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Quote:I dare you to prove me wrong because a lot of evidence is out there humans caused the globe to overheat.

I have, it's in the link.


If you don't want look, know that it's your choice to reject truth.
Quote:I agree with removing a lot of barriers to entry but governments have always had a place in technological advancement. In a world where the government does not give out grants or tax breaks or a myraid of other ways to help research of new tech there will be no new tech advancement that are not immediately profitable. 


What's your beef with CFL bulbs? They work perfectly fine and use a fraction of the power as a standard incandescent. What's not to like?

My beef with CFL bulbs is that they work just fine when it's warm (during most of the year here in Florida) but when it's cold it takes them a while to warm up and give off the light that you need.  I personally spend a little bit more money and buy LED bulbs.  They are actually far more efficient and give off light instantly.


My point is though, the ban on incandescent bulbs is ridiculous because the only real problem with them is that they consume more electricity and a smaller problem is that they produce heat.  The government mandates that you have to use CFL in order to consume less electricity, but what about disposal?  Why not give consumers a choice as far as what they want to use?  Disposal of CFL light bulbs adds to toxic pollution while disposal of an incandescent does not.

Quote:See what I mean. You're set and unwilling to admit you might not know enough about what you're calling so-called "proof."

Here's all the proof you'll ever need, though it's only just a start. Tip of the (growing, not shrinking) iceberg:

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://realclimatescience.com/'>http://realclimatescience.com/</a>

He's exposed the fraud. At the top of the page there are direct links to works if you don't like scrolling down through his blog.

But I expect you to reject this without reading a single thing.

It's what you always do. You don't want to hear a different opinion than your own. You can reject all this, but if you do realize you are being closed minded and uninterested in facts contrary to your opinion.

You do realize for every article claiming fraud is an article that is identifying climate change right?

If you are wrong your destroying future generations future.

If climate change believers are wrong, minimal impact on future generations.

So best be darn sure it's a hoax and eliminate all emotion.
Quote:I agree with removing a lot of barriers to entry but governments have always had a place in technological advancement. In a world where the government does not give out grants or tax breaks or a myraid of other ways to help research of new tech there will be no new tech advancement that are not immediately profitable.

What's your beef with CFL bulbs? They work perfectly fine and use a fraction of the power as a standard incandescent. What's not to like?
The mercury inside them that is why I dont like them. One broke on me once and I called to ask what to do with it. They told me it was supposedly safe on my floor with my kid, but I cant throw in the trash? Told me I needed to keep it separate and take it to a different place. I asked her how much mercury was in it, and she keep saying its like the tip of a pen.

So then I followed up with a question on how many g mg or w/e that was, and would it be a toxic level for my kid. She kept going on and on about it being less than a pen/pencil tip and that it was fine to be on my floor. But I couldnt take it to a regular dump tho, I needed to double bag it and take it to some special section. You know what kind of things you double bag? Chemotherapy pt cloths belongings etc, i.e. hazoudous material you dont want to touch. I already know this from the hospital, she told me the remains were too toxic for regular trash but I should worry about my infant toddler crawling around there. Idiot.

Man that ticked me off. I threw it straight in the trash. Oh its fine for my toddler, but it cant go to regular dump? I only get leds now. No one should buy CFLs.
In fact, we're cooling.


I'm not sure if anyone ever taught you, but our thermometer is controlled by the sun's activity.


There is absolutely nothing you can do to change the sun.  It's in control.  When it goes, we go.


Spooky, huh?

Quote:lol wut?
Holy crap is she serious? 
Quote:You do realize for every article claiming fraud is an article that is identifying climate change right?

If you are wrong your destroying future generations future.

If climate change believers are wrong, minimal impact on future generations.

So best be darn sure it's a hoax and eliminate all emotion.

Thanks humans for the grand canyon.


Thanks humans for the ice age.


Thanks humans for killing the dinosaurs.


Climate has and always will change.  Regardless of human activity.
Quote:My beef with CFL bulbs is that they work just fine when it's warm (during most of the year here in Florida) but when it's cold it takes them a while to warm up and give off the light that you need.  I personally spend a little bit more money and buy LED bulbs.  They are actually far more efficient and give off light instantly.


My point is though, the ban on incandescent bulbs is ridiculous because the only real problem with them is that they consume more electricity and a smaller problem is that they produce heat.  The government mandates that you have to use CFL in order to consume less electricity, but what about disposal?
Oh fair enough. I didn't understand your position on them.  I use LED also because it's cold more often then not here in the PNW.
Quote:Holy crap is she serious? 
This is the million dollar question. 
Quote:My beef with CFL bulbs is that they work just fine when it's warm (during most of the year here in Florida) but when it's cold it takes them a while to warm up and give off the light that you need.  I personally spend a little bit more money and buy LED bulbs.  They are actually far more efficient and give off light instantly.


My point is though, the ban on incandescent bulbs is ridiculous because the only real problem with them is that they consume more electricity and a smaller problem is that they produce heat.  The government mandates that you have to use CFL in order to consume less electricity, but what about disposal?

You are wrong about the CFL mandate. LED bulbs are legal.


More electricity used = more money lost. That is one reason people like CFL bulbs.
Quote:This. And it's why I hate polls, statistics and anything else that can be skewed by asking specific questions of specific people/groups to get the desired answer.

Statistics are great, you just have to know how to read them. Even a bad poll can tell you the truth if you look at the underlying data/methodology and correct the flaw.
Quote:Oh fair enough. I didn't understand your position on them.  I use LED also because it's cold more often then not here in the PNW.
I edited my initial response to you that has my further thoughts regarding this.
Quote:but what about disposal?  Why not give consumers a choice as far as what they want to use?  Disposal of CFL light bulbs adds to toxic pollution while disposal of an incandescent does not.
At our local Lowe's they have a recycle area near the customer service desk. They have a bin for CFL's.
Quote:This is the million dollar question. 
It was a rhetorical question I suppose since we all know the truth.
Quote:I edited my initial response to you that has my further thoughts regarding this.
I don't think we disagree with each other at all on this. I'm always in favor of competition especially when it comes to tech. I think it always benefits the consumer and society in the long run. People should have the choice to get whatever they want but I also don't see a problem with incentivising the adoption of more efficient or safer technologies.  


My initial post though was about government having a roll in advancing tech that is not immediately profitable. I think there is till a place for that. 
Quote:In fact, we're cooling.


I'm not sure if anyone ever taught you, but our thermometer is controlled by the sun's activity.


There is absolutely nothing you can do to change the sun.  It's in control.  When it goes, we go.


Spooky, huh?

If the Earth was cooling why is it quickly losing so much ice on the North Pole many polar bears are dying?
Quote:If the Earth was cooling why is it quickly losing so much ice on the North Pole many polar bears are dying?
Lol might want to fact check, the polar bear population is growing in size not decreasing.
Quote:Lol might want to fact check, the polar bear population is growing in size not decreasing.

You might want to read about George Bush adding polar bears to the "threatened" list because of ice melting.
[quote name="MissJagsFanatic" post="887710" timestamp="1478806636"]

"Global population of polar bears has increased by 2,650-5,700 since 2001"

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://polarbearscience.com/2013/07/15/global-population-of-polar-bears-has-increased-by-2650-5700-since-2001/'>https://polarbearscience.com/2013/07/15/global-population-of-polar-bears-has-increased-by-2650-5700-since-2001/</a>

"... There are far more polar bears alive today than there were 40 years ago. ... In 1973, there was a global hunting ban. So once hunting was dramatically reduced, the population exploded. This is not to say that global warming is not real or is not a problem for the polar bears. But polar bear populations are large, and the truth is that we can't look at it as a monolithic population that is all going one way or another."

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.npr.org/2013/02/02/170779528/the-inconvenient-truth-about-polar-bears'>http://www.npr.org/2013/02/02/170779528/the-inconvenient-truth-about-polar-bears</a>
Quote:You might want to read about George Bush adding polar bears to the "threatened" list because of ice melting.
You might want to google things before you bring your obnoxious condescension into an argument. I don't even disagree with the position you are taking but you make me want to take their side. 
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