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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Los Angeles Chargers Game Day Thread***
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Ok. The hunt for 1st round QB is back on.
We threw the game. The fix is in. Not even the worst QB in the league makes that throw this close to the win.
OMG losing to sprinkles, its just too much!
Just can't deal with adversity at all. This team is garbage in close games. It is just a fact.
The GB game was bad but this is worse
42 attempts for Bortles is on the coaches. What a freaking joke. Jags gonna Jag.
So wait..how is the flag thrown on lee when he danced because there was PI
Going to be honest, really disgusted with Lee right now, not even mad at Bortles at this point.
Nail biter.
Where is spacecoast? Haha
it's hard to believe that with all the crap that's happened in the last couple of minutes, we still have a chance in this game!
(11-12-2017, 05:17 PM)Takedakai Wrote: [ -> ]Going to be honest, really disgusted with Lee right now, not even mad at Bortles at this point.

nah that throw was unacceptable. surreal.
Offensive holding on almost every play.

Can’t beat the other team and the refs

There was no evidence that anyone touched Gipson but they called it back anyway.
(11-12-2017, 05:17 PM)Fred Jones-Brunell Wrote: [ -> ]So wait..how is the flag thrown on lee when he danced because there was PI

You can't taunt. [BLEEP] kind of post is this?
(11-12-2017, 05:15 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-12-2017, 05:14 PM)jagherd Wrote: [ -> ]OMG.



We cant snap the ball for field goal

That was a 3rd down play,, and thrown nowhere near anybody. It had nothing to do with FGs.

Bortles had 2 terrible decision INTs the last two critical drives.

He gets a chance for redemption here.
need 2 first downs.
This is unacceptable on so many levels. I hate this game. Not because we lost but there is some obvious fixing and crap going on with the refs and our players are idiots.
Does it get any more because Jaguars than this game?
Just don't know if they can even attempt a field goal.