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Full Version: Mike Pence Lectured at "Hamilton" performance
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Quote:Sorry, but the Moron in Chief Elect tweeting about this is why more people voted for Hillary than him.

Take out the 3 million Illegal votes and Trump gets the Popular vote


Oh, and I read today that people are canceling thier tickets to Hamilton after the treatment of our VP Elect

The lefties are so salty! I love it!
You liberals should take a page out of your candidates book and lose with dignity.
Quote:Take out the 3 million Illegal votes and Trump gets the Popular vote

Oh, and I read today that people are canceling thier tickets to Hamilton after the treatment of our VP Elect
Oh no... I guess Hamilton will have to cancel all their shows.
Lol this whole thing is stupid. I can't believe people are upset by this.
Conservative butt hurt.
Quote:This is priceless. As one the leaders of the "anything said about Obama or Clinton can't be sleazy enough" is now calling for proper discourse.




How does it feel to be exposed as a fool?

Exposed? Besides piling invective on Hillary because she so richly deserves it, I've hardly been complimentary of Trump. As for Obama, I don't recollect saying anything adverse about him personally. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact. I've lauded Obama on his personal conduct while in office. If you can find something, I wish you would post it. Please, expose me.

If Obama had shown up at a redneck comedy night at some point I could see the entire script flipped.

And everyone in here would have the exact opposite response lol.

Who do these people really think they are? Just because you play a historical figure, doesn't give you the right to lecture the REAL vp elect.

Big freakin' deal.


By the way... the "right to lecture" anyone is called free speech.
Berated? Lectured? Give me a break, It was a respectful, polite and dignified exercise of the right of free speech. It was during the curtain call, not an interruption of the performance. To his credit, Pence stopped his exit and listened.


Meanwhile, the future leader of the free world is so offended he takes time out from the important task of assembling his administration to tweet out an accusation of harassment and demand an apology. What a child.



#thinskinned[BAD WORD REMOVED]


Who do these people really think they are? Just because you play a historical figure, doesn't give you the right to lecture the REAL vp elect.

No, the Constitution gives him that right.
I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot and it was Obama receiving a lecture, the theater woulda been burnt to the ground and neighboring stores woulda been looted bare.. Just a fact..
Quote:Berated? Lectured? Give me a break, It was a respectful, polite and dignified exercise of the right of free speech. It was during the curtain call, not an interruption of the performance. To his credit, Pence stopped his exit and listened.


Meanwhile, the future leader of the free world is so offended he takes time out from the important task of assembling his administration to tweet out an accusation of harassment and demand an apology. What a child.



#thinskinned[BAD WORD REMOVED]
I don't think I've seen a group of people so offended by a person taking the opportunity to address an elected official directly about his concerns. 
Quote:I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot and it was Obama receiving a lecture, the theater woulda been burnt to the ground and neighboring stores woulda been looted bare.. Just a fact..
No, but had the same thing happened to Obama and he'd dared to tweet about it, how do you think the same group of people defending Pence would react?


Hint: anyone who says, "they would have had no right to lecture the President" is as full of [BLEEP] as Gus Bradley during his postgame press conferences.
Quote:And disrupted the play for everyone else in the theater that paid good money to see him act, not for his political statements.


I concur. We go to entertainment venues to be entertained, not to be lectured- I don't care who is doing the talking. I would have walked out and asked for my money back.
Quote:Political rant? I didn't see it that way.

It was a group who individuals who are nervous about this administration. They didn't say they hated them but they hope that the administration can speak for the entire country. Not just a select few.

Didn't see anything wrong with it. And if the people in the audience didn't want to hear it... they could have walked out. Pretty easy to do.
People didn't pay to walk out, they paid to be entertained, enlightened, whatever it is people get out of plays. They got the carrot (the play) and the stick (the lecture). They didn't pay for that stick.


I would have walked out and demanded my money back.

Quote:He had the right to speak about whatever he wanted and Pence could have walked out.

Everyone has a choice.
If Mike Pence showed up to your place of employment and you said what that fellow did, would you still have a job? Serious question. 
I was always taught, even if you don't respect the man, respect the office he holds

Quote:People didn't pay to walk out, they paid to be entertained, enlightened, whatever it is people get out of plays. They got the carrot (the play) and the stick (the lecture). They didn't pay for that stick.


I would have walked out and demanded my money back.
It was curtain call. The play was over. Nothing was disrupted for anyone. Those who didn't want to hear it had seen the content of the play as written without distraction. If they were deeply snowflaked by the writer of a political play making a statement to a newly-elected politician with controversial views and a lot of unknowns surrounding him, they were free to leave with nothing of value lost.
Quote:If Mike Pence showed up to your place of employment and you said what that fellow did, would you still have a job? Serious question. 


Yes, if I had the support of the entire organization.
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