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The only time Jags fans get to see a win is when they watch on tv.
Just like the saying goes.. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes..
(10-15-2017, 08:10 PM)FreeAgent01 Wrote: [ -> ]You have a team that hasn't won the division in 18 years, the worst home record in the NFL over the last 6 or 7 years, an owner/players who irritated a large portion of a military city recently, a visiting team from 2,000 miles away that brought very few fans, and it's a late game.  Not much more to be said about attendance.

The only thing that matters about the attendance yesterday is how we are doing this season. If people have been watching the games we played in 2017, they know they will see the Jaguars play much better than they ever did before in the Khan era.
I will agree to disagree with you Britjag. Due to work and everything else, I now live in the suburbs around Dallas, TX. Jerry Jones is extensively covered here and he is a very smart business man. Why would he issue a directive to tell his players to please stand out of respect for the flag?

Money is coming off the table and they have CTE stuff looming. I understand the desire to solve injustice but this "movement" is a manufactured lie. The league screwed up big time in how they handled this. I'm not a Trump fan or a fan of any of this political nonsense. Mohammed Ali went to jail for his beliefs, would any of these guys surrender game checks for their beliefs? I ask myself about this in my own life.
(10-16-2017, 09:39 AM)BritJag Wrote: [ -> ]Jacksonville is generally a hick town that's upset over an outcry for equality, thus deflect the issues at hand into a matter of patriotism, like the president. This is expected of those who do not grasp or desire to acknowledge the sensitivities of the issues being addressed.

When a city organizes planes with banners imploring fans to stay away from the game in support of their country, no need to look further. How many NFL cities have banners outwardly flying antagonizing their own, on GAMEDAY?

The team has been bad, no doubt. But even the casual fan knows tides are changing for the retooled, upstart squad. The players are fully aware of the underlying resentment, worsened since London, and don't appear to feel as comfortable in Jax soil. Hence the tightness in play, augmented by the negative energy in Alltel, er Everbank. Home field disadvantage is a real phenomenon, ask Tottenham 2 years ago, and now.

This is unfair to the open loyal fan who spends their hard earned money and time to support the team every year, but the general atmosphere is damp in my view. Players know when there is love in the air (not that the Jags deserve it) versus been seen as objects for entertainment, who dare not use their platforms to highlight real life issues.  This saga looms.  

This thread as expected has sociopolitical facets. We can delete it, move it, or just allow people to discuss their varied viewpoints in open fora as these.  Or just sweep it under the rug, and focus on inanimate emblems of civic pride...
The city did not pay for the banner flying overhead, a citizen or group did.  That too is a part of free speech.
I never understood how calling people hicks, rednecks, hillbillies, etc isn't considered racist.
(10-16-2017, 11:38 AM)FreeAgent01 Wrote: [ -> ]I never understood how calling people hicks, rednecks, hillbillies, etc isn't considered racist.

  Clearly it's only one sided with the intolerant left....

 Look at Kaepernick.....guy WANTS freedom of speech and then when freedom of speech ended his career because of capitalism, Kaepernick sues and files a grievance. 

 The left is a funny bunch of communists.
(10-16-2017, 11:38 AM)FreeAgent01 Wrote: [ -> ]I never understood how calling people hicks, rednecks, hillbillies, etc. isn't considered racist.

Redskins is racist. I never understood why people use the terms rednecks and hillbillies, but "racist" is not the word that comes to mind.
(10-16-2017, 11:38 AM)FreeAgent01 Wrote: [ -> ]I never understood how calling people hicks, rednecks, hillbillies, etc isn't considered racist.

It's equality bro...
Butt hurt, over emotional game attendees.

Notice I didn't say fans.
[Image: 1xpddx.jpg]
A few players kneel down during the anthem, and loads of fans are perfectly willing to destroy our franchise over it.

Our general attendance is round about 61k to 62k. A good chunk of that is usually fans from the visiting team. The Rams are a recently relocated franchise who have yet to even build a fanbase in their home town, let alone on the road. Take away the visiting fans from the normal attendance figure and you land almost exactly on the 56k figure that was announced yesterday.
(10-16-2017, 01:53 PM)DragonFury Wrote: [ -> ]Our general attendance is round about 61k to 62k. A good chunk of that is usually fans from the visiting team. The Rams are a recently relocated franchise who have yet to even build a fanbase in their home town, let alone on the road. Take away the visiting fans from the normal attendance figure and you land almost exactly on the 56k figure that was announced yesterday.

The RAMS were in LA for a long time so they supposedly have a fan base and Stan the Scam was counting on that when he yanked them out of STL, well and the ton of money rolling in for his property/stadium.  I don't disagree with the point that getting fans from the other team is part of the attendance just pointing out that this isn't an expansion franchise.

AT&T Stadium here in Dallas is built for opposing teams to attend.  This area is huge but Jerry takes everyone's money.  The Frisco practice facility is all about the cash and that place is insane.  Jeruh is concerned about ticking off the fans that should be all that anyone needs to know about the situation.  It is NOT a Jacksonville only problem.
(10-16-2017, 11:38 AM)FreeAgent01 Wrote: [ -> ]I never understood how calling people hicks, rednecks, hillbillies, etc isn't considered racist.

(10-16-2017, 11:50 AM)JaguarsWoman Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-16-2017, 11:38 AM)FreeAgent01 Wrote: [ -> ]I never understood how calling people hicks, rednecks, hillbillies, etc. isn't considered racist.

Redskins is racist. I never understood why people use the terms rednecks and hillbillies, but "racist" is not the word that comes to mind.

I really think this racist term is thrown around quite loosely these days.
showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

Now.... the "n" word means ignorant person, and so applying such a term to a race of people is racist.
However... a word, such a redskin, doesn't actually imply superiority. Rather it is just a crude descriptor word. Much like calling African Americans "black" people.
A word like Hillbilly is of Scottish decent... basically meaning, people 'of the hills'. Again... not really racist, although I suppose applying such a term to all white people could make it racist in it's use, if used by a non-white non-hill living person.

This "PC" world we now live in has caused some serious flailing about words that should never be. They are just words people. Someone is always looking for a reason to be offended... it's sickening.

Attendance is low for a late game with a WC opponent no one cares about in FL.
And I'm sure there are some people following through with their boycotts and what not due to a stupid thing like kneeling during a stupid song about a stupid piece of fabric........ heck, my boss' father-in-law is a long time season ticket holder of the Pack.... straight up not going to games, not giving away tickets, just tossing them.... so that aspect is real.

But mostly... if you want butts in the seats constantly.... you'll have to win more consistently
I can understand why players would be over the Jacksonville market. There isn't much money outside of football for the players. I am sure they look at London as a market and think there would be untold riches if they could own that market.

I think having a London team is the next LA conundrum.
London Jaguars......coming soon.

The NFL has been grooming the move for years.

I don't wish losing a team on ANYONE. Been there with Houston. However, the Oilers move wasnt about attendance. It was a city fed up with an owner. The NFL was always going to come back because of money.
(10-15-2017, 07:30 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm team was hyped for a big win prior kickoff why such a small turnout?

Between the boycott, the late kickoff, and the owner's interview where he referred to many of the owners as old white racists, it was kind of expected that the crowd would be lighter than usual, but the east side of the stadium looked particularly bad yesterday.
(10-16-2017, 02:05 PM)MoJagFan Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-16-2017, 01:53 PM)DragonFury Wrote: [ -> ]Our general attendance is round about 61k to 62k. A good chunk of that is usually fans from the visiting team. The Rams are a recently relocated franchise who have yet to even build a fanbase in their home town, let alone on the road. Take away the visiting fans from the normal attendance figure and you land almost exactly on the 56k figure that was announced yesterday.

The RAMS were in LA for a long time so they supposedly have a fan base and Stan the Scam was counting on that when he yanked them out of STL, well and the ton of money rolling in for his property/stadium.  I don't disagree with the point that getting fans from the other team is part of the attendance just pointing out that this isn't an expansion franchise.

The Rams hadn't played in LA in 22 years since they left and even when they were in LA their fanbase wasn't that great. Sure they picked up some of their old fans when they moved back but it's not like they walked into an established fanbase from day 1. Look at their numbers from this year: 60, 56k, 61k. Those are Jacksonville level numbers, and definitely not the numbers of a fanbase that's going to cross a continent to attend an NFL game in Jacksonville.
(10-16-2017, 01:53 PM)DragonFury Wrote: [ -> ]Our general attendance is round about 61k to 62k. A good chunk of that is usually fans from the visiting team. The Rams are a recently relocated franchise who have yet to even build a fanbase in their home town, let alone on the road. Take away the visiting fans from the normal attendance figure and you land almost exactly on the 56k figure that was announced yesterday.

The figure they announce is the tickets distributed, which is tickets sold or given away.  So maybe they sold and gave away 56,000 tickets, but if you looked at that stadium, that looked like the 4th quarter of a Thursday night preseason game.  It was EMPTY!  I'd bet there weren't more than 25,000 fans in attendance yesterday.   I looked at that and I said to myself, "Here comes more talk about moving the team."
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