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Every home game I attended over the years we lost. So when home field means nothing. Eventually the attendence will suffor.
It's simple - start winning at home.  Who wants to go to a game where you're just about guaranteed to see another loss?  

Combine the worst record over the past decade with an even worse winning percentage at home, add in some protests that po'd a lot of people, and this is what you get.  

Want the fans to come back?  Start winning at home.  

And I do like the apology the Jags sent out.  It was a step in the right direction at least...
For what it's worth, I do think the kneeling had an impact on attendance. Lots of hatred against the Jags on social media because of it. As a veteran, I never thought twice about it since one of the rights I served to protect was the right to protest peacefully. Anyway, I think it will wear off with time but some fans are probably lost forever regardless of the win/loss record. Winning will hasten the return of others though.

I think Shad is trying to move the team to London. That's why he did what he did on foreign soil. He knew it wouldn't play well in a military town. He knew he'd lose a lot of fan support in Jacksonville. It will give him the justification he needs to pack up and leave in the next few years. I'm sorry to state this - I hope I'm crazy and way off the mark here. Maybe I am crazy. It's 230 in the morning as I write this. Maybe I've lost it.

Tonight, Kahn resumed his fight with Trump, saying that Trump's angry because the NFL wouldn't let him buy a team. Whether you like Trump or not, tell me how this feud helps the team? How does it help repair the damage already done? It doesn't.
The kneeling is just the beginning. NFLPA and its commie masters are just getting warmed up.
(10-19-2017, 02:34 AM)JagFanFirst Wrote: [ -> ]I think Shad is trying to move the team to London. That's why he did what he did on foreign soil. He knew it wouldn't play well in a military town. He knew he'd lose a lot of fan support in Jacksonville. It will give him the justification he needs to pack up and leave in the next few years. I'm sorry to state this - I hope I'm crazy and way off the mark here. Maybe I am crazy. It's 230 in the morning as I write this. Maybe I've lost it.

Tonight, Kahn resumed his fight with Trump, saying that Trump's angry because the NFL wouldn't let him buy a team. Whether you like Trump or not, tell me how this feud helps the team? How does it help repair the damage already done? It doesn't.
Learn how to spell the mans name if you are going to type it. Wallbash
(10-19-2017, 05:10 AM)bangem904 Wrote: [ -> ]The kneeling is just the beginning.  NFLPA and its commie masters are just getting warmed up.

Wrong. LOL. Laughing Laughing
(10-19-2017, 08:37 AM)Jagwired Wrote: [ -> ][quote pid='1046813' dateline='1508404206']
The kneeling is just the beginning.  NFLPA and its commie masters are just getting warmed up.

Wrong. LOL. Laughing Laughing

The collective bargaining agreement is running out so yes this is just the beginning of what the NFLPA is going to do.  The owners will cave.  Hey the NFL supports "bipartisan" bill for criminal justice reform so get ready for more politics in sports.  Oh boy I can never get enough.

I just read an article where Chris Long is donating the rest of his game checks this year.....

Long announced via Twitter on Wednesday that he would be giving the 10 checks to charitable organizations in Philadelphia, Boston, and St. Louis “whose missions focus on making education easily accessible to underserved youth while also providing students the support they need to develop strong social and emotional character.

Now that is activism above taking a knee.
Boycotting hurts the fans a lot more than it hurts the Jaguars or the NFL. Want to stay away from the games? Want to quit buying tickets? The NFL would say, "Go ahead. Make my day." Because it helps them do what they have always wanted to do: move the team. And Khan? Mr. International Billionaire? Your wife (Jacksonville) is getting tiresome. A new better-looking girl (London) is waiting.

So go ahead. Boycott. Goodbye Jaguars.
(10-19-2017, 05:10 AM)bangem904 Wrote: [ -> ]The kneeling is just the beginning.  NFLPA and its commie masters are just getting warmed up.

 They started with the Black Panthers Beyonce' police hating Super Bowl halftime show. All apart of Soros/left wing agenda. Khan is about to con Jacksonville soon. All those naive fans.....total wolf in sheep clothing.
This is about the small market and losing tradition over the years, the protest ramifications were loose shingles compared to the damage caused by the hurricane of picking in the top ten for 5 years in a row.

This protest has so little to do with the actual act of the protest, I'm not sure why people are missing the fact that all this stuff happened last year and was just a minor bullet point on the list of news quickly fading into the background, however, when the president out of left field a year later throws down a gauntlet and calls the players [BLEEP]'s, it was no longer about the protest it was about the friction and antipathy that exist in America between two sides. Its a fight that needs little ignition to start and the president was more than willing to light the match in a way that was probably perceived by most players as very insulting.

You have to ask why some people get so enraged, claiming a disrespect of the military when many military people even on this board aren't so viscerally affected? Its because this isn't about the protest, this is about an outlet of anger and grievances that exist in our society between people who live in two different Americas. Most likely the same people angry saw "those people" as un American even before or at least had questions about their Americaness. There's a resentment that boils to the surface on these things. Players only started protesting in number after they were called [BLEEP]'s, so was it directly about injustice or was it more about a president who they don't like? I'd like to see a Ven diagram of the people who are pissed about the protests and people who are cool with the confederate flag.

Khan is on the ball this has to do with the fact that Trump couldn't join the club. He was rebuffed twice. Khan obviously isn't afraid to speak his mind and risk losing money in the short term because of it. I hope he continues to make a point about how Trump was denied a franchise multiple times, there's really no retort, and it might help this issue to blow over, which everyone wants. Khan really is in a strong position if you think about it. If he become the owner that took on Trump, that will sell well with the players, because I'm guessing the president isn't popular with the rank and file NFL player. If the local JAX community starts to pull away, he can then use it as a justification to move the team to London, and I'm guessing being anti Trump will go over well very well in London. The local loyal fans will unfortunately be collateral damage in this.
(10-19-2017, 08:37 AM)Jagwired Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-19-2017, 02:34 AM)JagFanFirst Wrote: [ -> ]I think Shad is trying to move the team to London. That's why he did what he did on foreign soil. He knew it wouldn't play well in a military town. He knew he'd lose a lot of fan support in Jacksonville. It will give him the justification he needs to pack up and leave in the next few years. I'm sorry to state this - I hope I'm crazy and way off the mark here. Maybe I am crazy. It's 230 in the morning as I write this. Maybe I've lost it.

Tonight, Kahn resumed his fight with Trump, saying that Trump's angry because the NFL wouldn't let him buy a team. Whether you like Trump or not, tell me how this feud helps the team? How does it help repair the damage already done? It doesn't.
Learn how to spell the mans name if you are going to type it. Wallbash
(10-19-2017, 05:10 AM)bangem904 Wrote: [ -> ]The kneeling is just the beginning.  NFLPA and its commie masters are just getting warmed up.

Wrong. LOL. Laughing Laughing
Trump bought the USFL's NJ Generals supposedly as a "challenge" but he always wanted to own a major league team. His goal was to get the Generals into the NFL at the expense of his fellow USFL owners or get the chance to buy a NFL team outright. He was the one that pushed hard to move the league from the spring to the fall in direct competition with the NFL just when the USFL was starting to do well with attendance and tv contracts. He went into talks with Roselle to try to convince him a Trump NFL franchise would be good for the NFL. Roselle rebuffed the advances so Trump did what Trump usually does when he doesn't get his way. He pushed for a suit against the NFL. Even though the USFL won the suit they were awarded just three dollars. Trump has had a hard on for the NFL ever since they wouldn't allow him into their club and he pretty much personally destroyed the USFL..
The military is not concerned or angered by the lack of disrespect.

 Yea okay. This has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

 With a vet.  Out of his own pocket paying for a banner flying over the field.  

We have a owner that is okay with Kaep here and joins in to protest against the flag over seas.  

No man. That all was dumb. So dumb Lamping had to give an apology letter. Not Kahn. 

Cause they don't want to hear from him. 

The boycott is real. And the real military is not happy with the Jaguars or anyone who kneeled. Especially when stood up for London song. On National TV none the less.

When the kneeling protest does nothing to over turn the violence or support any cause. 

Just brings unwanted attention to the players. 

And in many soliders eyes. I went over overseas and many of my brothers died.  And ya play a entertainment game. 

Make more in a year then I ever will.  And I have to deal with pstd and nightmares every night.  

And ya can't even stand for the flag that makes ya free.  That me and my brothers fought for. 

And that vet I'd call ya out. Coming from a military family myself.  But I get another warning. 

What they did totally disrespects the code of arms. And ya okay with it how?
The protests weren't a minor bullet point. They started with Kap last year, and other players across the league have followed suit. They are a symptom of the NFL's embrace of politics, and fans are rejecting it. You can see it not just in declining attendance figures in Jacksonville, but also around the league. Ratings have slipped too, and all of this preceded Trump's election. Trump's simply expressing what many fans feel right now. If Shad cares about mending fences with the people of Jacksonville, he'd act differently. He wouldn't attack Trump the day the team offers a public apology. It serves no purpose.

The NFL is in a precarious position right now. Major League Soccer is huge - more kids are playing soccer these days than football. Here in Atlanta, the new Atlanta United soccer team outdraws the Falcons-who went to the Super Bowl last year. The NBA is more popular than ever. Major League Baseball is doing well. It's not inconceivable that the league could take a back seat to all of these sports. Moving the Jags to London won't stop that.
(10-19-2017, 01:42 PM)JagFanFirst Wrote: [ -> ]The protests weren't a minor bullet point. They started with Kap last year, and other players across the league have followed suit. They are a symptom of the NFL's embrace of politics, and fans are rejecting it. You can see it not just in declining attendance figures in Jacksonville, but also around the league. Ratings have slipped too, and all of this preceded Trump's election. Trump's simply expressing what many fans feel right now. If Shad cares about mending fences with the people of Jacksonville, he'd act differently. He wouldn't attack Trump the day the team offers a public apology. It serves no purpose.

The NFL is in a precarious position right now. Major League Soccer is huge - more kids are playing soccer these days than football. Here in Atlanta, the new Atlanta United soccer team outdraws the Falcons-who went to the Super Bowl last year. The NBA is more popular than ever. Major League Baseball is doing well. It's not inconceivable that the league could take a back seat to all of these sports. Moving the Jags to London won't stop that.

Falcons are averaging more a game thean the largest crowd in the history of MLS.  http://www.espn.com/nfl/attendance, the https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/socc...78cedc3b0d, they essentially both sold out the stadium, must be slightly more football seats.

The drop in viewership is not related to the protests, it has been dropping for the last few years, there are just less sports fans, more viewing options, and people have more things to do.   The protests didn't create it, this is a small vocal group of people who feel this way.  

Football will always be king because of the game, MLB too slow too many games, MLS (minor league soccer and slow game), NBA (different demographic), CFB is the only substitute but they play on Saturdays.   The NFL makes so much money and has so many viewers even if they lost a sizeable chunk they would still be making a ton of money and killing the other leagues.  The game is just too exciting and every week counts.  This righteous indignation will eventually give way to peoples fandom and love of the game.
That is what they said back in the day with MLB.
(10-19-2017, 11:46 AM)jradMITEX Wrote: [ -> ]This is about the small market and losing tradition over the years, the protest ramifications were loose shingles compared to the damage caused by the hurricane of picking in the top ten for 5 years in a row.

This protest has so little to do with the actual act of the protest, I'm not sure why people are missing the fact that all this stuff happened last year and was just a minor bullet point on the list of news quickly fading into the background, however, when the president out of left field a year later throws down a gauntlet and calls the players [BLEEP]'s, it was no longer about the protest it was about the friction and antipathy that exist in America between two sides. Its a fight that needs little ignition to start and the president was more than willing to light the match in a way that was probably perceived by most players as very insulting.  

You have to ask why some people get so enraged, claiming a disrespect of the military when many military people even on this board aren't so viscerally affected?  Its because this isn't about the protest, this is about an outlet of anger and grievances that exist in our society between people who live in two different Americas.  Most likely the same people angry saw "those people" as un American even before or at least had questions about their Americaness.   There's a resentment that boils to the surface on these things.  Players only started protesting in number after they were called [BLEEP]'s, so was it directly about injustice or was it more about a president who they don't like?    I'd like to see a Ven diagram of the people who are pissed about the protests and people who are cool with the confederate flag.  

Khan is on the ball this has to do with the fact that Trump couldn't join the club.  He was rebuffed twice.  Khan obviously isn't afraid to speak his mind and risk losing money in the short term because of it.  I hope he continues to make a point about how Trump was denied a franchise multiple times, there's really no retort, and it might help this issue to blow over, which everyone wants.  Khan really is in a strong position if you think about it.  If he become the owner that took on Trump, that will sell well with the players, because I'm guessing the president isn't popular with the rank and file NFL player.  If the local JAX community starts to pull away, he can then use it as a justification to move the team to London, and I'm guessing being anti Trump will go over well very well in London.  The local loyal fans will unfortunately be collateral damage in this.

I am so glad to see that someone else noticed this. Do not allow this to get you any more worked up than it did last year when it actually started. I don't recall any Jaguars kneeling last year. The reason so many across the league kneeled this year was purely in protest to the Presidents statements for that one week. That is why most moved on to business as usual the very next week. The only people threatening boycott before the Presidents comments were those that support Kaepernick and believe he's being black balled from the league. Now the President has riled up those on the other side of an issue that was pretty small and we have people on both sides boycotting the same league but for opposite reasons.
I see this thread getting moved or closed soon.
Trump is a petulant man child with a psycotic vindictive streak and he uses this and other non issue things to divert the attention away from his rapidly failing administration.

I support the players and the owners. If you don't that is your right.

Really, Trump is the poster child for patriotism? I wonder what the 51k dead from the SE Asian war would have to say about it.
(10-19-2017, 02:55 PM)Rico Wrote: [ -> ]I see this thread getting moved or closed soon.

good call
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