking a position on the side of treason."  Anne Coulter

How about this one: "Why do we have a Second Amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!"
Judge Andrew Napolitano, not Rand Paul.

Now, put together "liberals are on the side of treason," and "the purpose of the 2nd amendment is to shoot at the government when it becomes too tyrannical" and what do you have? It's obvious, if Clinton had won the election instead of Trump, right wingers would be doing the shooting instead of the left wingers. Because some of us have fallen for the rhetoric that says the other side is evil.

Both sides are at fault.  The overheated rhetoric sells.   People have been making money on it.  But now it's seeped into people's minds to the extent that they are acting like they really believe it.  

My next door neighbor, who is a retired doctor and a pretty smart guy, once told me he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.   On purpose!   Now, if you think someone is trying to destroy the United States on purpose, what would be the logical course of action?   Defend the country!  Of course!  No, he wasn't going to do anything.  He was just an old man.  But it's just a very small step from believing the other side is evil to picking up a gun and doing something about it.  

I've seen surveys that show that a lot of people say they don't want to have friends that disagree with them politically.  When I was growing up, my parents were on the opposite side politically from our next door neighbors.   But they still had dinner with each other and talked about politics in a very good natured and friendly way.  

We have to start calling people out when they accuse the other side of being evil.  We have to go back to the days when we gave people credit for having good intentions.
The road to hell is paved with those.
Marty, your neighbor was correct. Obama was dedicated to destroying America. So was George Bush, Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, etc. It's called globalism. America has to be destroyed before they can institute a true global government. Simple as that.

And right now Donald Trump is the only thing standing in their way.
Look, leftists assassinated Garfield, McKinley, both Kennedys, MLK, tried to get Reagan and now Scalise. Both sides are just awful, get it???
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