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The secret to beating the Pats is to always take advantage of opportunities to take the points. Always. Falcons learned this lesson last year.
It was the right call. The refs literally just gifted the pats two penalties that allowed them to score. Everyone was emotional and the flags was coming out. The last thing you wanted to happen is you run a play and boom holding on the jags. The pats had all their timeouts. Or you throw an incomplete pass

Also the eagles were playing Case Keenum. We’re playing Brady. Huge difference.
It’s a game management situation. As a fan (and madden player) hell yeah sling it down feild for more points but the reality is we were in control at that point. We actually went up 10 afterwards. You stick to your principles and don’t make emotional decisions which is what everyone here is doing. Remember the Cardinals game. That what happens when you get cute and don’t stick to principles. Y’all would have been real upset had we gone 3 and out and then Brady gets another PI and a cheap td to go up 17-14 into the half.

This was this teams first taste of the post season and they went toe to toe with a giant. They’ll be more equipped next time.
If it's such a great decision then how come 0 teams in 2017 kneeled with a minute to go the half?
(01-22-2018, 04:30 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]If it's such a great decision then how come 0 teams in 2017 kneeled with a minute to go the half?

how many of them played in the AFC championship?  It's time to move on.  Fine, they should have scored 100 touchdowns but didn't.  Great.  time to move on.
Hackett is a hack. Runs in the family. Bortles isn't Coughlin's guy. He shouldn't be here next season or needs to compete for his job. Too inconsistent in upcoming year 5 to stick with.
(01-22-2018, 04:50 PM)Setsuna00 Wrote: [ -> ]Hackett is a hack. Runs in the family. Bortles isn't Coughlin's guy. He shouldn't be here next season or needs to compete for his job. Too inconsistent in upcoming year 5 to stick with.

His stats after 4 years coming up to 5 are better then Big Ben, Eli, Alex Smith and many others. Eli was TC guy and Bortels is better at the same point in their career. Although i do agree hackett is a hack. BB5 is a Franchise QB , is he an Elite QB? dont know TB was not considered elite till he was 27 or 28. And quit frankly there are only 3 or 4 Elite qbs Brady, Rodgers, Big Ben, and Breese. If you are waiting to get one of them you will end up being the browns who draft a QB every year. BB is a Franchise QB who in his 4th year too a team to the AFC championship Game and should have taken them to the SB if it wasnt for lousey coaching and bad refs. And in the Championship game with the weight of the world on his shoulders and the hate from everyone not a Jags fan (and even some that are 1010XL ppl included) He went out and went toe to toe stat for stat with the greatest of all time. BB5 is a franchise QB and if he continues to grow and make gains every year by time he is 27 or 28 he may well be a elite QB. As they say anything is possible.
(01-22-2018, 04:32 PM)badger Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-22-2018, 04:30 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]If it's such a great decision then how come 0 teams in 2017 kneeled with a minute to go the half?

how many of them played in the AFC championship?  It's time to move on.  Fine, they should have scored 100 touchdowns but didn't.  Great.  time to move on.

And there lies the point. They wouldn't have done it in a regular season scenario....with good reason.  

Move on from what? We're debating the merits of a coaching decision that was widely panned yesterday. It deserves discussion as does the other big which led to the loss.
I blame Colin Kaepernick, he got everyone started on the kneeling ....not a good choice at all.
(01-22-2018, 04:32 PM)badger Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-22-2018, 04:30 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]If it's such a great decision then how come 0 teams in 2017 kneeled with a minute to go the half?

how many of them played in the AFC championship?  It's time to move on.  Fine, they should have scored 100 touchdowns but didn't.  Great.  time to move on.

And how many lost the AFC championship game?
On Inside the NFL, they said the Patriots decision to punt on several 4th downs when they were in decent position to go for it was based on knowing the coaching staff had little faith in Bortles after the stunt they pulled at the end of the half.

The coaches neutered him.
(01-24-2018, 09:19 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]On Inside the NFL, they said the Patriots decision to punt on several 4th downs when they were in decent position to go for it was based on knowing the coaching staff had little faith in Bortles after the stunt they pulled at the end of the half.

The coaches neutered him.

He was out playing Brady and the coaches had little faith in him? Load of bull crap if you ask me. The coaches tried to out coach themselves. They went conservative to try and run clock and protect a lead, instead of trying to add to the lead. Had nothing to do with Bortles.
(01-24-2018, 06:07 PM)Eric1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-24-2018, 09:19 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]On Inside the NFL, they said the Patriots decision to punt on several 4th downs when they were in decent position to go for it was based on knowing the coaching staff had little faith in Bortles after the stunt they pulled at the end of the half.

The coaches neutered him.

He was out playing Brady and the coaches had little faith in him? Load of bull crap if you ask me. The coaches tried to out coach themselves. They went conservative to try and run clock and protect a lead, instead of trying to add to the lead. Had nothing to do with Bortles.

Yeah, it is crap. It has nothing to do with "not having faith" (whatever that means) and everything to do with playing conservative with the ball inside your 10 yard line up 10 points which most teams would do in that situation. Even then it's not like he wasn't passing it to try to pick up a first down. He threw it on 2nd and 3rd down and the first pass Lewis got mugged and the second was a comeback at the sticks where the defender made a great stop a yard short of the first down. Then another drive from inside the 10 and Lewis gets mugged again over the middle on 3rd down. They didn't seem to lack faith in the 4th against Pittsburgh. So what was different? Maybe a 2 possession lead, poor field position, and some missed PI calls.
The coaches curled up in the fetal postion and said maybe our defense can hold till the end. if they kept letting bb5 play and run somthing other then run run pass punt. we would have destroyed the pats and be in the superbowl
If anything it was just the 1st down runs up the middle that are in question, shouldve run wide they had sucsess, other than that Bortles was throwing on second down all second half. Not like we were in 3rd and 12 all half. If just maybe one or two of the 3rd down passes were completed or called for defensive holding as they should have things might be different. Why they completely took Cory Grant out even as a decoy is in question to me.
We've all seen conservative, run on first and second down and have 3rd and 8. That didnt happen look at the drive charts on nfl.com.
Before anybody jumps on this...I did not like them taking a knee.

But when you look at the whole situation I kind of understand it.  I think the fact that we were getting the second half kickoff definitely played into it.
(01-22-2018, 10:34 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]I understand both sides of the argument, but we also kicked a long FG where a miss would have resulted in TB getting the ball at mid-field. My point is, it's not like the team doesn't take risks.

Bortles has always excelled in the 2 minute offense and to not even think he could pick up 40 yards with the way we were gashing them in the 1st half is pretty much a huge slap in the face.

There are one of two things going on IMO:

1. Bortles isn't good enough to run the offense Hackett wants to run
2. Hackett isn't a good enough coordinator to call a game plan suited to Bortles' strengths.

#2 seems to be the answer these days.

I think they simply felt momentum had swung to New England and they wanted to get to the locker room knowing they’d get the ball to start the 2nd half.  

I thought they should have at least run a play to see if they could get something started, but I think they were concerned that if they did, NE would have started burning timeouts to get one more shot before the half.  I did t like the decision, but understood it completely.

I don’t think it had anything to do with Bortles. As far as Hackett is concerned, he had called a good game to that point.
(01-22-2018, 04:03 PM)Etdavis2006 Wrote: [ -> ]It was the right call. The refs literally just gifted the pats two penalties that allowed them to score. Everyone was emotional and the flags was coming out. The last thing you wanted to happen is you run a play and boom holding on the jags. The pats had all their timeouts. Or you throw an incomplete pass

Also the eagles were playing Case Keenum. We’re playing Brady. Huge difference.

Actually, the Pats had only one timeout left. I think at least we should have run one relatively safe play on 1st down and then decide what to do. Pass or run, no difference since we still could have knelt out the clock if we didn't get what we wanted.
(01-25-2018, 12:40 AM)BamboozledAgain Wrote: [ -> ]We've all seen conservative, run on first and second down and have 3rd and 8. That didnt happen look at the drive charts on nfl.com.

This is exactly what I'm thinking after going throw the drive charts, especially in the 4th quarter. If they were playing the run the clock strategy, they would have run the ball more on second down...but they didn't. They had 3 first downs in the 4th quarter where they ran the ball and then threw incompletions on second down that stopped the clock. That's almost 2 mins of potential clock right there that they didn't use which kept the Patriots in the game. Looking back I just don't understand what the strategy was on offense to try to keep the lead based on the playcalling that happened...it made no sense to me at all.
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