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(09-27-2017, 09:52 AM)Jay Carter 904 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-26-2017, 05:56 PM)jnasrall Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe you missed my second post, genius. Spoke with Jags office today. Anyone who brings their unused tix to Everbank or mails them in will be refunded in full.
Didn't say they didn't have the RIGHT to do it. Said I disagree. That's all.

I hate to bring this up but this is what you are defending. This is what you are turning your tickets in for. 

Pay good attention to stanza 3. 

In fairness, the whole "third verse" thing is kind of weak. How many people on this forum knew the lyrics to the third verse before someone made an issue of it a couple weeks ago. Come on, raise your hand. Is your hand raised?


Good arguments are ruined by the inclusion of "me too" clauses.
(09-27-2017, 10:06 AM)Jay Carter 904 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 09:58 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, I thought the guys were taking a knee because of police brutality towards black people.  The third stanza of the national anthem that nobody knows about nor cares about and was written by a guy that owns slaves is all the sudden important now?  Nobody owns slaves, and a large portion of the world is trying to move on from it.  They want peace and for everyone to get along.  This is only brought up to bring divisiveness.  This is only brought up now because it fits the narrative.

If you believe that there is police brutality and profiling towards black people fine, but don't start bringing things up to fit the narrative after the fact.  Kaepernick and other football players are not taking a knee because of that third stanza.  That's crap.

Thats not what I'm saying. 

1. The players and owners Sunday only took a knee or locked arms because dum dum poked the bear. And no one talks about the NFL. If he would have never said those comments, everything would have remained the same. 

2. CK was kneeling because of racial injustice and police brutality. His protest is quickly being lost in all of this

The reason i posted those lyrics are because all of a sudden, people want to get butt hurt over the national anthem. We dont even sing the whole thing. We sing the "heroic" part and leave out everything else. To say you are going to burn jerseys and turn in tickets means you support this bigotry and foolishness in stanza 3.

I do agree that dumb dumb needs to just shut his mouth, delete social media, lock the doors to the white house, and we'll see him in 3 1/2 years when someone else is voted in.

I also agree that his protest is being lost in all of this because the protest is now the main story line instead of the reason why.  I mean guys for the Dolphins wore I support Kaep shirts or something along those lines.  I mean that's great at this point, but you wearing a shirt does absolutely nothing.  You think there are issues with police brutality....go talk to cops, do ride alongs, see what they see, talk to the people in the community and see how things can be changed. 

The protests still haven't left the football field and unless that happens will change begin?
@ Brooklyn -- If we take a knee, can you boycott this Message Board?

Also, if you feel so strongly about boycotting the NFL, why not start today instead of waiting until Oct 15 ??
(09-27-2017, 12:21 PM)UCF Knight Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 10:06 AM)Jay Carter 904 Wrote: [ -> ]Thats not what I'm saying. 

1. The players and owners Sunday only took a knee or locked arms because dum dum poked the bear. And no one talks about the NFL. If he would have never said those comments, everything would have remained the same. 

2. CK was kneeling because of racial injustice and police brutality. His protest is quickly being lost in all of this

The reason i posted those lyrics are because all of a sudden, people want to get butt hurt over the national anthem. We dont even sing the whole thing. We sing the "heroic" part and leave out everything else. To say you are going to burn jerseys and turn in tickets means you support this bigotry and foolishness in stanza 3.

I do agree that dumb dumb needs to just shut his mouth, delete social media, lock the doors to the white house, and we'll see him in 3 1/2 years when someone else is voted in.

I also agree that his protest is being lost in all of this because the protest is now the main story line instead of the reason why.  I mean guys for the Dolphins wore I support Kaep shirts or something along those lines.  I mean that's great at this point, but you wearing a shirt does absolutely nothing.  You think there are issues with police brutality....go talk to cops, do ride alongs, see what they see, talk to the people in the community and see how things can be changed. 

The protests still haven't left the football field and unless that happens will change begin?
Trump causing more problems?

Shocked... Shocked I tell ya!
Anyone else notice on NFL.com that the comment sections have been disabled on any news story related to anthem or protest? Hmm.
(09-27-2017, 12:26 PM)B2hibry Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone else notice on NFL.com that the comment sections have been disabled on any news story related to anthem or protest? Hmm.

It's almost like they want to acknowledge the story, but don't want to turn every page into a battleground for 4chan trolls to bring to the brink of Armageddon.
(09-27-2017, 05:49 AM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-26-2017, 08:11 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]When have the Jaguars, as an organization, been anything other than charitable and welcoming towards veterans and the military?

Since their inception, they have allocated a certain amount of tickets to the military.

They have had several military appreciation days, including halftime ceremonies where new recruits take their oaths on the field.

They have consistently given special recognition to long serving veterans.

They have facilitated surprise reunions between families here in Jacksonville and servicemen serving abroad.

They have established a tradition where, at the start of the 4th quarter, an active duty servicemen rings a large bell to honor the military.

They have explored the possibility of an annual Veteran's Day game, like the Thanksgiving day games in Dallas and Detroit as additional tribute to the veterans and servicemen.

In light of the above, to throw a tantrum, take your ball and go home because the players are protesting police brutality, not the military, the flag, the anthem, etc., is patently silly.

Keep in mind, these demonstrations haven't been anywhere near as high profile and uniform until Trump decided to chime in with his nonsense.  Even his staunchest supporters among the NFL owners said Trump was wrong.
I am aware of this and dispute nothing you have posted here.  In regard to your second to last paragraph though: 

"In light of the above, to throw a tantrum, take your ball and go home because the players are protesting police brutality, not the military, the flag, the anthem, etc., is patently silly."

This is your opinion, but for many NFL fans this is a disrespectful act and is a deal breaker.  If as the OP stated the organization is giving full refunds then they clearly understood there would be some backlash and took it upon themselves to accommodate anyone that took offense.  I applaud Mr Khan and quite frankly expected no less.  I would love to see him as well as every other owner mimic what Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys did.  That act brought attention to the stated issue, showed unity and did not disrespect anyone IMO.

Considering this is the first time anyone has ever linked a lack of patriotism to the NFL, shouldn't the NFL and its member clubs- particularly the Jaguars-get the benefit of the doubt here, particularly in light of the above referenced efforts of the Jaguars to reach out to the military?  If Shad Khan had held the fans here to the same standard, he would have moved the team to Los Angeles or London as soon as he bought the team because of all of the hate mail he got from people in Jacksonville.

I'm going to loosely borrow a phrase commonly utilized by some of our more prominent posters here and suggest those offended are looking for reasons to be offended.

Me?  I love my country enough to criticize it when I believe it is wrong or otherwise less than perfect.  Not because I get off on criticizing my country, but because we all benefit from a better society.  Not only that, I think my country is great enough and has worn big boy pants long enough to be able to weather criticism and adjust accordingly.  The founding fathers thought so, otherwise they would not have guaranteed the right to assemble peaceably and express grievances towards the government.
(09-27-2017, 12:23 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]@ Brooklyn -- If we take a knee, can you boycott this Message Board?

Also, if you feel so strongly about boycotting the NFL, why not start today instead of waiting until Oct 15 ??

I missed this part. If the kneeling just stops Bklyn from Debbie Downer posting on here, I am in support of it.
(09-26-2017, 04:04 PM)jnasrall Wrote: [ -> ]We have been season ticket holder since Day 1 when we were first awarded a team back in 1993. Been to very game since 1995. Never imagined we would not attend every Jags game until we died.
We will be cancelling our season tickets tomorrow. We will not allow our American anthem and flag to be disrespected and support the effort in any way. There were millions of ways the players could have voiced their unrest and asked for a forum. But they chose to spit in our face. I could never face another military veteran again if I continued to support such a farce.
Jags - We will miss you. Good luck.

Grats its a celebration bayyybeeee
Banana Banana Banana Banana Banana
(09-27-2017, 12:59 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 05:49 AM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]I am aware of this and dispute nothing you have posted here.  In regard to your second to last paragraph though: 

"In light of the above, to throw a tantrum, take your ball and go home because the players are protesting police brutality, not the military, the flag, the anthem, etc., is patently silly."

This is your opinion, but for many NFL fans this is a disrespectful act and is a deal breaker.  If as the OP stated the organization is giving full refunds then they clearly understood there would be some backlash and took it upon themselves to accommodate anyone that took offense.  I applaud Mr Khan and quite frankly expected no less.  I would love to see him as well as every other owner mimic what Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys did.  That act brought attention to the stated issue, showed unity and did not disrespect anyone IMO.

Considering this is the first time anyone has ever linked a lack of patriotism to the NFL, shouldn't the NFL and its member clubs- particularly the Jaguars-get the benefit of the doubt here, particularly in light of the above referenced efforts of the Jaguars to reach out to the military?  If Shad Khan had held the fans here to the same standard, he would have moved the team to Los Angeles or London as soon as he bought the team because of all of the hate mail he got from people in Jacksonville.

I'm going to loosely borrow a phrase commonly utilized by some of our more prominent posters here and suggest those offended are looking for reasons to be offended.

Me?  I love my country enough to criticize it when I believe it is wrong or otherwise less than perfect.  Not because I get off on criticizing my country, but because we all benefit from a better society.  Not only that, I think my country is great enough and has worn big boy pants long enough to be able to weather criticism and adjust accordingly.  The founding fathers thought so, otherwise they would not have guaranteed the right to assemble peaceably and express grievances towards the government.

That is not for me to decide for anyone but myself.  I don't know the OP but anyone with empathy should have been able to discern that his/her decision was not an easy one.  Instead they were ridiculed and chastised.  That is what triggered my response.  The very people that have been saying the fans need to respect the players that choose to protest chastised a fan that chose to counter protest.  We can't have it both ways.  You can't receive respect if you are unwilling to give it.

As for me, as I have stated in the original Keap thread, I don't support the nature of the protest.  I do support the right of those protesting to do so.  In two weeks I will be in the stands.  I will be disappointed if players continue to choose to take a knee, but once the whistle is blown and the game begins I'll be cheering the players, second guessing the coaches and cussing the refs, just like every other Sunday.
(09-27-2017, 01:40 PM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 12:59 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]Considering this is the first time anyone has ever linked a lack of patriotism to the NFL, shouldn't the NFL and its member clubs- particularly the Jaguars-get the benefit of the doubt here, particularly in light of the above referenced efforts of the Jaguars to reach out to the military?  If Shad Khan had held the fans here to the same standard, he would have moved the team to Los Angeles or London as soon as he bought the team because of all of the hate mail he got from people in Jacksonville.

I'm going to loosely borrow a phrase commonly utilized by some of our more prominent posters here and suggest those offended are looking for reasons to be offended.

Me?  I love my country enough to criticize it when I believe it is wrong or otherwise less than perfect.  Not because I get off on criticizing my country, but because we all benefit from a better society.  Not only that, I think my country is great enough and has worn big boy pants long enough to be able to weather criticism and adjust accordingly.  The founding fathers thought so, otherwise they would not have guaranteed the right to assemble peaceably and express grievances towards the government.

That is not for me to decide for anyone but myself.  I don't know the OP but anyone with empathy should have been able to discern that his/her decision was not an easy one.  Instead they were ridiculed and chastised.  That is what triggered my response.  The very people that have been saying the fans need to respect the players that choose to protest chastised a fan that chose to counter protest.  We can't have it both ways.  You can't receive respect if you are unwilling to give it.

As for me, as I have stated in the original Keap thread, I don't support the nature of the protest.  I do support the right of those protesting to do so.  In two weeks I will be in the stands.  I will be disappointed if players continue to choose to take a knee, but once the whistle is blown and the game begins I'll be cheering the players, second guessing the coaches and cussing the refs, just like every other Sunday.
Hopefully there has been a lot of less of this since Bradley has been gone.
I'm done with these clowns. I've supported them since they came to my city, and I will no longer watch, buy gear, and I'm trashing my Jaguar tag for a "IN God We Trust" license plate. What a disgrace kneeling on foreign soil when our anthem plays, and then these morons stand for God save the queen. Don't care that you are FINALLY starting to win games after a decade of suck, I'm done. My country, flag, and all who've died for it come first before spoiled millionaires whom have taken advantage of this great country. How disgusting.

And for those who say I'll be back, not a chance. God Bless America.
(09-27-2017, 02:21 PM)CSO14 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm done with these clowns. I've supported them since they came to my city, and I will no longer watch, buy gear, and I'm trashing my Jaguar tag for a "IN God We Trust" license plate. What a disgrace kneeling on foreign soil when our anthem plays, and then these morons stand for God save the queen. Don't care that you are FINALLY starting to win games after a decade of suck, I'm done. My country, flag, and all who've died for it come first before spoiled millionaires whom have taken advantage of this great country.  How disgusting.

And for those who say I'll be back, not a chance. God Bless America.

Happy Hump Day!
(09-27-2017, 02:21 PM)CSO14 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm done with these clowns. I've supported them since they came to my city, and I will no longer watch, buy gear, and I'm trashing my Jaguar tag for a "IN God We Trust" license plate. What a disgrace kneeling on foreign soil when our anthem plays, and then these morons stand for God save the queen. Don't care that you are FINALLY starting to win games after a decade of suck, I'm done. My country, flag, and all who've died for it come first before spoiled millionaires whom have taken advantage of this great country.  How disgusting.

And for those who say I'll be back, not a chance. God Bless America.

Flash forward to a couple Sundays from now:

*Channel surfing
"Ooh, a Jaguars game. Honey, can you bring me a beer?"
"I thought you were done with the NFL."
"Meh, there's nothing else on. Where's that beer?"
(09-27-2017, 12:13 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 09:52 AM)Jay Carter 904 Wrote: [ -> ]I hate to bring this up but this is what you are defending. This is what you are turning your tickets in for. 

Pay good attention to stanza 3. 

In fairness, the whole "third verse" thing is kind of weak. How many people on this forum knew the lyrics to the third verse before someone made an issue of it a couple weeks ago. Come on, raise your hand. Is your hand raised?


Good arguments are ruined by the inclusion of "me too" clauses.

While I agree with you, there is something hypocritical about so many who bitterly criticize the players when they themselves don't really know, or even really care about, the lyrics and only stand because they've told all their lives it's the right thing to do.
(09-27-2017, 02:21 PM)CSO14 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm done with these clowns. I've supported them since they came to my city, and I will no longer watch, buy gear, and I'm trashing my Jaguar tag for a "IN God We Trust" license plate. What a disgrace kneeling on foreign soil when our anthem plays, and then these morons stand for God save the queen. Don't care that you are FINALLY starting to win games after a decade of suck, I'm done. My country, flag, and all who've died for it come first before spoiled millionaires whom have taken advantage of this great country.  How disgusting.

And for those who say I'll be back, not a chance. God Bless America.

I think you're not alone in that opinion. It's unfortunate. You and others that hold this opinion are utterly and completely misrepresenting the players actions which has been a protest against racism, double-standards and violence against minorities in our society. It has *nothing* to do with disrespecting the country or the vets (like myself and several family members) and active duty who currently serve.  Enjoy the Jumbo Shrimp or Armada or whatever it is you decide to follow in the future.
(09-27-2017, 04:41 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 12:13 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]In fairness, the whole "third verse" thing is kind of weak. How many people on this forum knew the lyrics to the third verse before someone made an issue of it a couple weeks ago. Come on, raise your hand. Is your hand raised?


Good arguments are ruined by the inclusion of "me too" clauses.

While I agree with you, there is something hypocritical about so many who bitterly criticize the players when they themselves don't really know, or even really care about, the lyrics and only stand because they've told all their lives it's the right thing to do.

It is somewhat hypocritical. What scares me more, though, is that the national anthem and flag have been made into sacred cows. It's not the lyrics or the cloth that matter; it's the idea behind them. When we subjugate what the flag stands for to the flag itself and act accordingly, we've started down a dangerous path.
(09-27-2017, 06:12 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 04:41 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]While I agree with you, there is something hypocritical about so many who bitterly criticize the players when they themselves don't really know, or even really care about, the lyrics and only stand because they've told all their lives it's the right thing to do.

It is somewhat hypocritical. What scares me more, though, is that the national anthem and flag have been made into sacred cows. It's not the lyrics or the cloth that matter; it's the idea behind them. When we subjugate what the flag stands for to the flag itself and act accordingly, we've started down a dangerous path.

Excellent point.  The same thing applies when people start confusing the office of the presidency  with the person who holds that office.
(09-27-2017, 02:38 PM)Frailbones Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 02:21 PM)CSO14 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm done with these clowns. I've supported them since they came to my city, and I will no longer watch, buy gear, and I'm trashing my Jaguar tag for a "IN God We Trust" license plate. What a disgrace kneeling on foreign soil when our anthem plays, and then these morons stand for God save the queen. Don't care that you are FINALLY starting to win games after a decade of suck, I'm done. My country, flag, and all who've died for it come first before spoiled millionaires whom have taken advantage of this great country.  How disgusting.

And for those who say I'll be back, not a chance. God Bless America.

Happy Hump Day!

You are just showing that you are ignorant to what the flag and standing means to him. Being dismissive on what he feels shows what a uncaring person you are. God bless you and hope you find peace.
(09-27-2017, 06:41 PM)uthill Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2017, 02:38 PM)Frailbones Wrote: [ -> ]Bye.

Happy Hump Day!

You are just showing that you are ignorant to what the flag and standing means to him. Being dismissive on what he feels shows what a uncaring person you are. God bless you and hope you find peace.

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