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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Los Angeles Chargers Game Day Thread***
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3rd and 17, they call a qb run that gets 11 and then have have a chance to get a field goal and they get the results they did. Would Hurns have gotten the 1st down? Would he have caught the ball if it was thrown at him?
If we win this...wow..
Blowout coming. This team is being lead into a game by dolts this week.
I can't see the Jaguars winning at this point. I don't think the chargers will get stupid with ball safety. Looks like another titans game where coaching let's it get away from them with frightened play calling early.
(11-12-2017, 03:58 PM)Firesky Wrote: [ -> ]You're in Lambos range (he made a 56 yarder a few games prior) so from 52 you give him that shot. why do you go for it on 4th and 6!?!?!?! This is horrible coaching.

Yep. Totally dont understand that decision.
(11-12-2017, 03:58 PM)knarnn Wrote: [ -> ]I find it funny that the same people complaining about going for it on 4th and 6th were complaining about the jags playing it too safe earlier.

Hindsight...bet they wouldn't complain if we got first
I honestly think our coaches are clowning us. For whatever reason, they are calling a historically bad game.
Keep complaining true fans. Only thing you are good at. Passionate doesn't do you justice. Bunch of nerds. Ball was catchable on 3rd down btw.
We need a stop...maybe we just can't beat Rivers...our D looks like one of ours Ds of the past Bradley Era
(11-12-2017, 03:58 PM)Fred Jones-Brunell Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty poorly called game plan today..I know Gus is in the house but that doesn't always means the Jags will lose

About 70% of the time it does
We thought we'd have the advantage over Gus but it seems the coaches think he does. Such a difference to what we have been doing.

Someone needs to make a play to swing the momentum as the Chargers are in control here.
Our defense went from ballhawking speed to wimps
(11-12-2017, 03:59 PM)FsuClark08 Wrote: [ -> ]If we win this...wow..



Rivers is just always going to beat us.
Rivers owns us

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Wheres the hold??
$5 they pick this up
3rd and 10+ is when Rivers is at his fibest vs us
What’s the definition of holding if your a Jag defensive player?
Lol. We were held like mad there.