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Quote:Did you read anything I linked yet?  Or am I right about you afraid and unwilling to do so?


UNINFORMED is the perfect word to describe your flaccid opinions.

You posted one article that contradicts thousands of articles.
Quote:No they aren't, but they are taking advantage of the lack of a federal requirement to make airplanes environmentally friendly. Until the government makes that mandate, they are going to put money over everything else.

So, it is the role of the government to address global warming? Did you happen to miss the word GLOBAL in there?


Until some serious damage can be PROVEN, nobody will take it serious. That is the hard reality.
Quote:So, it is the role of the government to address global warming? Did you happen to miss the word GLOBAL in there?


Until some serious damage can be PROVEN, nobody will take it serious. That is the hard reality.

Serious damage has been proven many times around the world, including the USA.
Quote:You posted one article that contradicts thousands of articles.

The link I provided links to not one, but many articles.


It exposes the fraud of the others you blindly believe in.


Like I said.  I knew you didn't have the guts to read any of it.

Quote:Serious damage has been proven many times around the world, including the USA.

Really? Where?


I actually heard someone blame Hurricane Matthew on global warming. Christopher Columbus went through a hurricane in 1502 for crying out loud.
Quote:The link I provided links to not one, but many articles.


It exposes the fraud of the others you blindly believe in.


Like I said.  I knew you didn't have the guts to read any of it.

You are choosing to believe it is a fraud.
Quote:Really? Where?


I actually heard someone blame Hurricane Matthew on global warming. Christopher Columbus went through a hurricane in 1502 for crying out loud.

Columbus never had a hurricane season with 28 storms either. 
Quote:Really? Where?


I actually heard someone blame Hurricane Matthew on global warming. Christopher Columbus went through a hurricane in 1502 for crying out loud.

Global warming is caused by humans, period.
Quote:Columbus never had a hurricane season with 28 storms either. 

Do we know that for sure? lol
Quote:Global warming is caused by humans, period.

So I ask you for facts, and you give me a statement created by yourself. Cool.
Quote:Do we know that for sure? lol

Yes we do. The year there were 28 named storms, it was a world record.
Quote:Global warming is caused by humans, period

Mars is warming to, are we causing that?
Quote:Yes we do. The year there were 28 named storms, it was a world record.

It doesn't mean humans are causing it. 
Quote:Really? Where?


I actually heard someone blame Hurricane Matthew on global warming. Christopher Columbus went through a hurricane in 1502 for crying out loud.

She must be too young to remember when we were scared into believing the ozone was going away, and all the acid rain was going to turn our hair green.


[Image: green.jpg]


Victim of hyperbole, bought hook, line, and sinker.


Taking what is plausible in a sense, and pushing it beyond the logical extreme to sell it.

Quote:You are choosing to believe it is a fraud.

And you are choosing ignorance.  That's fine.


The bigger problem is you can't admit you're willfully choosing not to educate yourself.
Quote:Mars is warming to, are we causing that?

It is not overheated like Earth.
Quote:It doesn't mean humans are causing it. 

It is one piece of evidence we are.
Quote:Unlike the media, which makes a living by throwing darts at the wall and reporting whatever they hit as fact, scientists actually have to demonstrate a proficiency in something before being given a grand stage.


Can 97% of scientists be wrong? Sure. Are they? No [BAD WORD REMOVED] way in hell.
Really?  So, if they're admittedly cooking the data used to create the models that most favorably support this notion that man is the root of all evil, and global warming (climate change is nothing more than weather cycles) is the biggest offense, we should just trust them anyway? 


This 97% number gets tossed around a lot by the disciples of the church of climate change.  It's a great bit of marketing, but it's once again simply the results of cooking the books statistically to count a very small population of scientists in order to make the claim, and if you look at what the consensus is, it's even more ridiculous. But, don't take my word for how they arrived at 97%. 


The notion that man is the primary cause of warming and cooling cycles on earth are the direct result of anything we're doing is fantasy.  Is there an impact from pollution?  Sure.  Is it enough to create this mythological warming that will cause seas to rise and the world enveloped in water?  I doubt it.  They struggle to explain the pause in temperatures rising.  They can't account for similar warming and cooling cycles centuries ago, long before the industrial revolution and the increased carbon emissions. 


You're more than welcome to worship at the church of environmentalism.  That's your prerogative.  Just understand that the entire purpose of this phenomenon and the global panic caused by these scientists is economic gain.  Scientists publish papers to get grants and endowments.  People like the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore, saw an opportunity to profit from the scare by selling carbon credits.  He made enough money to buy a television network, and a private jet he bounced around in to tell people how bad global warming is as he hops in a caravan of big SUVs to take him a few hundred yards to hop back on his private jet.
Quote:And you are choosing ignorance.  That's fine.


The bigger problem is you can't admit you're willfully choosing not to educate yourself.

I am not choosing ignorance. You are.
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