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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Los Angeles Chargers Game Day Thread***
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Have these refs ever read the nfl rulebook? serious question.
Damn punter! All you have to do in your life is kick the stupid ball and get it down inside the 10.
Ekeler the Jaguar killer.
Refs are awful.
refs have no control of this game.

should have been a flag on Jackson. REFS YOU SUCK!
Yeldon was in for that 4th down?! Were we trying to draw them off? Horrible call. Almost makes you want the replacements back. Almost.
Tacks losing
This defense is allowing way too many yards on 1st down.
The refs should've called it 2 seconds before they did.
I don't know why we can't just blitz them we're gonna lose sitting around in base defense letting them run.
Need this stop.
Ramsey should have had that. Ugh
Block the punt
If Marrone had just took the damn 3 points earlier...
Just need 3 to get to OT. Lets do it Jags!
Can we just run Bortles?
Bortles can prove a lot of people wrong!!!!
Blake Bortles!
Plenty of time just need a field goal come on.