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Full Version: Climate Change Denier tapped to head EPA
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Quote:You missed my point. You can deny climate change exists and still support clean air, water and soil. It's not an all or nothing kind of thing.

  Excellent point!
Quote:You missed my point. You can deny climate change exists and still support clean air, water and soil. It's not an all or nothing kind of thing.
I completely agree. Saying you want to pull back regulations or completely eliminate the body that is intended to limit pollution kind of gives the appearance that you don't support that. At least not if extra bucks can be made.
Climate has changed long before man.


They hockey stick myth has been debunked.


It will be refreshing to have honest scientists in charge to break the monopoly of fraud.

Quote:You missed my point. You can deny climate change exists and still support clean air, water and soil. It's not an all or nothing kind of thing.

We are talking about a guy who wants to continue polluting the nation by boosting the coal industry and does not want to create jobs for producing environmentally friendly energy sources.

Quote:Climate has changed long before man.


They hockey stick myth has been debunked.


It will be refreshing to have honest scientists in charge to break the monopoly of fraud.

Current climate change is obviously caused by man. That can only be denied by greedy people who don't want to believe the truth.
Quote:We are talking about a guy who wants to continue polluting the nation by boosting the coal industry and does not want to create jobs for producing environmentally friendly energy sources.

First of all, it's not the job of the federal government to create jobs.


Second of all, environmentally friendly energy sources are not cost effective or efficient.
Quote:First of all, it's not the job of the federal government to create jobs.


Second of all, environmentally friendly energy sources are not cost effective or efficient.

I did not mean that literally. My point was Donald Trump supports pollution in the name of money.
Quote:First of all, it's not the job of the federal government to create jobs.


Second of all, environmentally friendly energy sources are not cost effective or efficient.
Not yet no, but they will be. What's wrong with leading from the front? We used to lead in technological advancement. Why can't we still?
Quote:Not yet no, but they will be. What's wrong with leading from the front? We used to lead in technological advancement. Why can't we still?

We still lead in technological advancement. Who said that stopped?
Quote:Current climate change is obviously caused by man. That can only be denied by greedy people who don't want to believe the truth.

You are far beyond brainwashed.


I'm not sure you can form a single opinion without someone telling you what it should be.


My children are more objective and critically thinking than you, and they are in elementary school.
Quote:Not yet no, but they will be. What's wrong with leading from the front? We used to lead in technological advancement. Why can't we still?

We still can once the barriers (regulation, taxation, red-tape, etc.) get removed from private industry.


Also give people a choice.  As an example, many people that I know do not like CFL light bulbs, yet the government (wrongly) mandates that thy must be used over incandescent bulbs.
Quote:You are far beyond brainwashed.


I'm not sure you can form a single opinion without someone telling you what it should be.


My children are more objective and critically thinking than you, and they are in elementary school.

You have yet to show me proof climate change within our lifetimes is not caused by humans. That is 100% objective because it has been proven many times. You are the brainwashed one.

Quote:We still can once the barriers (regulation, taxation, red-tape, etc.) get removed from private industry.


Also give people a choice.  As an example, many people that I know do not like CFL light bulbs, yet the government (wrongly) mandates that thy must be used over incandescent bulbs.

The government mandates a limit on the amount of energy you use in your home or something like that. CFL bulbs were invented in response. If all other bulbs were illegal, nobody would make them anymore.
Quote:We still can once the barriers (regulation, taxation, red-tape, etc.) get removed from private industry.


Also give people a choice.  As an example, many people that I know do not like CFL light bulbs, yet the government (wrongly) mandates that thy must be used over incandescent bulbs.
I agree with removing a lot of barriers to entry but governments have always had a place in technological advancement. In a world where the government does not give out grants or tax breaks or a myraid of other ways to help research of new tech there will be no new tech advancement that are not immediately profitable. 


What's your beef with CFL bulbs? They work perfectly fine and use a fraction of the power as a standard incandescent. What's not to like?
Quote:The government mandates a limit on the amount of energy you use in your home or something like that. CFL bulbs were invented in response. If all other bulbs were illegal, nobody would make them anymore.
lol wut?
Quote:lol wut?

Something like a 25% reduction of the energy in your home, I don't know. It is what led to CFL bulbs, less water going down drains, insulated glass windows and doors, and a lot more. Someone else should know more about it.
Quote:You missed my point. You can deny climate change exists and still support clean air, water and soil. It's not an all or nothing kind of thing.

I agree, which makes me wary if regulations aimed at controlling climate change are rolled back, regardless of their effectiveness or viability, allowing pollution to increase. I do not trust the fossil fuel industry to completely regulate themselves when it comes to harming the environment.
Quote:You have yet to show me proof climate change within our lifetimes is not caused by humans. That is 100% objective because it has been proven many times. You are the brainwashed one.

See what I mean.  You're set and unwilling to admit you might not know enough about what you're calling so-called "proof."


Here's all the proof you'll ever need, though it's only just a start.  Tip of the (growing, not shrinking) iceberg:




He's exposed the fraud.  At the top of the page there are direct links to works if you don't like scrolling down through his blog.


But I expect you to reject this without reading a single thing.


It's what you always do.  You don't want to hear a different opinion than your own.  You can reject all this, but if you do realize you are being closed minded and uninterested in facts contrary to your opinion.
Quote:  One thing to consider is that data can be and often is skewed to support a position. 
This. And it's why I hate polls, statistics and anything else that can be skewed by asking specific questions of specific people/groups to get the desired answer. 
I dare you to prove me wrong because a lot of evidence is out there humans caused the globe to overheat.

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